《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》10


In the Bayou, Ophelia, Hayley, Jackson stood together near one of the trailers while Aiden paced around in front of them, "The wolves are freaking out," Aiden informed the three, "They know it had to be an insider who took down Vincent last night, seeing as no one could have been anywhere near him."

"Did anyone suspect it was you?" Jackson asked him concerned.

Aiden immediately shook his head in response, "No, not yet," He replied, "But they're gonna figure it out, which pretty much means I'm screwed unless we come up with a plan."

Ophelia, Jackson, and Hayley crossed their arms as they glanced at each other, trying to think of a plan, "Call a meeting, Aiden," Ophelia spoke up, narrowing her eyes at the male werewolf, "The entire pack."

Hayley nodded her head in agreement before adding in, "Ophelia's right. If they're so scared, now's the perfect time to convince them they need to ditch Esther."

Aiden held up his hand to show the moonlight ring on his finger, "She gave them moonlight rings." He responded.

"Well, those rings make you slaves," Hayley retorted and Ophelia was quick to nod her head in agreement.

"No, they make us powerful," Aiden argued with her, "We were exiles before, but now we run the city. The vampires are scared of us, and nobody, including me, is just going to walk away from that because--"

Before Aiden could finish his argument, Jackson cut him off, "Set the damn meeting." He demanded sternly, taking a daring step toward Aiden.

Ophelia watched as Jackson walked away before she turned her head to look at Aiden, who sighed in defeat before walking off.

Ophelia and Hayley shared a glance with each other, just before Ophelia walked over to where Jackson was opening a can of beer, "So are you going to work on a highly inspirational speech for the wolves or are you just going to get day drunk?" She questioned Jackson sarcastically.

Jackson took a large sip from the can before turning to Ophelia, "Little bit of both," he replied without a care in the world.

Ophelia rolled her eyes at him before snatching the beer from his hand, "Jack, it may be five o'clock somewhere else in the world, but here it's ten in the morning." She commented

Jackson turned away from her and went to lean against the boathouse. There was a small table next to him covered in books. He picked up a brown, leather journal off the top of the pile, causing Ophelia to take a glance at it before looking back at Jackson.

"You know, for months, I wrote down every single word Ansel said," Jackson informed her, "The entire history of our people. If only I'd know he was Klaus' father, I would have asked him a hell of a lot more," He paused, walking over to stand beside her, "You know, I was up all night looking through this, trying to find something, anything that would help me figure out how to get our people back."

Jackson tossed the book back onto the table, causing Ophelia to give him a curious look, "No luck, huh?" She questioned him, causing Jackson to let out a sigh.

"Nothing viable," He replied, "And now, Ansel's dead, along with Ollie. So, forgive me if I need a beer, 'case right now, I can use all the help I can get."

Jackson grabbed the beer can from Ophelia's hand before walking away. Ophelia sighed in defeat, running a hand through her hair. She froze for a moment, her eyes stopping on the journal on the table. She glanced around, just before walking over to the table. She picked up the journal to read it.


"What is that?" A familiar voice asked, causing Ophelia to turn her head to see Hayley walking over to her.

"Jackson's journal," Ophelia informed her, "He wrote down everything that Ansel told him these past few months."

Hayley walked closer to Ophelia, both of them beginning to read from the journal. Ophelia stopped at a page where that explained the Unification Ceremony. Ophelia looked over at Hayley, who shared the same look as her.

Once reading a bit more on the unification ceremony, Ophelia and Hayley walked over to Jackson to confront him about what they had learned. Jackson was in the middle of chopping wood near his trailer, but stopped when the two female hybrids stood in front of him.

"You want to stop playing mountain man and explain why you kept this from us?" Hayley asked Jackson sarcastically as Ophelia held up the leather journal.

Jackson sighed, placing down his ax, "Why don't I jog your memory, Jack?" Ophelia spoke up before she began to read from the journal, "'The werewolves' power can be traced back to the myth of the Unification Ceremony...a ritual that bestowed certain unique abilities onto every member of the pack.'" She paused, looking up at Jackson, "Do you believe this?"

"I didn't at first," He confessed to her, "And then Ansel swore he saw it with his own eyes. And then he dies, and I found out he was resurrected from a thousand years ago, which means he was alive to see it!'

"How did I not know about this?" Hayley asked while Ophelia remained silent, knowing it to be all too familiar.

"You didn't grow up out here. Yeah, every kid grows up hearing the stories. Back in the day, werewolf bloodlines were all distinct, right? Some had speed, some had strength, some could sense enemies from miles away. Now, to evolve, we would perform a ritual. A shaman would marry the alphas of each bloodline, and then the special abilities of each would be... inherited, mystically, by everyone who participated in the ritual. See, after a few centuries, everybody had the same abilities, so alpha marriages became political. They became about...power, about territory." Jackson explained before turning to Ophelia, who was still quiet, "Something tells me you already know about this, unlike Hayley."

Ophelia ignored Jackson's statement and decided to change the subject a bit, "I have a unique ability. Since I am a tribrid, I can control when I change. So if we do this, our people get my power, and they can ditch the rings." She explained and Jackson looked torn while Ophelia mostly looked excited.

"She's right," Hayley agreed with Ophelia, "It would mean Esther no longer has a hold over them!" She paused as Jackson nodded his head in agreement, "Jackson, this is exactly the answer that we've been looking for! Let's find a shaman, you and Ophelia can say some vows. Hell, we'll make it a party!"

Jackson gave both girls an unhappy look, "It ain't just a party. If the vows ain't honored, it doesn't work," He informed them, causing both girls to sigh in defeat, "It's gotta be a real marriage, in every way, for the rest of our lives. Are you up for that, Ophelia?"

Ophelia stared at Jackson, looking as though she wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words. Jackson sighed, feeling hurt by her being speechless, "I didn't think so," He stated before walking off.

"We need to find Cami," Hayley informed Ophelia, "Maybe she can explain more of this."


Ophelia nodded, just before the two of them headed off to find Cami.

After calling Cami, Ophelia and Hayley met Cami at her uncle's apartment, the three females beginning to look through the files. Cami groaned and rubbed her forehead as she leaned over the desk, causing both Ophelia and Hayley to give her a concerned look, "You sure you're okay?" Hayley asked her.

Cami let out a large sigh, "Yeah, I must just be coming down with something."

"Sorry we're dragging you out of bed for this," Ophelia apologized, "You should be resting, not helping us."

Cami smiled at Ophelia, "Please. You just discovered an ancient marriage ritual with pretty drastic supernatural and personal implications. The least I can do is get out of bed." She assured her and Ophelia smiled back at her before Cami gestured toward a pile of files and books on the desk, "So, this is everything I found in my uncle's files about werewolf ceremonies and rituals. Mostly, it sounds like old folklore and fables." Ophelia nodded silently, causing to look at her sympathetically, "But, I'm guessing the two of you are not here looking for some kind of proof."

Ophelia sighed in defeat, "I honestly don't know what I'm looking for."

"Not to pry, but does Jackson have any answers?" Cami asked her curiously.

Ophelia scoffed, "He doesn't even want to talk about it. He doesn't even want to put me in this position. He's a good, decent guy. I honestly didn't think those even existed anymore." She confessed, causing Hayley to chuckle.

"And, I'm assuming he knows about Klaus?" Cami asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

Ophelia sighed, shaking her head, "As far as I know, Klaus and I are done for. But honestly, as much as I hate to admit it, after all these years, he's still..." She trailed off, not wanting to finish her sentence.

"Under your skin?" Cami asked and while Ophelia didn't answer, Hayley nodded her head in response, causing Ophelia to smile as shake her head.

Cami cleared her throat awkwardly and shook off the uncomfortable silence, "Well, there is no right answer to this." She informed them as she started to pull her hair back into a ponytail, "You just have to figure out what's best for you, Ophelia, and think long and hard about your decision, because you're the one who's going to have to live with it.

"No pressure," Hayley commented jokingly.

Cami turned to start putting the files away, causing Hayley to immediately notice a vertical line of what looked like large pin-pricks that ran down the length of Cami's spine, which was visible through a small slit in the back of her shirt. Hayley quickly got Ophelia's attention and the two girls gave Cami a worried look, "Hey, what's that on your back?" Hayley asked her concerned.

Cami, also concerned, walked over to a nearby mirror and turned so that she could see for herself. Once seeing the marks, she stared at the two girls in horror.


Hayley had spent the better part of two hours questioning Ophelia on whether or not she wanted to actually go through with marrying Jackson. Every time, Ophelia had answered with a yes. And finally, Hayley gave up, knowing Ophelia wasn't going to change her mind.

Ophelia and Hayley entered St. Anne's church, where the Crescent wolves were having a meeting that was being led by Jackson. Jackson stood at the sacristy, giving his speech, "I know you're angry and scared, but we are a pack. No matter what." Jackson told his pack.

One of the werewolves, Jerick, stood up from his seat on the bench and walked toward Jackson, "You've been checked out for months. Why should we listen to you?" he questioned him with an attitude.

Aiden immediately stood up, ready to defend Jackson, "'Cause he's the Alpha! You got a problem with that?"

Just then, Ophelia and Hayley entered, making themselves known, "I want to hear what Jackson has to say." Ophelia spoke up loudly, "Don't you, Hayley?"

"Yeah, I actually do, Ophelia." Hayley replied in a mocking tone.

Jackson looked shocked to see the two female hybrids. Ophelia walked to the front of the room to join him, Hayley in tow. Jerick scoffed, "This is a pack meeting. The two of you are not one of us anymore."

Ophelia and Hayley exchanged looks before turning to face him, holding their arms out wide, looking bored, "You sure about that?" Ophelia questioned Jerick with an attitude.

Suddenly, at the same time, Ophelia and Hayley's nails started to grow out like claws. Their hands started to transform into wolf paws as their eyes glowed gold. After a moment, they shifted back, and their arms and face began to go back to their human forms, "Ophelia and I are still wolves," Hayley spoke up with an attitude, "And, we didn't need any magical rings to control when or how we change."

"You want the same?" Ophelia continued on, having an attitude just as Hayley did, "Then, sit down, shut the hell up, and listen to what Jackson has to say. Okay? Okay." She smiled sarcastically at the group of werewolves before looking back at Jackson, who stared at her in awe.

Meanwhile later, Jackson and Ophelia were still arguing their case to the rest of the Crescents alongside Hayley, "You all need help, and you know it," Ophelia spoke up loudly to the wolves, "Now, whatever it is that you think of Hayley and I, we were born Crescents. we're the last of the Labonair line, which makes us Alphas. Not to mention, my mother was Diana Labonair, who's known in our history as the greatest alpha this pack has ever seen." She explained before over at Jackson, who seemed confused.

Hayley walked over and stood beside Ophelia, deciding to help her out a bit, "Jackson is your Alpha. Now, I don't know how many of you bought the story you grew up with, the Unification myth. Well, it is all true."

The crowd started to whisper amongst themselves and Jackson immediately looked over at Hayley, who sent him a small smile before Ophelia spoke up, "Which means...if Jackson and I were to get married, anyone with the guts to turn up to the damn ceremony has as much control over their wolf form as I do."

The Crescents start to whisper louder amongst themselves as Jackson turned to Hayley with a shocked look, "Hayley, what the hell is she doing?" He asked her quietly.

Hayley sighed, glancing over at Ophelia, "What needs to be done."

"This isn't just about uniting our pack. It's about forming a new community."

Jackson, who was still clearly shocked by this revelation, began to with Ophelia's plan and walked toward her to put an arm around her, "This ceremony will change everything for all of us. It will give us the strength we need to defend ourselves." Jackson added in, "Then, and only then, can we finally have peace."

Jackson walked down the steps to face the crescents, "The choice is yours, people," Hayley spoke up, "Keep the rings and be somebody's bitch, or be part of the greatest pack that ever lived."

The Crescents began to chatter amongst themselves as Aiden rose to his feet to join Hayley and Jackson at the front of the room, "I'm in!" He spoke up loudly.

Jackson grinned, happy at this news, and nodded at him in confirmation. Aiden took off his moonlight ring and dropped it onto the floor, causing Ophelia to turn her head to smile at Jackson.


Meanwhile later, Jackson and Ophelia were the only ones left after the meeting and Jackson had told her that he wanted to talk with her alone. The two of them sat together on one of the pews, looking at the altar, "So, uh, you wanted to talk?" Ophelia asked Jackson, breaking the silence between them.

Jackson sighed deeply and turned to look at her, "Yeah," he replied before becoming silent once more, "You know, I always thought it would be me popping the question instead of being the one put on the spot."

Jackson smiled at Ophelia, causing her to chuckle, "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked her concerned.

Ophelia was silent for a long moment, "Are you?" She questioned him, but still didn't answer his question.

The two of them remained silent for a long moment as they stared at each other intently. Jackson gulped nervously, "I know you're only doing this to help our people, Ophelia. But, I promise I will be a good husband to you."

Ophelia smiled at him, and Jackson rose to his feet, moving in front of her so they were on the same level. He took her left hand in his own and rubbed it with his thumb, "Ophelia Rose, would you do the honors of being my wife?" He asked her with a smile on his face.

"I would love to be your wife, Jackson," Ophelia replied, a smile on her face.

The two of them smiled at each other and Ophelia, without thinking, wrapped her arms around Jackson.


Hayley and Ophelia met up before heading back to the compound and once they did, they found Klaus, who seemed to be in a hurry, "Klaus, can we talk?" She asked him, "There's something I need to tell you."

"You can tell me on the way," Klaus told her as he walked past both her and Hayley, "Both of you, come with me."

"What?" Hayley spoke up, a frown on her face, "Where are we going?"

Klaus stopped walking and turned to face Hayley, "To see our daughter," he replied, causing Hayley's eyes to widen in shock.

Without question, both Hayley and Klaus quickly followed after Klaus as he left the compound.

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