《Regret ▻ The Originals [2]》8


It was morning time and Ophelia stood with Hayley on her balcony, only to hear a man screaming in the room next door, which happened to be Klaus'.

The two of them shared a glance before heading there. Ophelia opened the double door before entering, Hayley following soon after her.

They found Klaus washing his hands in the hand sink while his whole body was covered in blood, "Huh," Hayley commented sarcastically, "I see your interrogation went well."

"Well, it turns out these witches are delicate creatures," He replied, glancing up into the mirror to see that his face was covered in blood, "No matter. As suspected, my mother has Elijah captive."

"Great," Hayley responded, nodding her head, "Let's go find them."

"Esther is too powerful. She won't easily be found," He informed Hayley and Ophelia as he walked closer to them, washing his hands with a wash cloth, "I need to draw her out."

Klaus inhaled sharply, getting ready to close the double doors to the bathroom, "Wait," Ophelia spoke up, stopping Klaus from closing the door, "Where the hell are you going?"

"I'm going to change my shirt," Klaus informed her before becoming more sarcastic, his lips curling upwards, "Unless you want to stay for the show, love."

Ophelia groaned, rolling her eyes while Hayley's face scrunched up in both horror and disgust, "No thank you, we'll go," Hayley told Klaus, grabbing Ophelia by the arm before pulling her out the room, Klaus chuckling in amusement as they left.

After leaving the compound, Ophelia dragged Hayley with her to Marcel's where they overheard him talking with Gia, "Maybe Klaus is having better luck." Marcel commented, not noticing Hayley and Ophelia entering.

"I'd say otherwise," Ophelia spoke up, causing Marcel and Gia to turn to her, "Which kind of sucks, considering how low the bar is around here." She paused, letting out a sigh as she and Hayley walked closer to them, "Listen, how does teaming with Hayley and I for a rescue mission sound?"

"Are we going after Elijah?" Gia asked them concerned.

"Nope," Hayley replied, causing her to frown in confusion, "That's all Klaus."

"We're talking about Oliver," Ophelia continued on for Hayley, "He and Elijah were fighting werewolves together. Hayley and I have heard that Oliver's been captured, and he's about to be executed. I can't let that happen. Now, look. If we can save Oliver, then we'll be able to find out where Elijah is."

"Okay. So what do you two want from us?" Marcel asked her curiously.

"Just a little distraction," Hayley replied, "Esther's son Finn, he's the one that's controlling the werewolves. If you can keep him out of the way, Ophelia and I can go get Ollie ourselves."

With that, Ophelia and Hayley began to walk away, causing Marcel's eyes to widen in alarm. The elder vampires sped over to the two girls, stepping in front of them to block their way, "The two of you can't take on a pack of wolves by yourselves. Not when Ophelia refuses to lay a hand on someone of her own kind. You'll get yourselves killed. And then, I'll get killed for letting it happen."

"Who said we were going in alone?" Ophelia asked Marcel, a smile forming on her lips.

"Spill," Marcel insisted and Ophelia continued to smile.

"The werewolves of the Quarter may be answering to the witches right now, but they still have an alpha," She explained to him, "Hayley and I just have to find him."


Marcel nodded his head in understanding, "Be careful." he warned her quietly.

"Always am," Ophelia sarcastically replied before she and Hayley left the loft.


Hayley and Ophelia were walking through the bayou together when Ophelia suddenly felt a presence near, "Stop," She ordered and Hayley immediately listened to her.

With her vampire hearing, Ophelia heard a bow being drawn. At vampire speed, she turned, quickly catching the arrow coming her way. She caught the second that was heading straight for Hayley, just before it hit the girl's face.

She rolled her eyes, sharing a glance with Hayley before dropping the two wooden arrows onto the ground. From a distance, she saw a middle-aged man partially hiding behind a large tree, a bow in his hand, "Is that your best shot?" Ophelia spoke up loudly, "You're going to have to do a lot better than that if you're gonna kill not just a hybrid, but a tribrid as well."

Ophelia slowly began to stalk toward the man, who was walking way also. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and Ophelia lifted up her hand, about to attack him with her power, "Stop," A familiar voice suddenly spoke up, causing Ophelia to turn her head to see Jackson.

"Jackson?" Ophelia and Hayley called out to him at the same time, both of them shocked to finally see him.

"Ophelia. Hayley." Jackson replied, greeting both girls as he walked closer to them, "I see you met my friend Ansel."

Ophelia turned her head to look at the man named Ansel once more, sending him a glare, "You know them?" Ansel questioned Jackson, referring to Hayley and Ophelia.

"Yeah, actually. I do," Jackson replied and Ophelia tensed up.

Moments later, Ophelia, Jackson, and Hayley were sitting in chairs around the fire pit, while Ansel sat on a log across from them as he sharpened his knife, "After Francesca Guerrera took over the wolves, she offered me a moonlight ring as long as I'd call her Alpha. I declined," Jackson began to explain to Hayley and Ophelia, "So, a couple of her brothers dragged me out here and left me for dead. By the time I healed up, word had spread about what happened to you, and to your baby, Hayley."

Hayley looked down at the ground, clearly unhappy about the reminder of Hope's absence. Ophelia sighed, placing hand comforting hand on her friend's shoulder.

Ophelia turned her head, noticing how Ansel's mood changed once hearing about what happened to Hayley. She couldn't help but feel as though he knew more than what met the eye, "So, I knew it was over, and I just drifted. And that's when I met Ansel. See, he's been teaching me the old ways, the traditions. What it means to be a wolf."

Hayley scoffed loudly, "You mean by living out in the ass-end of nowhere?" She commented, both her and Ophelia laughing while Ansel didn't seem amused at all.

"Hey, easy," Jackson warned Ophelia, "You and Ophelia's kind makes him ornery."

Ophelia frowned at Jackson, "Our kind?" She questioned him confused, "Jack, whatever you and your friend think of us, our kind is the wolves. And they will always be our kind, even if they did pledge allegiance to a witch. All that means is they need an Alpha," She paused, letting out a sigh, "Ollie needs one, too."

"Yeah, I heard about that," Jackson replied, breaking the long moment of silence between them, "The thing is, Ollie betrayed me. He plotted with the Guerreras. He spilled his own people's blood."


Ophelia sighed, sharing a glance with Hayley before looking back at Jackson, "Jack, he was trying to make up for that. Don't you see that?"

"It doesn't matter," Jackson argued in a stern tone, "Witches have him--he's dead. Not that I care.

Ophelia sighed, watching as he took a large sip from his canteen. She couldn't help but scoff, abruptly standing up from her seat, "You don't want to be the Alpha? Fine, Jackson. Hayley and I'll save Ollie ourselves. Let's go, Hayley."

Just as Hayley got up to leave with Hayley, Ansel started packing up his bow and quiver before standing up and walking over to them, "Hey, you got a problem, old man?" Hayley asked him with an attitude.

"I have no love of vampires, but I will not allow a wolf to be killed by witches," Ansel replied as he brushed past Hayley and Ophelia to head for the Quarter

Ophelia turned back to face Jackson, giving him a glare, "Hey, at least someone's interested." She commented before leaving with Hayley and Ansel.


As they walked through the bayou, Ophelia ended up calling Marcel before putting him on speaker, "You're on speaker." She informed Marcel before he could speak.

"Tell me you got your Alpha," Marcel commented in a hopeful tone.

"He's out of commission, but we got the next best thing," Ophelia replied before Hayley spoke up.

"I'm assuming you have a plan to keep Finn occupied?" She questioned Marcel curiously.

"Yeah," Marcel replied quickly, "Yeah, I think I might have an idea."

"Hey, before you hang up, have you heard from Klaus at all?" Ophelia asked Marcel concerned.

"No, sorry, I haven't. But if I do, I'll call you." Marcel told her before hanging up, causing Ophelia to sigh in defeat.

"Why are you worrying about Klaus?" Hayley asked Ophelia annoyed, "The bastard's probably fine."

"I don't know," Ophelia admitted quietly, "I just have this bad feeling." She paused, shrugging her shoulders, "It's probably nothing."

As Ophelia walked ahead of the two, Ansel kept his eyes fixed on Ophelia. He began to piece it all together. He knew Ophelia seemed familiar when he shot his arrow at her, but now he knew. She was the girl that Klaus had spent a better part of nearly two hundred years. The only girl he ever truly loved.


Hayley, Ophelia, and Ansel arrived in the cemetery and slowly made their way through the foggy paths as they tried to find Oliver. They made it to the lycée and walked up the steps to enter. Inside, they found a bloodied Oliver suspended by his wrists in the greenhouse, "Ollie!" Ophelia called out worriedly, rushing over to the werewolf, "Ollie, wake up!"

"The hell are you doing?" He asked her weakly before turning to look at Oliver, "Who the hell is that?"

"We're here to save your ass," Hayley informed him as she glanced over at Ansel, who looked out the windows to see if there were any wolves coming, "Please tell me you know where Elijah is?"

Oliver weakly shook his head as Ansel spoke up, "They know we're here."

Ophelia focused her hearing to hear the sounds of werewolves jumping down from the crypts as they made their way to the Lycée. Ophelia looked at Oliver for a moment, studying the chains that bind him. Once realizing that there was no spell on them, she spoke up, "Sorry. No time to be gentle, Ollie." She told him before yanking on the chain.

The chains soon broke, causing Oliver to fall to the floor before Hayley stepped forward to pick him up, "Let's go."

Just a few moments later, Hayley and Ophelia were helping Oliver up in the greenhouse of the Lycée while Ansel prepared his quiver. Oliver, who was still weak and exhausted, looked at Hayley and Ophelia anxiously, "Just leave me here. Go!" He pleaded with them.

"To hell with that!" Hayley argued, "They want a fight, we'll give them a fight."

"No," Ansel ordered sternly as he approached as he and Ophelia, both of which didn't seem pleased to be ordered around by him, "I came with the two of you to save one of my own, not watch as you kill scores of them." He told them and Hayley rolled her eyes, "Both of you, take your friend out the back, move as fast as you can. I'll hold them off here."

Ophelia sighed as she rushed over to Oliver so she could help him walk, "Come on. Quickly." Hayley told the two.

After fleeing from the back of the Lycee, Oliver, Ophelia, and Hayley were hiding behind a crypt when suddenly, Aiden arrived, leading another group of werewolves, "Come out!" He called out loudly, "We know you're here."

Ophelia and Hayley looked over at Oliver, who was bracing himself against the wall, before walking out into the aisle to face them, "Why don't you just let the three of us go and we can call it a day, huh?" She asked Aiden, who seemed torn.

"No, I don't think so," Aiden replied sternly.

"Then we do this the hard way." Hayley replied annoyed.

The werewolves braced for a fight, but Oliver suddenly staggered over to Hayley and Ophelia before anyone could move, "You idiots!" He exclaimed, "You're lining up to fight a hybrid? For what? So you can kill me? All because some witch gave an order? I know I ain't innocent, but I never lost sight of what I was fighting for! We were gonna be a pack! But now?" He paused, stepping closer to them, "We're turning on each other! Killing your own people? We do that, we're nothing."

Ophelia, Oliver, and Hayley tensed in case they started a fight, but Aiden waited a moment before clearing a path so Hayley and Oliver could leave without violence, the rest of the pack following soon after.


Meanwhile later, Ophelia, Hayley, and Oliver returned to Jackson's trailer, where Hayley was cleaning Oliver up, "Well, you got him," Jackson spoke up, "Great. Where's Ansel?"

"He was busy being a man," Hayley snapped at Jackson, "He should be right behind us."

"Jack, I have to tell you--" Oliver began to weakly tell him.

"I already know, Ollie," Jackson replied with an attitude, interrupting him, "You sold me out to Francesca."

"Look, I know that I can't make up for that. But, you need to hear this." Oliver told him in a pleading tone as Jackson looked away and finished his drink, "You're the one."

Oliver struggled to get to his feet, and Jackson stood defensively, grabbing a nearby staff to use in a fight, if necessary, "You're the Alpha. Our people are not meant to be slaves! You can free them."

Suddenly, Oliver began coughing up blood and fell to his knees, causing Ophelia's eyes to widen in alarm, "Ollie? Ollie?" He called out worriedly before turning to Hayley and Ophelia, "What is wrong with him?"

"It's the witches," Hayley informed him quietly, a sad look on her face.

Jackson rushed over to Oliver and knelt next to him to check on him, "Ollie?" He called out worriedly.

"They said he only had until midnight..." Ophelia added in to Hayley's statement, tears welled in her eyes at the sight of Oliver.

Jackson propped Oliver up in his arms to try to resuscitate him, "Stay with me" He shouted out.

Oliver was overcome by a coughing fit and started to sputter up blood as he stared at Jackson, who was panicking, "Jack..." He called out weakly.

Jackson looked horrified as Oliver suddenly started bleeding from his eyes and nose as well, before dying in Jackson's arms. Jackson gently laid him on the ground, still gripping his hand, as the group of three looked as though they were about to cry.

Ophelia quickly turned away from Hayley and Jackson, wiping her eyes before the tears could spill from them.

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