《Soulmates who weren't meant to be》Part 1: Realisation


And in the middle of my chaos there was you

Standing there undisturbed

Waiting for me

And all along I believed

That history would repeat itself

And you would choose to leave me

In the deepest of my despair

But little did I know

That you were the one

I've been waiting all along

Someone who would see my soul

And not what I chose to show

From loving my flaws to

Accepting what life is all about

I started seeing all in a different light

From merely existing to fully living

Somewhere along the line I realized

That I loved you

More than life itself

But that doesn't entitle me to have you

You were like the summer rain

The happiness in my pain

Like the cool amidst the heat

Nothing good lasts forever they say

But I want you to stay

Or maybe visit me sometimes

Like a rain on a sunny day

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