《You're A What - A OHSHC FanFiction》Chapter 8


"Akuma (l/n) to the principle's office, please."

I heard from the newly installed intercoms that normally had their volume way too loud. "Ooooo he's in trouble!" Some of the boys in the class joked and it was annoying. Slowly I got up from my seat and headed to the office.

The trek was long and I ended up getting terribly lost and had to asked the janitor where the principles office was. The sweet old man, Mr. Terriyaki, softly chuckled and stopped mopping and pointed in the totally other direction, "Just walk straight to the end of the hall and take a left then immediately take a right. That will lead you to a small hallway just walk straight down there and take another right. Do you need me to write in down for ya'?" I laughed quietly, "Nope, I should be fine! Dōmo arigatō misutā yōmuin, sensei!" I thanked him as I sprinted down the hall.

"Hey, no running..." I heard him cautiously reprimand but I was already down the hall.

I quickly waved at Haruhi as ran past the classroom. She only deadpanned whilst I noticed the twins chuckling, had they known I was going the wrong way?

I followed the janitor's directions and I stopped in front of a large wooden door. The door had a small, thin sheet of gold-colored metal with some words engraved into it. 'Miss Noriko Kyou'.

I sighed pushing open the door to the surprisingly small office, you would think a school full of dang rich people would have allowed their principle a little more room. I hadn't been there and I already wish I hadn't ever had to of gone. The lady sat at a desk, her dull green staring straight through my soul. "Um..." I started shyly, "You called for me, Miss Kyou?"


She nodded, not saying a word. Her eyes lock with mine and I gulped. Her face was stoic and shriveled, the perfect and small bun added to her intimidating presence, I had heard that even Hikaru and Kaoru are scared of her. I could tell she was far after her prime, her hair thin and grey along with slightly wrinkled features. She motioned me two sit in one of the two comfy chairs in front of her desk. I complied quickly, not wanting to keep her waiting any longer.

She sighed, "Miss (l/n), allow me to get straight to the point, I am expelling you from Ouran."

"What! Why the heck are you expelling me?" I stood up from the chair, accidentally knocking it over. I covered my mouth, realizing my sudden outburst, I bent down and set the chair back up, sitting back down. I bit my lip, letting her continue.

Miss Kyou glared, "You lied to the students of Ouran, claiming your gender as male when in truth it is female, I hate to inform you but the school's board of directors has unanimously voted to re-leave ourselves, and this school, of unwanted pest such as yourself, pack your things, your sister is on her way. Have a wonderful day."

I was now on the verge of tears, how am I gonna tell the Host Club? How was I gonna tell Hikaru?

{Ima leave you on a cliff hanger, MWA HA HA *hack* ha...}

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