《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 11


We were now in the school yard. The excitement was building up in me as I watched Ash and Pikachu run to the other side of the field. This was going to be my first real battle in a while, so I was a little nervous as to how I would do. The rest of the class stood on the sidelines; watching me with anticipation.

Froslass floated by my side, looking at me with a bit of sadness in her eyes, as she watched Ash run. My heart sank when I realized this was her first trainer against trainer battle without mom. I had watched my mom and Froslass battle before back in Kanto, and they were no doubt in sync with each other. I remember my mom always said that she was going to apply to be an Ice Gym Leader, if such a gym was ever made in Kanto. I could tell this was going to be a little bittersweet for her.

I smiled at Froslass to cheer her up a little. "Hey, we'll do just fine. I know this is your first trainer against trainer battle without mom." I said, apologetically. I felt kind of bad bringing this on her; I didn't know if it was too soon or not.

Froslass's expression lifted a bit as she rubbed her head against me affectionately. "Fros." She said, as she hugged me with her humanoid hands. I smiled and hugged her back.

"That's the spirit." I said. Froslass and I were going to get through this dark period in our lives together. There was no way I was going to let her go through this alone, and I hoped she would do the same for me.

"Wow. Froslass and Emethyst sure are close." I heard Lillie's familiar high pitched voice say, as she watched Froslass and I hug each other.

My dad nodded. "Yes. Froslass and Emethyst have been together since they were little." My dad winked at me, as if he wanted me to go along with what he had said. I mean, he wasn't lying. Froslass and I had been together since we were both little, even though she was my mom's Pokemon.

Ash and Pikachu reached the other side of the field. "Alright! We're ready!" Ash yelled from the other side, as Pikachu jumped on his shoulder. "Pika-Pi!" Pikachu yelled in determination.

I took a deep breath, as Froslass floated in front me. She looked determined and ready, as she eyed Pikachu and Ash.

"Alright!" My dad yelled from the middle of the field. "This will be a one on one battle. The battle will be over when either side's Pokemon is unable to battle!" My dad exclaimed.

Ash eyed me from the other side of the battlefield. I could tell this was nothing new to him, plus I knew he was ready for an all out battle with me for some reason.

"Alright Pikachu, I choose you!" Ash exclaimed excitedly, as Pikachu jumped down onto the ground in front of him.

I smiled with satisfaction. I knew he was going to pick Pikachu for some reason. "Oh this should be easy," I teased. "Froslass, I choose you!" I yelled, as Froslass floated in front of me, her humanoid hand over her mouth as usual.

"Pikachu! Use Quick Attack!" Ash yelled. Pikachu then began charging at Froslass at the speed of lightning. I was almost taken aback by how quick Pikachu was.

"Froslass! Dodge it!" I yelled. Froslass then moved over to the side, causing Pikachu to miss her completely. I did a little dance inside, as Pikachu had a bit of a rough landing. I struggled a little, because I still couldn't fully remember what moves Froslass knew.


"Froslass! Use Shadow Ball!" I yelled. Froslass charged the Shadow Ball with her hands, and threw it at Pikachu, harder than she did last night at the Mimikyu, or whatever that Pokemon was. I could tell right now that Froslass wasn't going to hold back.

"DODGE IT, PIKACHU!" Ash yelled, getting a little excited. Pikachu ran, but he wasn't fast enough. Froslass's Shadow Ball had hit him, causing him to take a tumble.

"Yes! Awesome job, Froslass!" I jumped up and down, cheering her on. I tucked the Froslassite into my tank top to save the best part for last, and to also hide it from the class.

Pikachu quickly got back up on all fours, as he now looked determined. I was actually amazed at how fast he had gotten up like it was nothing.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!" Ash yelled. Pikachu's tail began glowing, as he charged at Froslass. I began to panic a little, because I knew steel type moves were super effective against an ice type like Froslass. I also wasn't expecting Pikachu to know such a move.

"Dodge it, Froslass!" I yelled, as I watched Pikachu jump into the air, and got his lightning bolt shaped tail ready to hit Froslass like a whip. Froslass stayed frozen in space, as if she were in shock.

"DODGE IT, FROSLASS!" I exclaimed again, a little excitedly. I was sure Pikachu's attack was going to hit, but I was surprised to see Froslass had snapped out of her shock, and dodged it just in time. Pikachu had hit the dirt, leaving a pretty decent hole in the ground.

"Wow, that Froslass is fast!" I heard the green haired girl named Mallow exclaim.

My dad nodded. "Mhm. Froslass is one of the fastest Pokemon of the Ghost typing." My dad said.

I looked over at my dad, and he nodded his head as if to give me the cue to Mega Evolve. I didn't want to do it just yet, though.

I thought about Froslass's moveset. I was pretty sure she knew Ice Beam, but I wasn't too sure. But, what was the harm in trying, right? "Froslass, use Ice Beam!" I exclaimed.

Froslass let out her cry, and an electric blue ball appeared at her mouth as she rose in the air. I watched as the electric blue beam headed straight for Pikachu.

"Pikachu, Counter it with Electro Ball!" Ash yelled. Pikachu charged the Electro Ball with his tail, and threw it at the Ice Beam that cancelled out both attacks.

"Wow. You guys are good!" I called out to them, as I began smiling slyly. "You two look like you're having a lot of fun!" I teased. Froslass floated in front of me; her hand over her mouth.

Ash smiled. "Yeah! We always enjoy a good battle." He called back out, as Pikachu stood in front of him on all fours with his determined look.

"Too bad I have to snow on your parade a bit." I teased, and took the necklace out from my tank top to reveal the mega stone. The sun began to catch the pretty blues in the stone, making it sparkle like freshly fallen snow.

I took a deep breath, as I cupped my hand over the Froslassite. "Alright, mom." I thought. "I'm doing this for you."

"Alright, Froslass!" I exclaimed. "My beautiful icy sweetheart, it's time to Mega Evolve!" I called out, as the stone began glowing.

Froslass began glowing blue, as if she were about to evolve. She then began to grow into the massive nine feet tall mega evolution I had saw last night. I will admit, her mega evolution was captivating. She reminded me of an ice queen. I was still amazed at how big she had gotten.


Rotom Dex then began squealing in disbelief. "WHAT?! SINCE WHEN HAS FROSLASS BEEN ABLE TO MEGA EVOLVE?!" He squealed, as his eyes went crazy.

"I was just about to say the same thing!" The ginger boy, Sophecles exclaimed. I could tell he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Froslass got so much bigger!" The blue clad girl Lana exclaimed, as her blue eyes sized Froslass up and down.

"Amazing." The shirtless, darker skinned boy Kiawe added.

"I read about that mega stone!" Lillie chimed in. "Isn't that the mega stone you can only get in the Torren region that's especially meant for Froslass?" She asked, staring at the stone that hung right in the middle of my chest as she clutched her white Vulpix.

My dad nodded. "Correct. Emethyst's mom went through it all to get her hands on that stone. I quite vividly remember it." He smiled, as if recalling a good memory.

Rotom Dex began to float around the field, taking pictures like an out of control camera. "THIS DATA WILL NEVER EVER BE DELETED!" He squealed in happiness.

Froslass towered in front of me, as she eyed Pikachu. She began to let out her low growl; which was now deeper because she was now mega evolved. It scared me a little bit. When she did this; I knew she was serious and meant business. I gulped in nervousness, for I didn't know what to expect.

However, I hid my nervousness. "Any last words before we blow you into the ground?" I teased, daringly. I took this as my moment to shine a bit. I felt the Froslassite glow warmly on my chest skin. Weirdly, it felt like a second heartbeat had joined in my chest, and it was beating with mine in unison.

"None at all, because it's time for a Z move!" Ash yelled, as he crossed his arms over each other. I saw something shiny on his wrist from the distance, but couldn't fully make out what it was. It looked to be a bracelet of some sort. I had noticed it before, but I didn't think it was anything credible. I thought it was just a watch or something.

It was at that moment I felt the blood drain from my face, as I realized what he was doing. I had heard of Z moves, but never fully understood what they were or how they worked. I know my mom used to talk about them sometimes, but she never really was that keen on them. I froze in space, as I watched, not knowing what to do in that moment.

Ash began doing poses of some sort, as I watched the yellow energy from the bracelet get transferred to Pikachu. I began to think quickly about what moves Froslass knew while she was under Mega Evolution. I know she knew Blizzard.. but there was another one. One that my mom had been working on with her that she hadn't done successfully yet, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"ALRIGHT, PIKACHU! FULL POWER NOW! USE GIGAVOLT HAVOC!" Ash yelled, as he started performing a punching motion. I watched as Pikachu charged an Electro Ball that was huge. I was for sure Ash had beat me in this battle, but I wasn't going to give up.

"FROSLASS! COUNTER IT WITH YOUR BLIZZARD!!" I yelled back, almost desperately. Froslass rose into the air, and let out her cry. I watched as Froslass conjured up her blizzard. I began to shiver, as it now got really cold. I watched as the giant Electro Ball and the Blizzard clashed with eachother, creating what looked to be a thunder snowstorm. It was pretty captivating to watch.

The blizzard then overcame the Electro Ball, as I watched the blizzard and thunder disinigrate. Pikachu was back on all fours, breathing hard. I could tell that Z move had taken alot of energy, but Froslass was still full of energy like it was nothing.

"That was so cute." I teased. "Your Z move was pretty nice, Ash. But it wasn't enough to take on Froslass's blizzard." I smiled, and taunted him a bit.

"Hey!" He yelled back, defensively. "We're still learning!"

I nodded my head. "As am I." I said, and shrugged. "But are you sure you can handle it? I told you I wasn't going to be easy on you." I smiled and winked. Froslass floated in front of me, as she awaited for Pikachu to make another move.

I could tell Ash was getting a little heated. I will admit, it was kind of funny to watch. "We can definitely handle it! Alright Pikachu, Use Thunderbolt!" He yelled.

That's when it clicked it my head. Destiny Bond. Destiny Bond was the move my mom was trying oh so desperately to get Froslass to learn while she was mega evolved. But for some reason, Froslass could never do it effectively.

I watched as Pikachu charged the lightning bolt through the red ducts on his cheeks, and shot the thunderbolt directly at Froslass.

"Froslass! Use Destiny Bond!" I called out, impulsively. I froze in space, realizing what I just said. I panicked a little inside, because I knew she didn't fully know that move just yet.

"WAIT, DESTINY BOND?!" Ash called out, fear overcoming his voice.

I watched as Pikachu's thunderbolt hit Froslass, but then I noticed a purple aura come from her, as it hit Pikachu directly. I then watched Pikachu's eyes turn into little swirls. I then watched Froslass return back to her normal size, and she also fainted. I couldn't believe it. Froslass had successfully performed Destiny Bond. I felt tears of happiness welling in my eyes.


I felt tears of happiness fall down my face. I ran over to Froslass to help her up. She immediately snapped out of the daze, as she now floated back up.

"OH MY GOSH, FROSLASS! YOU WERE AMAZING! YOU DID IT!" I exclaimed happily, as I hugged her tight. "Mom would be so proud of you!" Froslass then clutched me tight, as she was proud of herself as well. I couldn't blame her, though.

I looked over at my dad, who seemed confused. "Did I miss something?" He asked, as he watched the tears of happiness fall down my face.

I nodded. "Destiny Bond is a move my mom had been working on with Froslass before she died," I explained. "And she finally used it successfully in battle!" I exclaimed happily, as I jumped up and down. I knew mom was smiling from the heavens.

Ash and Pikachu then walked over to our side. "That was pretty awesome, Emethyst. But we'll rematch soon!" He exclaimed.

"Alright, class. Let's head back to the classroom for lunchtime!" My dad yelled out, as he started heading back towards the school.

I watched my classmates walk in front me, as I trailed behind. I saw my dad slow down a bit so he could walk with me, I guessed.

"Hey Emethyst, another great battle out there." He said, smiling at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up with happiness. "Thanks, Dad." I said, as I smiled.

"You are so much like your mother." He said, giggling a bit. "She used to do the same exact thing while she was battling."

I felt my eyebrow raise, as I looked up at him. "Um, what same exact thing?" I asked.

"Your mom used to tease her opponent every time she battled," he said. "She would tease them to get them to slip up a bit." He said, as if he were recalling a long forgotten memory.

I laughed a little at the sound of that. It did kind of sound like something my mother would do.

"I have so many stories I can tell you about you and your mom, but I wanted to wait until I knew it wouldn't hurt you." He said, as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I smiled at the thought of that. But at the same time, I was a little confused. Wasn't he out of my life for a majority of it?

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