《Soulmates who weren't meant to be》Part 14 : Loosing sight


Everything around is

Falling apart

I have no clear visions


I'm in need of help

But I don't know

What I'd ask for

As if the world

Wasn't testing me


I get thrown to more pain

Is there an end

To all this misery

Or will it take my life

Along with it

Maybe I was destined

To be teary eyed

For the rest of my life

No matter how much

I try to grow out

Of all the pain

Inflicted on my heart

There will still be something

Haunting my life

If you exist somewhere

God please don't

make me loose my faith

I'm at the brink

Of leaving everything


Because I can't do this


I'm tired of trying

To be good enough

But all I'd do is fail

Will there be a day

When I could lay my

Head and rest peacefully

Where I don't feel this way

Call me a fool

Maybe I hope too much

Of happy endings

And beautiful life

But would it hurt

For my dreams to be true

Aren't better days

Written in my destiny?

What have I done

To not deserve

Even a peaceful day

In this lifetime

Are my days on earth over

Then take me home

I want to leave

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