《Soulmates who weren't meant to be》Part 11: I don't have answers for you !


After all I said

Why do you still love me

After knowing the truth

You still believe

We are meant to be

But how am I

Supposed to say to you

That I saw a forever

With someone else

Why are you okay

With all my childish behaviors

Wouldn't you get a better one

One who is poised and

Filled with grace

But thank you

For bringing my smile back

Reminding me

That I'm just where

I'm meant to be

Maybe I was living

In the future

Hoping for better


Rather than

Making today

Worth living

I didn't know

What you saw until

I saw it from your eyes

I still don't know why

I deserve all this love

That you show me

Why are you

So patient and gentle

With all the broken pieces

Of my heart

Are you god sent

To show me what

I refused to see

In me

All this while

Are we supposed

To go different ways

Or stay right here

Right now

Should I wait

Not knowing

what's tomorrow

Or look forward

To new paths

That I'm yet to


This place is new

To me

And I'm just figuring

Things out

While I still figure out

What I really am

I don't have

All the answers

Can you help me

Find them

Cause I can't think


But why do I crave

Space and time

Away from all this


Cause I myself

Don't know

Where everything

Leads to

All the outcomes

Are unknown

So don't stand still

And wait

But keep moving

On your way

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