《Bring Me To Life | The Originals (1)》From a Cradle to a Grave


Panic; sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behaviour.

That was the one emotion that seized Davina as she practically sprinted through the darkened streets of the French Quarter, stumbling over the cobblestone pathways in her rush to reach her destination. Tears blurred her vision as she blindly followed the familiar route out of instinct and her thoughts were a jumbled mess of words thrown together in a tangled web that were sometimes even recognisable.

'Need to find Imogen. Imogen will know what to do. Oh, god, I need my big sister. I can't lose him. No, no, no, oh, god, no. Please,' she thought in a rush of indecipherable babble as she hurried towards the intimating fortress that was the Abattoir because that's where she knew that she would find her sister.

Contrary to what Imogen might have believed, or wanted to believe, Davina wasn't as oblivious to the ongoing tension between the Factions; she knew that each side was preparing for war and everyone was scrambling to gather the strongest allies. Imogen was always honest about the political climate of the supernatural community, and if Davina had asked a specific question she would've answered it to the best of her ability, but she also wasn't opposed to omitting certain facts if she felt Davina was safer or better off not knowing. And even though Imogen had never explicitly said that she had sided with the Originals, her ongoing and public association with both Elijah and Klaus was a certain giveaway. It was that fact alone that had made Davina hesitant to help Marcel when he asked her to cast a cloaking spell on his warehouse near the docks, but she had never promised anyone anything and she made sure to inform Imogen of the development when she saw her at breakfast.

"Ah!" she cried out in a mixture of shock and pain as she tripped on a cobblestone in her haste, falling down onto her hands and knees as she choked out a dry sob. The palm of her hand and her knees were stinging as she climbed to her feet with an embarrassed blush creeping onto her cheeks and she took a deep breath as she straightened the skirt of her dress. Blood marred her palm as she looked down at it with a grimace twisting her lips, blinking away the tears in her eyes as she wiped it on the material of her skirt.

Davina squeezed her hands into fists at her side, letting the searing pain of the dirt infected scrapes bring her back to reality because she knew that she wouldn't be able to help anyone if she was acting like a petrified child. 'No', she thought vehemently as she shook her head to herself in admonishment and she closed her eyes for a moment as she continued to berate herself sternly, 'No. No, I have to be strong. What would Imogen do in this situation? What would Imogen do?'

For as long as she could remember her big sister had been a pillar of strength and bravery, never faltering as she embraced her weaknesses like a sword at the ready. She wasn't naïve enough to think that Imogen was impervious to harm or that she was never afraid, but she always did a valiant job at masking that fear in front of her. She had seen Imogen breakdown in a mess of tears once before and that was in the dark of night when she thought that Davina had fallen into a deep slumber.

That night in question was a blur now; Imogen had been missing for a few days and an eleven year old Davina was beginning to worry because it wasn't like her to disappear without a trace, with not even a note or phone call. When Imogen wasn't there to walk her home from school like she usually did, she built up the nerve to ask their mother where she was but Victoria had dismissed her question with a vague reply that Imogen would be home soon, no explanation or further information. After four days without communication of any form, she asked Monique if she could ask her aunt Sophie if she had heard from Imogen since the two of them were practically attached at the hip and the foursome spent most of their time together, getting away from their demanding families. She learned the next day from an equally distressed Monique that Sophie hadn't seen or heard from Imogen since the weekend and was reaching out to anyone that might know something. She could still remember the fear that settled in her stomach, the uncertainty and the helplessness, but there was nothing she could do at the tender age of eleven to help her sister, especially if she didn't know what she was saving her from.


The rest of the week was spent locked in her bedroom, reading and drawing, only speaking when necessary as she tried to distract herself from the worry that was like a crushing weight on her chest. David Bowie was playing over the radio as she sat on the centre of her bed with her legs crossed, a sketchbook balanced on her lap and a stick of charcoal in her hand when she heard the creaking open but she figured it was simply her mother checking on her since she had threatened to go searching for Imogen earlier that afternoon. She could clearly remember the almost hesitant note in the voice as she announced her presence but the familiar affection and warmth was enough to make Davina react. She snapped her head towards the door so fast that she was afraid that she would hurt her neck and her eyes widened in shock at the sight of Imogen leaning against the doorframe like she had so many times before. Davina made some joyous exclamation as she jumped to feet, dropping her sketch and charcoal in the process as she raced across the room, and didn't stop until she was wrapped in her big sisters embrace.

It was slightly discerning how easily everything went back normal; Imogen called Sophie and asked for the homework assignments she missed, the four of them ate dinner together in an awkward, tension fuelled silence, after dinner Davina spoke in detail about everything that Imogen had missed during her mysterious time away but neither of them mentioned her disappearance. As she was every night, Imogen was the one to tuck her into bed that night; reading to her from the book her teacher had sent home with her that week and cuddling up with her as she listened to soothing sound of her sisters voice. Once the book was over, her eyelids heavy with sleep, Imogen tried to extract herself from her boa constrictor like hold but Davina was awake enough to protest and plead sleepily for her to stay. It didn't take more than a soft murmured word to convince Imogen to comply, so she snuggled down deeper in the bed with her arms wrapped around her sister and Davina sighed in contentment as she fell into her first peaceful slumber since Imogen's disappearance.

Maybe it was the cold that woke her up, maybe it was the soft sniffles coming from the darkness, maybe...maybe she could somehow sense her older sister distress, but something woke her from a deep slumber. As she regained some of her consciousness she registered the sound of someone nearby crying and she frowned in confusion with her eyes closed as she tried to remember the circumstance in which she fell asleep. She vaguely remembered Imogen lying next to her when she closed her eyes but there was no one with her when she woke and she hated the panic that flooded through her veins; Had Imogen left again? Was she alone with her parents?

But then she heard a shuffling to the side of the room, followed closely by an unmistakable sniffle and she opened her eyes but didn't make a sound so that she didn't disturb whoever it was. The bedroom door was cracked open enough that the light from the hallway cascaded into the room and she followed the path the light took with her eyes until she landed on a figure sitting in the corner of the room, their back against the wall and their knees pulled up to their chest. Long brunette hair shielded her face from view but it was obvious that it was Imogen huddled in the corner, her legs crossed at the ankle as she wrapped her arm around them tightly with her faces buried in her knees. Muffled sobs echoed throughout the otherwise silent room, each ragged breath accompanied by the undeniable sound of crying, and for a second, Davina felt herself stop breathing out of shock over what she was hearing. She couldn't remember the last time that she had ever seen Imogen cry, if she had ever seen her cry, and she wasn't sure how to proceed. she knew what Imogen would do if their places were reversed; she would be down there within a matter of seconds, wrapping her arms around her shaking body in a comforting hug as she murmured soothing words. But she wasn't sure Imogen would appreciate anyone witnessing her breakdown, even her sister; after all, Imogen spent every day trying to be the strong one, the one who was there for everyone else, the one who didn't need anyone. Davina had the instinctive feeling that if she tried to comfort her sister, it would somehow end up the other way around and she would bottle up her emotions until one day it would become too much for her to handle.


And so, she closed her eyes with a sigh as she feigned sleep and let her sister release the pent up anger, and sadness, and frustration that she couldn't display during waking hours.

Davina shivered against the cold air as she looked up at the full moon shining brightly against the inky background of the night sky and she glanced around nervously as it cast an ominous glow across the abandoned street. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that it was illogical to be afraid of the dark and a smirk played fleetingly on her lips as she remembered that some of those monsters that lingered in the dark considered her family. If she stopped to think about it at length, she would recognise the unique position she was in; anyone in Marcel's army would know about her connection to the former king and would do anything in their power to protect her, no one in the human Faction had any reason to harm her, and anyone allied with the Mikaelson's wouldn't risk their wrath by endangering the life of their most powerful witch's sister.

A renewed wave of panic surged through her veins at the reminder of those vampires she considered family and she started rushing towards the compound as she remembered the pain in Josh's voice when he called her merely twenty minutes before. It would haunt her forever; the soft timbre of his voice, the regret that was threaded through his words, each laboured breath he took, and the words that almost broke her to pieces: 'Um, D, I have to tell you something. Yeah, um, I was just bitten by a werewolf. A whole bunch of them came rampaging through the Quarter. I-I-I, one of them nipped my arm.'

They had barely hung up the phone call before she was barrelling out of the dormitories provided for those in the coven under the age of eighteen that were unable to live with their families with one destination in mind; the Abattoir. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that Imogen would be there, she had mentioned at breakfast that Elijah had asked her to stay there until the mess between the Factions had settled into a less violent accord.

Davina had a list of things that needed to be done running through her mind, keeping her focused on the present; find Imogen, tell Imogen about Josh, get Imogen to convince Klaus to give them some of his blood, find Josh, cure Josh. Simple. A clear cut order of necessary tasks that needed to be fulfilled.

The main set of double doors that led to the courtyard of the Abattoir were open wide as she approached them at a brisk run, her pace only slowing once she was inside the building. Low groans could be heard, multiple murmured voices sounded beyond the walls ahead and she frowned in confusion as her steps faltered for a moment before she was hurrying down the familiar entranceway.

The interior of the compound looked like a warzone; numerous vampires were sprawled on the ground with various healing injuries, while others were missing limbs and quite a few had been decapitated in the massacre that had taken place. Blood was splattered across the walls, staining the floor and highlighting the vampire aesthetic that the Abattoir was renowned for the world over. Lamplight doused the courtyard in an eerie glow as she shook her head in denial of the situation while tears stung her eyes and the rustic scent of blood was almost overwhelming as she covered her mouth with one hand.

Movement in her corner of her eyes caught her attention as she stepped over the legs of one of the deceased vampires and she turned her head towards the fountain in the centre of the courtyard. Her eyes widened in surprise when she recognised back of Cami's blonde head standing next to Marcel as they tended to an injured vampire and she hurried her steps towards them as she questioned out loud for confirmation, "Cami?"

Marcel looked up at the sound of her frantic voice as his dark eyes clouded with concern and as he turned towards her, she caught sight of the healing bruises that marred his skin and the blood that hadn't yet dried on the side of his throat. Davina sucked in a sharp breath as she rushed to his side, her eyes wide in horror and she reached up to touch the wound but jerked her hand back before making contact when he unconsciously flinched as she asked in a devastated whisper, "Oh god, what happened?"

"Klaus..." he breathed out weakly in explanation as he closed his eyes for a moment, taking comfort in the knowledge that at least one of his girls was safe beside him and his eyes fluttered open when he felt her placed her hand on his forearm. He tried to offer her a reassuring smile but the excoriating pain from the werewolf bite made twisted his lips into more of a grimace and looking into her anxiety filled blue eyes, he couldn't bring himself to complete his sentence.

"They fought, and he got bit." Cami finished for him when she noticed him hesitate, lifting her eyes to give him a knowing look and he nodded in gratitude as she removed the damp cloth from Diego's forehead before wandering away to give them some privacy.

"Marcel..." Davina whispered in despair as she tightly gripped his arm with both hands and he turned so that he was facing her completely, placing both his hands on her shoulder with a reassuring smile on his lips.

"It's okay! I gave as good as I got. But, we need Klaus' blood to heal." he explained softly as she looked up at him with unshed tears causing her blue eyes to almost glow and she bit down on her lower lip as she nodded absently as though she didn't truly believe him but she wanted to.

"Okay. Where's – where's Imogen? She can talk to Klaus, convince him to give us his blood. J-Josh was bitten earlier too." she explained in a rush as a few tears escaped her eyes, one of them getting caught in her eyelash as it glittered in the light and he used the pad of his thumbs to wipe them away as he cupped her face lovingly in his hands.

"Honey, Imogen was here with Hayley and Genevieve when Francesca Correa turned out to be Francesca Guerrea, a werewolf who was working with Genevieve to weaken the Mikaelson's. According to Elijah, Genevieve cooperated in making moonlight rings in exchange for Hayley and Imogen. The witches – they have Imogen." he told her honestly in a solemn tone as he looked right into her eyes, finding himself unable to lie to her when it came to something so important and her lips parted in horror as she shook her head in denial but he quickly interrupted whatever she was about to say. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Elijah stormed out of here like a madman possessed, okay? As much as I don't like the man, he cares about Imogen. He won't let anything happen to her, alright?"

"Right. Right, I – I know. They obviously wanted her alive, right? Or they would've killed her here and left the body." she whispered bluntly in an emotionless tone, causing him to flinch at the callous words but he couldn't argue with the conclusion as he nodded without saying a word. Her eyes softened with vulnerability as she lifted her gaze to meet his eyes and he knew that whatever she was about to was needed to be meet with sincerity and comfort. In that moment she wasn't a powerful young witch, she was simply a young girl who was concerned for her sister and he was the closest thing she had to a parent that cared about her. "Elijah, um, Elijah won't let anything happen to her, right? Because he does actually care about her, right?"

Marcel paused thoughtfully for a moment, actually thinking about question, remembering the manic look in the Originals eyes when he realised that Imogen had been taken and he knew the answer, anyone who had seen the two of them together knew the answer. "Yeah. Yeah, he does. I've never seen him like this with anyone else."

Davina exhaled slowly as she nodded her head, studying his expression for any duplicity and he maintained eye contact as she seemed to relax when she found whatever she was looking for in the depths of his eyes. This wasn't how her evening was supposed to go. She was going to find Imogen and she was going to do what she had done a million times before; fix it.

But this time was different. She couldn't rely on her sister to fix the problem, she wasn't able to lean on her or ignore the problem until it conveniently went away, because Imogen wasn't there this time. 'What would Imogen do?' she thought to herself desperately as she looked around the courtyard at the moaning vampires suffering from werewolf bites, trying to figure out how she was going to fix this problem on her own. Marcel and Josh and a bunch of other vampires she didn't even know the names of were slowly dying in front of her eyes, venom poisoning their blood until they got fevers and suffered through hallucinations. There was no way that Imogen would let them die, not when there was something that could be done about it, when there was something that she could do about it. She had no idea where Klaus was so that she could try to convince him to give his blood over freely or by force. Focus! What was it that Cami said earlier? 'They fought and he got bit'? If Marcel and Klaus had fought than there was a good chance that Marcel had landed at least a couple of blows, and the hybrid would have bled!

Realisation spread across her features as she snapped her head up, blinking in surprise when she didn't see Marcel standing in front of her like she expected and she frowned in confusion as she spun around in a circle trying to locate him. She sighed in relief when she saw him across the room tending to one of the other vampires that had been bitten and she hurried towards him with a determined expression, not wanting to second guess the decision that she had come to.

"You fought Klaus-- did he bleed?" Davina asked abruptly as she approached him from behind and he turned around slowly, his movements slow because of the poison running through his veins. She frowned in concern at the infected wound on the side of his neck as she placed a hand on his arm and he tried to smile reassuringly as he reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I got him pretty good, yeah." he answered her honestly with a confused lilt to his voice as his eyebrows furrowed and she nodded once with a resolute expression, her blue eyes hardening with determination. And in that moment she felt more in control and powerful than she ever had before. She wasn't relying on someone to fight her battled for her, she wasn't waiting around like some damsel in distress, she wasn't...she wasn't someone who needed to be saved.


"Just around the corner. Why?"

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