《Pokémon Sun & Moon: Emethyst's Journey》Chapter 2


Ms. Freya and I made our way down the plane steps, as I looked around at the bright, sunny scenery. I will admit, it was a beautiful sight. But my mind was still in a cloudy mindset with everything that's been going on.

I clutched my stuffed Gengar, as I looked around. My heart pounded out of my chest in nervousness. I saw a lot of new faces, but none I thought immediately was my dad. I sighed. I felt like I was on a blind date in a way.

I looked around, anxious. "Do you see him?" I asked Ms. Freya.

Ms. Freya looked down at her phone. "There's been a change of plans," she said. "We're gonna meet him at his home. He took off work just so he could be there for you." She locked her phone and put it in her pocket.

I gulped. Honestly, I would have preferred to meet him in a public place. It would have made me feel more comfortable.

"Let's go grab our luggage, and we'll catch a taxi." She said, as we began walking towards the building.

Still clutching my Gengar, I followed suit behind her. Her formal black pants and blue floral blouse were swaying in the warm, salty wind. My pitch black hair was getting tangled with every gust.

The automatic doors opened into the airport. My heart began pounding as I followed behind Ms. Freya like a lost puppy. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions. I didn't know how I was going to act when I laid eyes on my father. I didn't know if I was going to run up and hug him, or be angry. One can only hope for the best.

Ms. Freya and I walked over to baggage claim. I saw my purple Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar luggage coming on the belt. I rushed over to the belt and yanked it off the belt. I looked at the luggage and sadness came over me again like a dark storm cloud. My mom had gotten me this luggage for when we travelled to the Johto region on vacation. I was still really little, but I remember it vividly. I didn't have a suitcase of my own, so my mom let me pick my own. I've loved ghost type Pokemon for as long as I could remember. I guess that's why my mom decided to move us to Lavender Town.


I pulled the handle up, and turned back around to Ms. Freya. I sighed a big sigh. My heart was pounding so hard; I was pretty sure it could be seen through my black dress.

Ms. Freya smiled a bit at me. "You're really nervous, aren't you?"

Clutching my Gengar tighter, I nodded my head up and down. I can't quite recall a time I had been this nervous, except for the talent show I did when I was younger. Hate to say it, but my mom always kind of held my hand when I dealt with situations like these.. then again, if she were here, I would not be going through this right now.

Ms. Freya sighed. "Emethyst, you know I'm here for you. I'll be right by your side for a while. I've volunteered to stay in Alola for a few months so I know you're going to be okay. You matter to me, sweet heart." She said, reassuringly.

I nodded. Pulling my luggage behind me; I followed Ms. Freya back outside so we could catch a taxi. The automatic doors opened up to the bright sun and clear blue sky. Nothing was the same to me anymore. Is this what it felt like to be dead inside?

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