《Hiccup the Night Fury》Arrival


Hiccup arrived at the island a little before dawn. He landed in the clearing that Gothi described and quickly found Toothless. He walked over to him and smiled a goofy toothless smile before turning back into a human. Toothless returned the smile and they looked up at the sky and waited for the others to arrive.

After a while, Gothi walked up to them. "I would advise doing something other than staring up at the sky. They will not be here until dawn tomorrow at the earliest." Advised Gothi. "When will training begin?" "When everyone is here and rested. So, the day after tomorrow." Hiccup nods and follows Toothless as he heads into the forest.

They returned shortly after dark and fell asleep curled together. Gothi let out a quiet chuckle. "They really missed each other. If anyone was looking for the ideal rider dragon bond, they need look no further than those two. Not even a curse and can separate them." She smiled and fell asleep.

True to Gothi's prediction, the other riders and dragons arrived shortly after dawn on the next day and landed in the spacious clearing. Gothi rose to meet them. "Welcome, rest today. Tomorrow, I will begin training you to the best of my ability." She said. The riders and dragons nodded as went their separate ways.

Astrid got off of Stormfly and went over to where Hiccup and Toothless were lying down. Toothless heard her approach and lifted his head. "Yes."

. Astrid nods and walks away. "Thanks bud." "Yes."

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