《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 10


Emethyst's POV

I felt the blood drain from my face as I looked around at the six pairs of different eyes on me. My heart was beating in my chest like a dubstep song. I felt my knees beginning to feel weak, as if I was about to collapse or faint. In that moment, I kind of wished I was a ghost Pokemon that way I could disappear.

"Oh wow! That's your daughter, Professor?" A green eyed, green haired girl with pigtails exclaimed and smiled. "I'm Mallow!" She wore a gray outfit with what looked to be a pink undershirt underneath it, and a headband that had a pink flower on the side.

"Hi Emethyst, I'm Lana!" A short blue haired girl with blue eyes said. There was a blue Seel looking Pokemon sitting on her desk next to her that I had never seen before. She looked like she loved either the ocean or just the color blue in general.

"Hi Emethyst, I'm Lillie!" A platinum blonde haired girl with green eyes exclaimed in a high pitched voice. She wore a white hat, and had two braids on each side of her hair. She also wore a white dress similar to the black one I owned, except the patterns and shapes were different. She also had.. A white Vulpix?

"I'm Sophocles! Nice to meet you." A chubby, ginger boy with black eyes greeted. He wore a scarf that resembled a lightning bolt. He also wore a white shirt with what looked to be a game system on it, and brown shirts with orange rings on the bottom. He also wore green sneakers. A round, hamster looking Pokemon sat on his desk as well, that looked sort of like Pikachu, but not totally.

"And I'm Kiawe." A shirtless, darker skinned boy greeted me. He had black hair, with some bits and pieces of it red, and he wore a long necklace around his neck. He also wore two toned red shorts, and red sandals. A giant turtle looking Pokemon sat by his desk side.

I smiled nervously, as I felt my heart pounding in my chest. "N-nice to meet you all." I smiled nervously, as I closed my eyes. I kept my hand cupped over the Froslassite, for it was keeping me calm. "Oh, mom.." I thought.


I walked over to the empty desk next to Ash. I felt everyone's eyes on me on my small stroll across the classroom. I didn't particularly like this feeling. I almost wanted to have a psycho moment, and tell everyone to stop staring at me.

I took a seat at the desk, and noticed that only Froslass had followed me. Haunter wasn't in sight at all. This made my blood run cold a bit, only because I know how Haunter gets. He has a bad habit of getting into things.

"Where's Haunter?" My dad asked, as he looked around the classroom from the front.

I shrugged nervously. "I don't know, he was behind me, then the next thing I knew he was gone." I said, as I looked around. "Haunter! Where are you?" I called out, as I looked around.

"No worries, Emethyst. He'll turn up eventually, I'm sure." My dad assured.

I looked around a little worriedly, as I turned to Froslass. "Froslass, did you see where Haunter went?" I whispered to her.

"Lass." Froslass said, as she shook her head side to side.

"Ugh, figures..." I thought. Haunter has a bad habit of disappearing and getting into things he shouldn't. There was one time back in Lavender Town where he went out and scared people with his crazy faces. He scared a little girl so bad one time she begged her parents to move her away.

"Alright class, today's lesson is on Mega Evolution!" My dad exclaimed happily. "Can anyone tell me what Mega Evolution is?" He asked.

"Oh boy.." I thought. I definitely wasn't bringing attention to myself with this. I continued to cover the Froslassite with my hand, though I'm pretty sure my classmates thought it was just a necklace anyways. Well, except for Ash.

I looked up, and saw my dad staring directly at me, as if he expected me to answer.

No. I mouthed at him silently, as I shook my head from side to side, scrunching my nose a bit.

Ash's hand then shot up. "I know what it is!" He exclaimed happily.

"Alright, Ash?" My dad said. "Not the person I was hoping would raise their hand." My dad mumbled, slyly, as he stared at me.


I rolled my eyes and wiggled my head mockingly; as I continued cupping my hand over the Froslassite. He wasn't about to put me on the spot on my first day. Then again, I'm pretty sure he picked the Mega Evolution lesson because of me.

The class laughed at my dad's remark, though I don't think they caught on that he was talking about me, thank goodness.

"Mega Evolution is a temporary transformation that can only be done using a mega stone." Ash said, proudly.

My dad nodded. "Very good, Ash," My dad said. "Does anyone know what region it originated in?" My dad asked, as he looked around the classroom, his eyes kept going back to me, but I wasn't budging.

"Oh! I know!" Lillie squealed in her high pitched voice, as her hand shot up. Her voice wasn't too easy on the ears. Not to be mean, but I would probably tell Haunter to lick me if I had to listen to her talk for long periods of time.

"Lillie?" My dad pointed at her.

"I was reading about Mega Evolution once. Isn't it from the Kalos region?" She said, now a little unsure.

My dad nodded. "Yes, Lillie. Very good." He said, and smiled.

I looked around the classroom, and still didn't see Haunter anywhere. I was now beginning to get kind of worried. I didn't know where he could be, or where he could have gone. I sighed in worry, as I looked outside at the clear blue sky. I saw Spearows and other flying type pokemon I hadn't seen before; gliding against the breeze that now blew my stray hairs around a little.

Suddenly, I saw Haunter materialize right behind Lillie. Before I could say anything; he began tapping her on the shoulder the way he did to me that morning.

Lillie then let out a bloodcurdling scream, and went completely white. I put my hands over my ears, not being able to withstand her scream. The class looked at her in horror, and began asking her if she were okay.

"Haunter!" I exclaimed. I took my pokeball out of my pocket. "If you keep on; you're going right back into this pokeball." I growled. I loved Haunter, but now wasn't the time to bring attention to myself. But then, I began to wonder why Lillie freaked out so badly. The most a Haunter should do is give you some spinal chills.

Haunter then floated over to me, and began rubbing his gaseous body on me like a Meowth. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Ugh, okay. One more chance." I said, as I allowed myself a small smile and scratched the center of his head.

"Sorry guys, my Haunter is a bit of a character. He doesn't mean any harm; he just likes to get into mischief." I said, as I continued giving him head scratches.

Lillie then turned to me. "It's okay, Emethyst. I'm fine, really." She said, as she allowed a smile.

Ash laughed. "That's a Haunter from Lavender Town for you." He said, smiling and closing his eyes bashfully.

"Well class, today we have someone in here who actually has a mega stone of their own." My dad said, excitedly as he stared straight at me.

I felt my eyes widen and my cheeks heat up nervously. "I- I don't know what you're talking about." I stammered, as I turned my head away.

The whole class then turned around and stared at me. I was beginning to feel uneasy. I slunk down in my chair. "Dad.." I mumbled.

"Emethyst, how would you like to battle someone in the class and show off a bit?" My dad asked, as he stared at me, smiling.

Ash then stood up excitedly. "Yes! Battle me, Emethyst! I've been waiting for this!" He exclaimed, as he pointed at me happily.

I blushed in nervousness a bit. I didn't really like being put on the spot alot, but in a way, I was excited for this. I have secretly wanted to battle Ash since I got here.

I smiled. "Okay, you're on." I said, happily. "But I won't go easy on you." I winked.

"Alright!" Ash cheered.

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