《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 4


"I'm a little worried about Emethyst." Ms. Freya said, as she sat down on the white couch.

Professor Kukui nodded. "Why are you worried about her? I mean, it's partly understandable why. But, is there something more?" He asked, as he took a seat next to her.

Ms. Freya sighed stressfully. "She's very depressed," She said, worriedly and bluntly. "I believe something more has happened, and she isn't saying what it is.."

Professor Kukui sighed, as he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "I will admit, things haven't really been easy for me since I've found out Crystal passed away, but I can only imagine how Emethyst is taking it all in. There isn't a day that goes by where I regret the mistakes I made when I was younger.."

Ms. Freya allowed herself a small smile. "It's better late than never," she reassured. "But, you need to be the one to show Emethyst you care about her. Right now, I'm pretty sure that's what she needs after all she's been through this past month."

Professor Kukui put his glasses on and gave a determined look. "I won't give up on her. I may not have been in her life to begin with, but I promise I won't let her down anymore."

Ms. Freya smiled. "That's the spirit. I have agreed to stay in Alola for a few months just to make sure you two will be alright. So if you need anything, I'm a phone call away." She said, as she got off the couch and stretched. "I'll be in touch soon!" She said, as she walked to the door.


Emethyst's POV

"Come on out, Haunter!" I exclaimed in joy, as I threw my pokeball up in the air. It had felt like an eternity since I've seen my beloved Pokemon due to all the travelling I had done in the past day.


My pokeball popped open and my purple, spiked sweetheart materialized in front of me.

Haunter examined his surroundings, and looked instantly confused. "Haunt?" He said, as he turned to face me. He wasn't exactly used to a bright, sunny beach.

I took a deep breath. "Haunter, this is our new home now," I said. "This is Melemele island in the Alola region."

Haunter looked around more. I could tell he looked sad, but I couldn't blame him. Lavender Town was his home and where I had caught him when he was just a Gastly. When I was about seven years old, I had gotten lost and it was way after dark. I had wandered into a tower of sorts, and it was dark and cold. I remember being so scared I began crying hysterically. Then suddenly, Gastly appeared and I thought he was going to hurt me, but instead he began making funny faces attempting to make me laugh. Then at that moment, Officer Jenny and my mother found me. I begged my mom to keep Gastly, and she let me. Thus, he's been by my side since.

I was so deep in thought, that I almost didn't notice Ash was standing next to me. "Wow! You have a Haunter? That's so awesome!" He exclaimed.

I allowed myself a small smile. No one was ever really as nice to me as Ash was. But I didn't know if he were just doing it to make me feel welcomed, or because he genuinely cared. "Thanks." I said.

"Do you like Pokemon battles?" Ash asked, as Pikachu jumped into his shoulder.

I shrugged. I didn't care too much for Pokemon Battling, except for when it was just for fun. "Eh, a little." I said, blankly.


Haunter then joined my side, and began rubbing his gaseous body against my arm. It was funny, because he behaved like a puppy sometimes. I scratched the top of his head, and he began to relax.

Rotom Dex then approached us. "Wow! A Haunter that likes head scratches." He turned around, and appeared to take a picture. "Brand new data!"

"We should have a battle some time!" Ash exclaimed, happily.

"Pika-Pi!" Pikachu agreed.

Haunter then floated over to Ash and Pikachu. He stuck his tongue out as if he were about to lick. This immediately sent me into panic.

"HAUNTER, NO SIR!!" I yelled at him. Haunter immediately put his tongue away, and then looked sad.

Ash looked confused. "Why can't he lick?" He asked.

Before I could even open my mouth; Rotom Dex chimed in. "If you'd just allow me! Haunter. The Gas Pokemon. A Ghost and Poison type. Haunter strikes at humans from total darkness. Those licked by it's cold tongue grow weaker each passing day until they die." Rotom Dex said proudly.

Ash then got wide-eyed. "Super dangerous." He said.

I giggled a little. "I don't think he does it on purpose," I said. "I think he does it to be friendly, but doesn't realize what he's capable of." I said, as I patted Haunter's head.

"Hey you two! It's time to come inside!" I heard my Dad's voice yell from above, as I looked up and saw him waving us in.

"Okay! We'll be there in a second!" Ash replied back loudly, as he waved.

I threw my hand in the air and waved to show that I acknowledged him as well. I sighed deeply, for I was really nervous now. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I wasn't really sure how I was going to approach it. I was bound to start crying.

"Here goes nothing, Emethyst…" I said to myself, as I began walking back up to my dad's house.

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