《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》19


In the courtyard of the compound, Ophelia was practicing combat skills with a group of wolves. They came at her, but Ophelia was able to dodge their hits.

One came and swung a punch at her, but Ophelia was able to duck and dodge it before she kicked his leg out from under him, causing him to fall onto his back on the ground.

"Ophelia!" Klaus called out, causing Ophelia to look up at him to see the hybrid gesturing for her to come upstairs.

She sighed in defeat, turning to the group of wolves, "Duty calls," She commented, mockingly saluting before heading up the stairs.

Moments later, in the upstairs lounge, Klaus was discussing pack business with Ophelia, Hayley, and Jackson, "It's time to use our werewolf army," Klaus informed the group, "Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city. The wolves can help us pinpoint their location."

"No, we need all hands on deck here with Hope," Jackson argued, sharing a glance with Hayley and Ophelia, who seemed to agree with him, causing Klaus' eyes to widen in annoyance, "I think you can compel humans to track your enemies."

"Do my ears deceive me?" Klaus questioned, a semi-amused look on his face, "Or did you just give me an order? In my own home?"

"This ain't about your ego, Klaus!" Jackson argued sternly, "It's about what's best for that little girl."

Klaus gave Jackson a furious look, "How dare you question my intentions for my daughter!" He raised his voice to the male werewolf.

"Jackson, Klaus is right," Hayley spoke up, knowing if she didn't, there would be a chance the scene would get ugly, "Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means that he's either powerful enough to heal from that explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him."

"I'm with Hayley on this," Ophelia spoke up also, turning to look at Jackson, "Either way, we're not finding Freya and Finn unless we send our best people out there."

After hearing the woman's words, Jackson sighed in frustration, "I'm sure you and all your merry men will find them post haste." Klaus commented patronizingly.

Jackson glanced at Ophelia before standing to his feet to stare Klaus in the eye, "Just to be clear, I'm giving this order because Ophelia is asking." He told the male hybrid, who opened his mouth to speak, but Jackson cut him off before he could even say anything, "Don't think for one second that I take orders from you."



After looking for Ophelia everywhere in the compound, Jackson finally found her in Hayley's room, where she had just put Hope down to sleep.

He knocked gently on the door, causing Ophelia to turn to him after closing the door to Hope's room. She looked down at Jackson's hands to see him holding a plate of food, "Shh," Ophelia told him in a hushed tone, "I just got her down. Hayley went to fetch some blood. She hasn't had any in days so I told her I would watch Hope while she found some tourist to feed on."

Jackson nodded his head in understanding as he held out a plate to hand it to her, "Thought you might be hungry," he informed her, causing Ophelia to smile as she grabbed the plate from his hands.

"Hmm. Grilled cheese," Ophelia commented with a large smile on her face, "You're one hell of a chef, Jackson!"

Jackson laughed, "Well, I don't like to brag." he replied jokingly.

Ophelia smiled at him as she started to put away Hope's toys and blankets. It was awkwardly silent between them and Jackson smiled slightly, turning to leave.

Before he could so do, Ophelia quickly turned to face him, "Hey, Jack," she called out, causing Jackson to turn to him, "I don't know if it's just me being paranoid, but it feels like you've been a million miles away lately."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jackson assured her, "Just trying to get the wolves back into the Quarter."

"I'm not dumb, Jackson, I know the difference between being 'busy' and 'trying to keep busy' is," She commented, grabbing Jackson's hand and holding it in her own, "I've barely seen you these past few days."

Jackson gave Ophelia a guilty look, avoiding eye contact with her, "Yeah, I know. I just don't want you to feel obligated to me. This marriage..."

"How many times do I have to tell you? This isn't an obligation!" She complained, only to suddenly realize what he was getting at.

Ophelia stared up at Jackson, her eyes wide, "Wait, are you talking about sex?" She questioned him concerned.

Jackson, who was also feeling awkward, looked down at the floor, "Look, the Unification ritual worked. But, we still have to live as husband and wife." He reminded her and Ophelia couldn't help but smile at him.

"This isn't something that we have to be shy about, Jack. We're both mature adults. This doesn't have to be awkward. Hope's asleep, probably will be for a while, which means we can go back to my room and---" Ophelia began to rant, only to be interrupted by Hope's cries. She sighed in defeat, "Or not...I could go and feed the baby. That sounds good, too."


Ophelia gave Jackson both a guilty and disappointed smile before going into the nursery to check on Hope. Jackson sighed, also disappointed, just before turning to leave.


Ophelia was in Hope's nursery, where she was holding a shrieking Hope and desperately trying to soothe her by rocking her, to no avail, "Shhh. Shhh. It's okay, I'm here," She tried to quiet Hope down, "Your mommy's going be coming back soon. She must have gotten held up."

Hope continued to scream and cry, causing Ophelia to sigh in defeat, "Please stop crying," She pleaded quietly, "I have no idea how to soothe you. It's been three hundred years since I've had to take care of an infant child."

Jackson, having heard Hope's cries, entered the nursery to check on them. Ophelia noticed him in the doorway and sighed, "Uh, is it possible that I am the worst caretaker on the planet?" She asked her husband in a concerned tone.

Jackson smiled and walked over to take Hope from her and cradle her in his arms, "You're a great babysitter," He assured her as he held Hope against his chest and spoke quietly to the young infant. He turned to Ophelia, who rubbed her forehead as though she had a headache, "Aiden's back. We lost Jerick though."

"Wait, what?" Ophelia asked Jackson in shock, her eyes wide.

"Mikael got him." He informed her, a saddened look on his face.

Ophelia placed a hand over her heart in shock and grief, giving Jackson a sympathetic look, "Jack, I am so sorry."

Jackson continues rubbing Hope's back soothingly as he rocked her. "Thing is, we could have lost a lot more, but Aiden played it right. Kept 'em scattered instead of grouped. Smart move."

"Well, he learned from you," Ophelia replied, even though she knew for a fact it had Klaus written all over it. She just didn't want to admit it out loud. Not when she didn't know if it was true or not.

"Did he?" Jackson questioned Ophelia concerned, "It's not what I told him to do. My way would have all been a slaughter."

After a moment, Ophelia noticed that Hope had stopped crying, and seemed both impressed by Jackson and relieved at the utter silence, "She's quiet!"

"I told you. I'm good with kids." Jackson reminded Ophelia with a small smile on his face, "When I was younger, I always hoped to have kids of my own."

Ophelia noticed the saddened look on Jackson's face. He was clearly thinking that now being with Ophelia, there was no chance of that.

"Klaus was part werewolf and he was able to have Hope with Hayley because she was a werewolf," Ophelia informed Klaus, "I could've gotten pregnant before, but I was with Klaus, who hadn't gained his werewolf side, and then after that, I was with Marcel, who was a vampire. Now, I'm part vampire, but also part werewolf and witch..." She trailed off awkwardly, "I can still have kids."

Jackson was shocked by Ophelia's revelation, but decided not to say to respond as he placed Hope down in her crib while Ophelia looked at him from the doorway. She walked toward him to watch as Hope stayed asleep even after being put to bed.

Jackson's hand brushed against Ophelia's, and they stared at each other for a moment before Ophelia leaned forward, pressing her lips against Jackson's.

Seeing as though they were standing in Hope's room, the couple pulled away from each other and quickly exited Hope's room, closing the door behind them.

Ophelia grabbed Jackson's hand, just before vamp-speeding them down the hallway and into her room.

Once arriving at Ophelia's room, Jackson lifted Ophelia up, placing her on the bed with him hovering over her. They continued kissing until Ophelia switched position so that she was on top. She quickly took off her shirt, just leaning forward to kiss Jackson once more.

Ophelia closed her eyes, quietly moaning as Jackson kissed her neck.

Just then, her thoughts became filled with memories of her with Klaus just days before. Ophelia quietly gasped, opening her eyes to avoid the thoughts filling her head, "What's wrong?" Jackson asked in concern, clearly hearing her gasp.

"Nothing," Ophelia lied, sending Jackson a small, yet fake smile, "Keep going."

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