《Bring Me To Life | The Originals (1)》The Battle of New Orleans


Walking into Rousseau's since Sophie's death was a bittersweet event for Imogen; of course, she had been in there before but there were always other people around to distract her from the absence of her best friend. The witch stood in the middle of the empty bar, tears blurring her vision as she looked around and she felt a sob building in her throat but she took a deep breath to calm herself down before she had the chance to break down. She closed her eyes as she inhaled slowly and she could almost smell the familiar scent of gumbo cooking on the shove, almost hear Sophie's husky laughter echoing throughout the cavernous room. A small smile played on her lips as her eyelids fluttered open and she nodded once to herself in determination, coming to a firm decision in her mind.

"Are you okay?" a familiar voice asked in concern from behind her, causing the brunette to spin around in fright with a startled gasp escaping her lips and she internally admonished herself for not sense another person's presence.

"Cami! Don't do that!" she scolded playfully with a scowl as she pressed her palm to chest, just above her racing heart and the blonde laughed in amusement as she strolled further into the establishment. Imogen rolled her eyes with a huff at the grin that had spread across the other girls lips but didn't say anything because it was nice to see Cami showing some positive emotions after spending the last couple of days since Kieran's death in a sombre state.

"Sorry. Are you okay though?" she repeated the question in a serious tone of voice, her eyebrows drawing together in concern as she moved to stand behind the bar and deposited her purse underneath the counter.

When the estate lawyer had called her cell phone earlier that week when she was at breakfast with Hayley, she hadn't known what to think but she certainly hadn't been expecting to be handed a property deed to the bar and a set of keys. Trepidation was the main emotion that she was experiencing and it was easy enough to admit that she was scared, because she was, terrified if she was being completely honest. She didn't have any experience or knowledge on how to run a business, she wasn't even sure that she had time to manage the place effectively but everything inside of her was screaming to hold on to the place as tightly as she could with both hands.

Imogen sighed to herself as she cast one more glance around the empty bar before walking over to sit on one of the stools on the opposite side of the bar and she leaned one elbow on the counter as rested her head in her hand. "I'm just thinking about Sophie. This place was her life, you know? Her parents left it to her and Jane-Anne. Jane-Anne left her share to Sophie. And now, they're all gone and it's still here."

"And Sophie left it to you. So, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to make sure this place is something she would be proud of. That's what I'm going to do."

Determination laced her voice as she sat up straighter on her stool, the set of her shoulders radiating confidence and Cami couldn't help but smile slightly at her friend because she knew that if Imogen decided to do something, she would do it to the best of her ability. It was one of the qualities that had gotten her to where she was in life; amazing big sister, loyal friend, talented witch, psychology student and now, business owner.


Imogen huffed out a sigh as she slumped her shoulders, folding her arms in front of her on the counter and dropping her head onto her forearms so that her face was hidden. Cami tried to hold in a chuckle at the overdramatic gesture as she leaned her hands on the other side of the counter and she tilted her to the side in contemplation as she asked patiently, "But that's not the only thing bothering you, is it?"

"I shouldn't be friends with a therapist, you're too perceptive." The witch grumbled in annoyance, the words coming out muffled because she hadn't lifted her head from her arms.

"It might have something to do with your theatrical cry for help, but sure." The blonde replied with a casual shrug of her shoulders as she raised an eyebrow expectantly, waiting for the other girl to crack because she knew that it was coming the moment that she had literally buried her head in the sand. "Come on, what's going on? Maybe I can help, and if not, then I can stand here silently and let you vent all of your frustrations."

Nothing but silence came from the brunette as she thought over the consequences of further involving a human in supernatural business but the need to open up to her best friend weighed on her and so she finally lifted her head as she blurted out, "Marcel's such an ass!"

Cami nodded slowly with a knowing smile as she grabbed two empty shot glasses from behind the bar and a bottle of familiar clear liquid before pouring two shots of vodka while she waited for Imogen to continue. She set the bottle down on the counter as she slid one of the shots towards her friend and the two of them clicked the rims together before downing the liquid, both of them wincing at the familiar burning sensation.

"I can't believe him! We specifically agreed to leave Davina out of everything because we didn't want her getting involved. I didn't want to make her choose a side! I thought neither of us did." Imogen ranted in an annoyed tone of voice as she ran a frustrated hand through her hair, pursing her lips as she tried not to show how truly hurt she felt. Cami silently refilled her shot glass as she listened intently to the words leaving her mouth and the words left unsaid, the pain behind the anger. The brunette smiled shakily in gratitude as she accepted the glass, throwing back the burning liquid with practice ease.

Some of her previous anger had faded as she sighed heavily in defeat and she felt tears pooling in her eyes, knowing that she could let her guard down around the blonde. She rested one of her elbows on the counter as she pressed her fingertips against her lips and she gathered her thoughts for a moment before turning her attention her friend as she revealed the truth in broken whisper, "I feel like he betrayed me with this more than anything he could do to the Mikaelson's. We're adults. We knew what we were getting into when we choose sides in this war, but Davina's a child. Granted, she's been through more than any one person should ever have to, but she's a kid. She's my kid. And I didn't want her involved any more than she had to be. I thought Marcel agreed with me. But he went behind my back and used her for her magic. I don't – I don't know how to forgive that, Cam."


Cami remained silent as she studied her friends downtrodden expression and she searched through all of the psychology training she had trying to find the right thing to say in order to make her feel better but nothing came to mind so she offered the one comfort she could, "More booze?"

Imogen scoffed out an amused huff as she rolled her eyes with a small smile on her lips but she no longer looked like she was about to cry and Cami took that as a victory as she poured the brunette another shot before filling own glass as well. The two women raised them in a mock toast as they grinned at each other in solidarity and they clicked the rims of the glasses together before downing them in unison.

"Ah!" the human exclaimed with a wince as she struggled through the familiar burning in her throat and Imogen laughed at her friends predicament as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I don't know how you do that without flinching."

"Years and years of practice, darling." she explained with a shrug of her shoulders as a proud smirk flickered across her lips and Cami scoffed out a laugh as she placed the bottle of vodka under the bar before placing the empty shot glasses in the sink.

Imogen leaned forward on the counter with the intention of continuing the conversation but she was interrupted by the unexpected sound of the door to the bar opening and she immediately frowned in confusion because she was positive that the 'closed' sign was hanging on the door. The two girls shared a look a three men in expensive suits strolled into the establishment like they owned the room and Imogen shifted in indignation as she turned towards them without leaving her stool at the bar.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, the bar is closed!" Imogen shouted over to them in a faux-polite tone of voice but with an undercurrent of undeniable authority and she couldn't help thinking to herself that Elijah would be proud of her ability to be assertive but diplomatic. Her eyebrows furrowed together in a mixture of confusion and annoyance when the three men ignored her warning and she slipped off of her stool as a tendril of fear zipped through her veins. She internally cursed the Criminal Psychology professor for making her class read all of those court transcripts and psychological profiles.

Cami inched closer to the brunette, swallowing her pride enough to know that she would be safest if she let the witch take charge of the situation. She couldn't help the fear that was building inside of her as she carefully watched every move the men made and she was positive that everyone in the room was able to hear her heart beating in the otherwise silent room.

"I tried to be nice about this..." Francesca Guerrera trailed off in a light-hearted tone as she sauntered into the establishment with an air of self-importance that could only come from the influence of money.

Any possible fear that had been entrenching on the two women's nerves was immediately replaced with anger at the sight of the darkhaired woman and Imogen rolled her eyes in annoyance as she sat back down on her stool, regarding the woman as nothing more than a pesky bug that wouldn't go away.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Cami asked in a mixture of fury and disbelief as she stepped out from behind the bar with a scowl etched on her lips, knowing that she was safe to voice her frustration with Imogen nearby to keep her safe.

"I am looking for the owner of this –" she answered in the same casual tone, not bothered by the less than stellar reception and her nose scrunched up slightly in distaste as she looked around the room before she continued, " – gumbo shack. Ink's not dry on the contract, yet, and I'm sure I can get it cheap. Business is not what it used to be since Sophie Deveraux kicked the bucket."

A flash of unadulterated hatred surged through Imogen as she jumped off of her stool, her heels 'clicking' loudly on the ground and gathering the attention of everyone in the room but she ignored everyone except for the older brunette as she approached her in a confident stride. Her lips curved into a tight smile as she positioned herself next to Cami, silently displaying her allegiance to the blonde and her tone was so sugary sweet that it could have caused cavities but everyone could hear the underlining venom in her voice when she spoke, "I'm the owner, and I'm afraid the place isn't for sale."

The unsaid 'especially to you' was heard easily at the end of her sentence but Francesca did nothing but return the tight smile as her dark eyes flashed with malice and Imogen was positive that her standing in the supernatural community and her very public relationship with the Originals was the only thing keeping her from taking a prolonged dip in the river that bordered the French Quarter.

"Look, I don't want any trouble." Cami interrupted the stare down between the two women, wanting nothing more than to get whatever reason Francesca was there over with because her mere presence was enough to send a chill up her spine.

"I don't really care what you want. Let's talk about what I want." Francesca said in a deceptively blasé tone as she slowly started to stroll around the spacious room with her hands clasped behind her back.

"Right. My uncle's key." The blonde muttered in a hard tone as she eyed the woman distrustfully, feeling like a gazelle in the sight of a lion and she hated it, she hated feeling weak like she was prey going up against a predator. "You said you were going to use it to protect the innocents of the city? Seems pretty ironic, considering your line of work."

"I'm a legitimate businesswoman who's never been convicted of a crime. And, as leader of the Human Faction, that key is mine. I gave you time to mourn. Now, time's up!"

"Message received. Let me just go find that key I don't have."

"My family's been in New Orleans a long time, Cami. Even longer than yours! And we've learned it's a very hard city to get by in if you don't have any friends. I'd like to be your friend. So I'm going to give you until tomorrow. And after that, I won't be so friendly."

"Ooh! That sounded like a threat. Don't you feel threatened, Cami? I know I do." Imogen interjected in a cold of voice as she stepped protectively in front of her friend, glaring daggers at the darkhaired woman. Francesca turned her hardened stare towards the witch with the same brittle smile on her lips and Imogen felt Cami subtly move behind her so that she wasn't in the line of fire if something were to happen. "Be very carefully with your words, Ms Guerrera. You seem to forget that Cami does have friends in New Orleans. Friends with more power and more reach than you possess."

The fake smile on Francesca's feature seemed to fade away at the reminder that the women in front of her had personal relationships with the Original family and the leader of the uprising on the other side of the river. Something vaguely malevolent sparked in her dark eyes as she glared at them for a moment longer before turning on her heel and stalking out of the bar without a backwards glance as her security team followed obediently.

"I don't know what is going on with her, you and this mysterious key, but do you have a handle on the situation?" Imogen asked the woman next to her quietly without looking away from the closed door that Francesca had just retreated through. She wanted her friend to know that she was there for her without sounding too condescending or suggesting that she wasn't capable of handling it on her own.

"I have no idea." Cami admitted with a heavy sigh as she ran a hand through her blonde hair in frustration and she toyed with the idea of including Imogen in the mystery that Kieran had inadvertently left her when he died but she didn't want to add anymore burdens to the mass that she was currently carrying for everyone else. A part of her also wanting to do this on her own to prove to herself and everyone else that she was strong enough to be a part of the supernatural, that she could handle the knowledge and thrive under the pressure of the burden.

"Okay. If you need anything..."

"I know. Thanks." the human said sincerely with a slight grin on her lips as she looked over at her friend because she knew that Imogen meant what she said; if Cami needed anything, she would drop whatever she was doing and be there to help in any way she could. The fact that she had already proved that by rushing to her side when Kieran's hex had gotten worse was only more reassuring and Cami would be eternally grateful to have such a devoted and loyal friend in her corner to fight alongside her if that's what it came down to.

"Alright. Go do whatever it is that you need to do in order to keep that mysterious key out of Francesca's hands. I don't know why she wants it, but the fact that she does, is a major red flag in my opinion." Imogen told her in a tone that could have been misconstrued as jovial but Cami knew that she meant every word she spoke and the hard glint in her blue eyes told of an unspoken desire to make sure that Francesca didn't succeed in whatever plan she was concocting behind the back of the other Faction leaders.


"Elijah, have you seen Imogen this morning?" Hayley asked hopefully as she wandered into the office that the Original had claimed as his own, a mug of decaffeinated tea in one hand and the other resting on her swollen stomach. Since both of the Mikaelson brothers were set on being overprotective after the incident the day before, they had basically ordered her to remain inside the compound and she was already going stir-crazy sitting around do nothing except reading the baby name book that Imogen had gotten for her in town.

The aforementioned Original glanced up from the ancient tomb that he been in his possession since the middle ages, offering the werewolf a slight upturn of his lips as she strolled further into the study slowly. The mention of the witch filled him with conflicting emotions; a startling happiness that she had bestowed upon him when she texted him only minutes before and a bizarre amount of disappointment that it wasn't her walking through his doorway like she owned the room, a habit he should not have found as charming as he did.

"Earlier this morning, but she went out for breakfast with Davina and Joshua, before meeting Camille at Rousseau's to go over the finances now that she's the sole owner. She sent word that she's on her way home now though. She shouldn't be more than a few minutes." he answered without thinking as he turned his attention back to the literature in front of him and Hayley paused on the opposite side of his desk, a knowing smirk playing on her lips as she leaned her hands on his desktop. It took him a moment to realise that she hadn't spoken a word and he slowly lifted her head to meet her penetrating stare, her hazel eyes seemed to cut through him as she quirked an eyebrow at him in silent question.

"I didn't realise you had become her secretary, keeping her schedule and all." she taunted him sarcastically as she folded her arms over her chest, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she attempted to maintain her indifferent façade.

Elijah levelled her with a deadpan stare as he leaned back in his chair in the perfect picture of someone unaffected and his lips twitched slightly in amusement as he countered drily, "I believe the politically correct term is 'executive assistant'."

Hayley rolled her eyes at him with a smirk playing on her lips as she let her arms drop to her sides and she regard him critically for a moment through squinted hazel eyes before apparently coming to a conclusion that caused her to genuinely smile as she pointed out succinctly, "Something's different."

"Hayley..." he warned him pointedly as he stood up from behind his desk, fixing the button his suit jacket and she grinned unrepentantly at the look he was giving her as he strolled around the desk to stand beside her. "Enough. If you wish to gossip, I'm afraid you've approached the wrong member of this household."

"Good point. Now I have two reasons to speak to Imogen the minute she gets home." she agreed with a shrug of her shoulders as she walked over to the couch in the middle of the room and rested a hand on her stomach as she carefully lowered herself onto it with a groan.

"Is everything okay?" he asked her in concern as he sat down on the edge of the coffee table, his eyebrows furrowed as he eyed her as though she was going to go into labour at any moment.

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