《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 7


Froslass fell on top of me, knocking me onto the ground. I got up almost instantly, and looked around bewildered and now angry.

"Great shot, Mimikyu!" A woman with long pink hair yelled in excitement. She was wearing a white uniform of sorts, that had a pink R on the chest. Her midriff was bared, and she wore a short white skirt to match, along with black knee high boots.

"Hey!" I yelled in anger. "What was that for?!" I spat, as I helped Froslass up. Froslass floated back up, as she looked angry too.

"We want your Pokemon to turn over to the boss!" She yelled, and then a blue haired guy with the same uniform on, except he had pants on with no midriff exposed appeared next to her, along with a Meowth and also a Wobuffet.

"Froslass would make a great addition to our team." The Meowth teased, with an accent. I was shocked to see and hear a talking Pokemon.

There was also a small Pokemon that looked sort of like a Pikachu, except it was an off color and the face was poorly drawn on.

However, I wasn't going to take any crap, and they definitely weren't taking Froslass from me, not after losing my mother. "In your wildest dreams! Let's go, Froslass!" I said, confidently. Froslass floated in front of me, ready to strike.

"We have a new twerpette on the island, I see. Mimikyu, take care of her like you know how!" The pink haired woman demanded to her Pokemon.

The 'Mimikyu', or whatever it was, began charging to Froslass, I recognized this to be the Play Rough move. A fairy move, meaning it must have been a Fairy type, or at least a dual fairy type with something else.

"Froslass! Dodge it!" I yelled at Froslass loudly, as she moved out of the way, the Mimikyu missing her just by a foot, if that. I tried to remember off the top of my head what moves Froslass knew.

With that, my brain sparked a remembrance. "Froslass, use Shadow Ball!" I yelled.

Froslass charged the Shadow Ball attack with her humanoid hands, and threw it at the Mimikyu. It hit Mimikyu directly, causing it to take a massive hit.


"Nice shot, Froslass!" I cheered her on, as I watched the Mimikyu struggle to get up.

With that, Froslass came over to me. She stood in front of me, and looked me right in the eyes. She looked at me with a determined look, but I wasn't sure what this meant.

Froslass took the Keystone necklace in her hands, and motioned for me to put my neck down.

Bewildered, I took a few steps back. "Froslass, you want me to mega evolve you?!," I exclaimed, nervously.

"Froslass." Froslass said, I guess that meant yes.

I looked at her, afraid "But I don't know how to!" I exclaimed, genuinely scared. I never fully learned how to use Mega Evolution effectively. Mom was working with me, but this was before she passed away.

Froslass floated over to me, and put the Froslassite around my neck anyway. She then stood in front of me, and faced the pink haired woman and blue haired guy.

The pink haired woman and blue haired guy looked at the necklace now around my neck. They almost looked at it like it had come from a dark place.

"Is that?" The pink haired woman said, her eyes widened.

"A key stone?!" The blue haired guy finished her sentence.

My heart began pounding out of my chest. I tried my best to show as much confidence as possible. "Alright Froslass, my beautiful icy sweetheart, it's time for Mega Evolution!" I yelled.

The stone began to glow, causing Froslass to glow blue, as if she was about to evolve. She then grew to a massive nine feet tall, at least.

I could barely believe my eyes. She now looked more like a person, her arms came off actual shoulders; not off her head like before and the blue mask now looked more like a crown, as if she were an ice queen. Her dress also got longer. She sort of reminded me of a shiny Gardevoir, but not completely.

The pink haired girl and blue haired guy's mouths gaped open, for they didn't realize fully what they were up against.

I took a deep breath. "Alright Froslass, let's finish this off the right way!" I exclaimed. "Don't do this for me, but do it for mom too! Make her proud from the heavens! BLOW THEM AWAY WITH YOUR BLIZZARD ATTACK!" I yelled, getting emotional. I could feel the Froslassite glowing warmly on my chest.


Froslass conjured up a pretty strong blizzard, for it made me cold just being there. Froslass's blizzard was so strong, it actually blew them all away into the sky. Just then, a pink and black bear looking Pokemon jumped into the sky, swooped them up, and headed in a different direction. "We're off with a new blast!" They yelled in the distance.

I was amazed, yet confused by what I had just saw.

"Emethyst!" I heard my Dad's familiar voice call behind me. I turned around, and saw my dad and Ash running to me. "Are you okay?" My dad said, as he caught up to me.

"I'm fine." I said, as I nodded.

Froslass then went back down to her normal size. She turned and saw my dad. The moment she did, she floated over to him, smiling and hugged him with her humanoid hands.

"Oh wow, Froslass! I haven't seen you since you were just a tiny Snorunt!" My dad exclaimed, as he hugged her back.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "You two know each other?" I said.

"Of course we do. Your mom's most loved Pokemon was her Snorunt, which is now obviously Froslass." He said.

It made sense, at least. Ash then came over to me. "Wow! I didn't know you had a key stone! That's so awesome!" He exclaimed.

"Well, actually it's not mine, it was my mom's." I said, as I held the stone in hand as it dangled from my neck.

I looked around, and noticed I didn't see Haunter anywhere. "Where's Haunter?" I asked.

"Oh, he's still passed out on your bed." Ash said, smiling.

I rolled my eyes, for that sounded like my typical Haunter. I smiled for the first time in a while. I felt like I had accomplished something since I had been here, even though it was my first day.

My dad then walked over to me. "Why don't we all go back to bed? It is still pretty late." He said, as he yawned a bit.

I shrugged. "Okay." I said, as I joined his side.

Ash walked up ahead back to my dad's house. My dad and I continued to walk side by side with each other, as Froslass trailed behind us.

"Hey, Emethyst," My dad said to me.

I looked up at him. "Yeah..?" I asked.

"That was some pretty amazing battling out there with Team Rocket." He said, patting my shoulder.

So that's who those guys were. I had heard of Team Rocket, but never actually encountered them. I knew they were an organization centered out in Kanto.

"When I saw you out there, for a second, I thought it was your mother." He said, smiling at me.

This caught my attention. "Really?" I said, as I smiled for the first time at him since I have been here.

"Mhm," He said, as he nodded his head. "The timing might be just right." He pondered.

This caught my attention, as I looked up. "Timing for what?" I asked.

"How would you like to enroll in the Pokemon school where I teach?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Pokemon school? There's such a thing?" I asked, as I felt my nose scrunch. We didn't have anything like that in Kanto, we just had regular school.

"Yes, we can enroll you tomorrow morning. You will more than likely be in my class." He said. "Also, Froslass and Haunter can come to school with you."

This made my heart skip with excitement. Pokemon weren't allowed in my old school in Lavender Town, they were seen as a "distraction," which I thought was complete and utter bull crap.

My dad, Froslass, and I walked back into my dad's home. I proceeded to go to the loft ladder.

Before I could get climb the steps, my dad stopped me. "Get some rest, okay? You have an exciting day tomorrow. Good job tonight, I'm proud of you." He said, smiling at me.

I smiled back at him. I decided I would at least give him a chance, he was now showing me that he actually did care. "Thanks Dad." I said.

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