《Bring Me To Life | The Originals (1)》Sometimes Reality Is Better Than Dreams


"When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching – they are your family." ― Jim Butcher

'I've got sunshine on a cloudy day; When it's cold outside I've got the month of May; I guess you'd say; What can make me feel this way?; My girl (my girl, my girl); Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)', the music played from the cell phone that was sitting on the bedside table, loud enough to wake the inhabitant of the bedroom.

Imogen groaned out loud in protest as the sound woke her from a dreamless sleep and she scrunched her face up slightly without opening her eyes as she blindly fumbled for her phone with one hand. Her fingers curled around the device as she rolled over onto her back with an incoherent grumble, recognising the song that she had programed to play whenever Davina called and she squinted through the narrow eyes as she hit the answer button on the screen.

"Hello?" she asked in croaky voice as she held the phone up to her ear, using her free hand to rub her eyes and she grimaced at the sound of her own voice before clearing her throat in the hope of regaining some normality.

"Where are you? You were meant to meet me and Josh for breakfast fifteen minutes ago. Did Klaus do something? Do you need help? Oh, God, you probably can't answer because he can hear you. Okay, if you need help...cough." Davina rambled in a rush without taking a breath and Imogen frowned in confusion as she tried to keep up with the conversation in her tired state of mind. She pushed herself up on her elbows as she looked around, trying to clear the fogginess from her head and she noted with a hint of disappointment that Elijah was nowhere in sight nor was there any sign that he had been. A part of her was positive that the night before had been a dream but there was a pleasant ache between her legs that proved her wrong and she flopped back down on the pillow with a giddy grin stretching across her lips as the memories of the night came to the forefront of her mind.

"What? No. I overslept. Calm down. No more coffee for you."


"You sound almost disappointed, Pix. Listen, are you still at the café?" Imogen asked her sister in a patient tone as she sat up in bed, looking down at the men's button-up shirt she was wearing and fidgeting with one of the buttons absently. She bit her lower lip as she glanced around the empty room, no evidence of the night before except for the shirt that Elijah had been wearing that now dawned her otherwise naked body.

"Yeah, we were waiting for you but when you didn't show we panicked." Davina explained in an almost accusing tone of voice but Imogen could practically hear the smile in her voice now that she knew her was save.

"She panicked! I was the very definition of 'cool'!" Josh interjected faintly from the other side of the phone call, obviously overhearing the conversation between the sisters and Imogen chuckled in amusement as she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

"I'll be there in ten minutes. Order for me?" Imogen asked hopefully as she stood up from the bed with a smile playing on her lips, enjoying the playful banter between her sister and man she thought of as a brother.

"Fine, but hurry up!" Davina ordered in a mock-serious tone before laughing at something Josh had said and Imogen couldn't help grinning at the sound that was so infrequent since she had come back to life as she hung up the phone. She placed the device down on the bedside table before she stretched her arms over her over with a yawn, the hem of the oversize shirt rising in the process. She hummed to herself in satisfaction when her muscles ached slightly and she dropped her arms as she strolled over to the antique dresser to the side of the room.


It crossed her mind to be grateful that she had had the forethought to bring a selection of clothing to the Abattoir when she had taken over the bedroom and she pulled out a pair of red lace panties from one of the drawers with a faint smile imprinted on her lips. She tried to stop smiling, afraid that she would appear crazy if anyone saw the massive grin she wore but the corners of her lips kept turning up despite herself. She slipped on the panties before making her way over to the armoire where she kept her clothes and she began searching for an outfit to wear that matched her joyful mood.

She was startled out of her deliriously happy thoughts when she heard the bedroom door opening behind her and she spun around with a frown, poised to defend herself if necessary but then relaxed at the sight in front of her. Elijah stood in the doorframe in a charcoal grey suit pants and a white button up undershirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, carrying in his hands a tray with what appeared to be breakfast. The scent of coffee and waffles wafted through the room as Imogen gasped in surprise at the gesture, sucking her lower lip into her mouth to hide the beaming smile that threatened to spread across her lips.

"What's this?" she asked happily as she practically skipped towards him, feeling like she was floating on a cloud and he turned his head towards her with a crooked grin as his gaze skirted over her exposed legs before returning to her face.

"It was supposed to be breakfast in bed, but it appears you've managed to thwarted my dastardly plans." he answered teasingly as he quirked an eyebrow at her in silent disapproval and she smiled cheekily as she stood up on her tiptoes, carefully avoiding the tray in his hands to press a chaste kiss to his lips.

Imogen glanced down at the lightly toasted waffles, sliced banana and strawberries to the side, a pouring jug full of maple syrup, a small bowl with hand whipped cream and a mug of coffee sitting next to the plate. Her mouth watered at the delicious smell coming from the food as she picked up the coffee cup and almost moaned as she sipped the bittersweet liquid, slightly surprised that it was made exactly how she liked it.

"Mm, perfect. Thank you." she told him gratefully as she smiled at him, watching as he set the tray down on the bedside table and she took another sip of her coffee as she strolled over to place the cup down next to it. The warmth of Elijah's presence next to her caused her skin to tingle as she turned around face him and draped her arms around his neck, her fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he gently pulled her body closer until there was no space between them and she giggled uncharacteristically, looking up at him with a shy smile on her lips as she whispered, "Hi."

"Hello." he murmured in returned as he searched her features for any sign that she regretted their night together but he was pleased to note that her blue eyes were shining brightly with happiness.

Imogen stood up on her toes as she brought his lips down to meet hers in a passionate but loving kiss and she internally marvelled at the simplicity of the action, of the entire situation given how guarded both of them were. Other men had attempted to woo her with romantic gestures, showered her with gifts and compliments, but none of them had come closer to breaking through the protective barrier that had built up over the years of broken trust and abuse. She felt no shame in admitting that most of her sexual encounters were one night stands that were diluted by alcohol or brief flings between two consenting parties that were immediately put to an end if her partner expressed any further interest.


As clichéd as it was, Imogen felt like she was a new person; colours were brighter, noises were louder, her skin was tingling with anticipation, for what she wasn't sure but whatever it was, she was ready. The relationship between her and Elijah was different in every conceivable way. He was different in every conceivable way. It was like she hadn't known true happiness until she met him, until he unknowingly showed her another way to live. With the right person, you didn't have to work to be happy, it just happened effortlessly.

The witch moaned a little in the back of her throat as she pulled back from the kiss, dropping back down on her feet with a genuine smile playing on her lips and she shook her head a little in disbelief that she could experience that kind of happiness. She was starting to consider that maybe she wasn't meant to be happy, that she was just meant to survive in the world, maybe it was her role to make sure everyone else around her got their happily ever after.

Contentment coursed through her body as she leaned into him for a moment before swaying backwards so their bodies weren't touching and she tilted her head to the side with a slight pout as she said apologetically, "The food looks and smells delicious, but unfortunately, I have to go meet Davina and Josh for breakfast down the street."

"I understand. You haven't seen them in a while." he replied in an understanding tone of voice with a hint of disappointment but the crooked upturn of his lips was nothing less than sincere. The fact that he was so accepting sent a wave of affection through her as she offered him a beaming smile and she shivered when his hand slipped underneath the dress shirt she was wearing, grazing the back of her bare thigh almost teasingly.

Imogen sucked in a sharp breath as she reluctantly removed herself from his arms while shaking her head and he pouted playfully in her direction while she avoided his attempts to grab her around the waist. She planted her hands on her hips as she tilted her head to the side with a quirked eyebrow and she gave him a look of bemused disapproval as she scolded him in a playful tone, "Nope. I need to get ready. I'm already running late because I overslept. Someone, not naming names, but someone kept me awake last night, and then when I finally got to sleep, that same someone, still not naming names, woke me up...twice."

A roguish grin spread across his lips, not apologetic in the least as he sat down on the edge of the bed and watched as she took another sip of her coffee with a satisfied moan. He shifted his positon slightly when he felt himself harden, the quiet noise bringing back memories of the night before when she was making the same glorious sound for another reason entirely. It certainly didn't help matters when she strolled over to the armoire and the hem of his dress shirt from the night before swayed against her bare thighs tauntingly, daring him to remove it from obstructing the view.

"So, what your plans for the day?" she asked him idly as she searched through the closet for an acceptable outfit, sending him a brief smile over her shoulder and he watched her movements with a fond expression.

"It seems my brother has sent Jackson and one of his pack members to retrieve the black kyanite gemstones. Once they return we can move forward with our plan to spell the moonlight rings." he informed her with a forced sense of levity as he rolled his eyes subtly at his brother's tyrannical demands. She frowned when she heard the undercurrent of annoyance in his voice as she turned around to face him, one hand resting on the armoire and the other poised on her hip. He shook his head slightly, as though he was trying to rid himself of the dark thoughts that had crossed his mind and she slowly made her way towards him with a concerned expression as she came to a stop in between his legs. She rested one hand on his shoulder as she used the other hand to tilt his face upwards so he was forced to meet her eyes and she quirked an eyebrow in silent demand that he tell her what was going through his mind. He sighed heavily as his shoulders slumped in defeat and he looked away from her face for a moment before turning back as he told her solemnly, "I believe Niklaus has more diabolical intentions when it comes to the moonlight rings. I do not believe he wishes to solely alleviate the wolves from the torment of turning every full moon. Nothing he does is purely selfless, there has to be something more he's holding back."

"Do you believe the wolves deserve the moonlight rings?" she asked him in a serious tone of voice as she soothed her thumb over his cheekbone and he blinked in surprise, like he hadn't really considered his opinion on the matter important.

"Yes. I do." he answered truthfully after a moment of contemplation as he nodded his head once and he felt a warmth in his chest when she grinned brightly in response, like she was pleased with his answer.

"Then go with the flow, for now at least. Genevieve and I will work together to spell the rings, freeing the wolves from the full moon, and then once it's done, we'll worry about whatever nefarious plan Klaus has concocted in that diabolical mind of his. Okay?"

Elijah couldn't contain the grin that spread across his lips when he heard the word 'we' coming from her mouth, a kind of primal satisfaction roared in life inside of him and for a moment, he was tempted to throw her over his shoulder and keep her locked in the bedroom with him for the rest of the day. But he had responsibilities that required his attention, and she had familial obligations that she wouldn't overlook for something so frivolous. It was one of the unspoken mutual agreements that they had based their relationship on; family was their number one priority, no matter what.

Imogen leaned down to graze her lips across his cheek before doing the same to the opposite side and then finally melding their lips together in a brief but passionate kiss. The moment he started to respond to the kiss, attempting to grab hold of her hips, she danced back out of his reach with a laugh and grinned brightly as she practically skipped back over to the abattoir. There was something remarkable about the way she could simultaneously be wise beyond years and display the childlike innocence of someone who hadn't seen the death and destruction she had in her life.

Modesty wasn't something that really bothered Imogen, at least not in the presence of people she was comfortable with, and so she didn't have any qualms about stripping out of the dress shirt she wore once she found a suitable outfit. The corners of her lips turned up in satisfaction and pleasure when she heard Elijah clear his throat discreetly behind her and she could feel his intense gaze searing into her back as she slipped a mustard yellow dress with a black pattern over her head. She strolled over to the full length mirror, regarding her reflection critically as she straightened the top of her dress and she was gratefully that she didn't need to wear a bra with the outfit. She hummed happily as she picked up a hairbrush from the top of her dresser and ran it through her naturally wavy brunette hair so that it laid in loose curls around her shoulders. She took a seat in front of the vanity table and started to expertly apply her make up for the day, not going overbroad because it was only brunch. She caught Elijah's gaze in the reflection of the mirror and couldn't help but smile at the enraptured expression he wore, like he hadn't even noticed that he was watching her do something as simple as applying her makeup for the day.

Imogen stood up from the seat, causing him to blink as though he had just awaken from a dream and she chuckled softly as she bent over to grab a pair of black heels from beside the armoire. He glared at her playfully as she carried her shoes towards him and sat down on the bed beside him as his expression softened into one of obvious affection. He picked up her cooling coffee mug from the bedside table as she slipped on her shoes while humming absently to herself and he smiled slightly at the sound, marvelling at how the small action sent a flush of warmth through him.

The two of them didn't need words, they didn't need to speak and Imogen was slightly in awe of how comfortable she was around him. She had heard rumours about him, of course. The noble Original; handsome and moral, always kept his word but a master at finding loopholes. He was a mystery, an enigma she never thought she would meet but now, she was finding it difficult to imagine a life without his presence.

A grateful smile touched her lips as she accepted the cup he handed her once she was finished and she stood up from the bed as she drank the lukewarm coffee. She hummed in contentment as she swallowed the last of the bitter liquid and placed the empty mug down on the bedside table. She turned to face him with a half-smile on her lips as she placed her hands on his shoulders and he grasped her hips in return, trying not to be distracted by the advantageous view of her breasts that he now possessed.

"Thank you for the concept of breakfast." she murmured quietly in a sincere tone of voice as she smiled down at him and he tilted his head back to meet her eyes with a quirk of his lips as his oak brown eyes twinkled with mirth.

"You're welcome. Perhaps we'll try again tomorrow morning." he replied suggestively with a smirk as he slipped his hand underneath the skirt of her dress and she gasped in mock indignation but her blue eyes aflame with lust, hope and mirth.

"Mr Mikaelson!" she exclaimed in a scandalised tone as she playfully slapped his shoulder and he tugged her closer to him as he splayed hand flat across her lace-covered butt cheek. His oak brown eyes smouldered with need as he used his other hand to caress her upper arm and she sucked in a sharp breath as though she was steeling herself for something before forcing herself to take a step back out of his reach. He immediately pouted when his hand dropped from her enticing body and she bit her lower lip to stop from giggling at the adorable picture he made as she reminded him pointedly, "Already running late, remember?"

Elijah sighed heavily as he dropped his head in defeat but nodded in understanding, disappointment coursing through his body and he quirked a smile as he stood up from the edge of the bed. She raised an eyebrow at him warningly as she stepped backwards, further out of his immediate reach and he held up his hands in surrender as he chuckled lowly in amusement at her exaggerated action.

"I'll see you this afternoon? Tonight at the very latest." she told him with a smile as she picked up one of the fresh strawberries from the tray on the bedside table, dripped it in the whipped cream before taking a bite of the juicy red fruit. She hummed in appreciation as she used her pinkie finger to wipe away a drop of juice that dribbled onto her lip and she froze when she noticed that Elijah's oak brown eyes had darkened until they were almost black as he watched her intently. She grimaced apologetically as she turned around from him, popping the rest of the strawberry into her mouth and she grabbed her phone from the dresser top where she left it before hurrying out of the bedroom as she waved goodbye over her shoulder.

Imogen couldn't contain the giggle that escaped her lips as she hurried down the corridor, her mind replaying the events of the morning but then she came to a sudden complete stop in the middle of the hallway. Her features contorted in horror as though she had remembered something that was going to change everything and she spun around as she ran back the way she had come, breathing heavily as she came to a stop in the doorway to her bedroom.

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