《Soulmates who weren't meant to be》Part 17: Do you ever think of me...


Can you tell me

What was going on in your head

You probably knew

How much pain

I was going through

But it took you 3 months

To tell me that 3 years

Didn't mean a thing

Do you remember

The last time we met

Maybe I knew somewhere

That I've become a stranger to you

But I played dumb

Just so I could keep you

Even if it meant just for a

Split second in my life

I never knew

That even your eyes

Could lie

It seems as if

I never even knew you

Why did you have to pretend

That there was something

All along

Even though

I've left the thought of us

Somewhere in my heart

I guess I still love you

And I might never

Never forget you

Cause I loved you so

But I know that it

doesn't matter to you

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