《You're A What - A OHSHC FanFiction》Chapter 2


I sat on the couch and awaited my first customers. I peeked over and saw that Haruhi already had two cute customers. The two twins also had about five girls fawning over them. Two giggles were heard from the doors that lead in and out of the "abandoned" music room. About three girls were met by Tamaki who said that the Host Club had two new members. I didn't pay too much attention until those same three girls were seated in front of me.

One girl had red hair in a bun who wore that disgusting banana dress. The other had blonde hair that was to short for any style. Then the third had black hair, too long for her own good in a braided bun. They all had hazel eyes. They giggled with each other before the blonde spoke up, "So I heard you are on all the sports teams." I smirked. I patted the space next to me and the blonde gladly took it.

I wrapped my arm around her and nodded, "Of course. And there's only something I love more than sports." The ravanette looked at me inquiringly, "Oh and what would that be?" She asked the blonde nodded looking straight into my eyes, curiosity was evident in them. "I love pleasing you, ladies, a lot more than playing sports." They all blushed and laughed.

Suddenly Tamaki picked me off the couch and started to spin me around. "You and Haruhi are naturals. You are almost as good as me." I almost blushed at the comment, I would have if Tamaki wasn't squeezing the freaking life out of me. I did the last possible thing, I called out to the tall blade of grass, Mori-sempai. "Mori-sempai, help me! I can't freaking breath."


Suddenly I felt myself being lifted out of the king's grasp. I looked down slightly and saw Mori-sempai lifting me up off the ground. I am scared of heights and started to turn pale when I looked down. Morinozuka-sempai took notice and put me back on the couch next to the blonde. I sighed in relief.

"Um... Akuma?"

I turned and saw the shy red-headed girl had called me. I was a little surprised cause I took her for the type of girl who didn't talk too much. "Yes?" I responded in a cool low tone. I could see the two in front of me faces turn beet red.

"Is i-it okay if we re-request you a-again."

"Of course!" I responded in a happy yet collected voice. The three girls squealed at my response. Then Tamaki came around apologizing to the girls. "I'm sorry, my princesses, but it's time to switch customers."

A few grumbles and complaints later, an overly beautiful bluette was sitting across from me. She wasn't wearing the ugly yellow dress but rather a black mini skirt, navy blue knee-high socks, a cute navy tank top, and some black heels. She was also wearing hoops and her hair was all the way to her knees.

"So you an honor student?" I asked in the most non-mocking tone I could produce. A slight laugh was followed by, "No, my father voices in the best animes and my mother is a lawyer." I nodded. "So what's with the outfit. I mean I love your taste, but I thought all the rich people wore the uniform. I'm an honor student so the club lent me the uniform."

Her face beamed with excitement, I guess no one talked with her that much. "Oh, I hate the yellow dresses, so I just wore this instead. And also you look like a rich kid." I scratched the back of my head, "Ya, my dad was a movie producer in Russia but he lost his job after we moved to Japan. Soon after we found out he had brain cancer. It's been terrible keeping up with the hospital bills. But all that matters is that he's alive."


"Aww that's terrible, I'm so sorry." I laughed. "That's just my sob story, it is true but it's fine. It's for the ladies, ya know." She and I started laughing. Full-on hysterically laughing.

"You laugh like a girl."


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