
I pulled my shrug closer to my body when a shiver ran through my body. It was now late in the evening making everything black. I should have gone inside but I loved this or... I turned my head to the side to see Zion with his eyes closed and taking in the cool air of london.

I smiled when I knew my reason.

"Isn't cool air just the best?" he said, opening his eyes.

"Yes. This climate is especially perfect , not too windy and not too cold. ''I said,for that he just hummed and we sat in silence for a few more minutes in silence before it was broken by zion.

"I heard you're going out with Anna tomorrow," he asked, turning towards me.

"Yes. it was sudden plan when i told her i don't have anything to wear"

He laughed "don't worry a bit she is the best at the field, you will have your dress perfect in time and i assure you are gonna look beautiful"

My eyes wided at his compliment and I lowered my head when I felt my cheeks starting to heat up. A second of silence passed through us and I saw his hand moving towards me and holding my hand and slowly but surely interlocking his hand with me.

My breath stopped at his bold move.

"Are you excited" he asked his voice soft

I gulped down and tighten my hands with him sending a bolt of electricity through me

"I never went out shopping, tomorrow reminds me of my college days" I said looking up "so i'm pretty pumped up" i smiled. He gave me a smile and I smiled looking at him , capturing the way he looked at me thinking about nothing but only him and how his presence made me feel.


I opened the door and saw Anna running towards me at high speed and skirting through the end of the hallway.

"Someone is very excited"

"Me" she said jumping on me i laughed hugging her.

"Are you ready?" she asked once she pulled out.

"From yesterday"

"Then why are we wasting the time, let's go" she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me forward. It was kind of difficult because she was tall and I was not.


We were walking towards the front door when we saw Joseph talking to someone on the phone.

"No mom lmao is not laughing my ass off- oh gosh mom - ahhh" Joseph screamed when Anna pulled him by the collar.

"What the hell, what are you doing-

"We are going shopping idiot"

"But i don't need anything"

"That's the whole point"


"Finally, it's about time I need peace and air," Joseph said while I chuckled at him. Poor guy had to go through Anna's private concert. When Anna started to bicker again I turned my head towards the front of a high rise glass building with an alex eagle carved into it. It was not massive but the architect made it stand out.

"Like it??" Anna asked beside me.

"Its beautiful"

"Let's go", she said and we entered the building. It was like the front, simple and rich. We then met with Anna's mom. She was kind but held authority with her. I think Joseph was also a little intimidated by her. What took me by surprise is that he took the effort to present himself well. Normally he wouldn't have cared what others thought but here we are standing at the corner watching Joseph being interrogated by Anna's mom while he tries to balance between not pissing his pants and impressing her.

"Let's go, this will take some time,"she said, dragging me to the store.

I was distracted by the amount of gowns,party wear and many more when anna pushed a dark green gown towards me.

" Try it'' I nodded and went inside a trial room to change it.

When I came out of the curtain I was met with a very disapproving and annoyed face.

"Oh hell no. Change asap"

Apparently the dress which looked good on the shelf doesn't look good on me. This happened for all the seven gowns.Joseph joined us when I was trying the fifth dress.

"How about this one?" Anna asked, showing me a bright red dress.

"No red please"

She sighed and went on to look for some other dress. Joseph gave a small smile and left with her.

I took a deep breath and went around the store to look at the dress.not gonna lie but this is taking a toll on me after trying seven or more gowns my body is tired.


"Ma'am can I help you?" a young lady asked me.

I turned to her to see her having a kind smile "yes I have been looking for a dress for a evening party"

"I will bring some"

I let put a small laugh "I already tried many gown"

"Oh, okay then any colour you prefer like your go to colour you always wear?"

"I mostly wear black for these types of function but I don't want to wear black to this event"

She nodded and I looked down to her tag to see that her name is brianna.

"Give me a minute ma'am"

I nodded and sat down while waiting for her and prayed that at least this dress should fit me.

"Ma'am how about this one" I turned to her to see a golden half shoulder gown.

"Oh my gosh this dress looks so beautiful" i exclaimed touching the dress

"Felicity- oh my gosh where did you find this dress" joseph called while coming to me.

"I know right" i said smiling widely "anna come here and look this"

"what -" she stopped as she gasped at the dress.


I nodded and quickly went inside the curtain and quickly started putting on the dress one, all the tiredness leaving me replaced with excitement.

When i came out both their turned towards me with wide eyes


"Oh my gosh this is perfect, you look like a princess," Anna said, jumping and cutting off joseph.

"I know right" I smiled looking at my reflection. The dress was beautiful, elegant and sexy. The collarbone and the slight cleavage made it sexy. But i don't know what is with this dress but it is giving me a beautiful look.

"Shall we pack this"

"YES" both of them yelled.


I let out a loud sigh and popped into the bed not caring if I didn't wash my face I was too tired to get up. After the dress was finalised we went to the salon to get our nails done and went shopping to buy ourselves accessories and also did the whole spa facial thing. Joseph also included.

I was about to close my eyes when I heard my phone ringing. Oh no way i'm in a state of mind to speak to anyone. I reached my hand to cut the call when I saw the call id. My eyes widened.

I sat up combing my fingers through my hair.


"Uhm..hi" I said, catching my breath a little.

"Did I disturb you are you busy anna said you guys were done"

"No zion you didn't disturb me,i just now came" I turned my body lying flat.

"Oh aren't you tired we can talk tomorrow I just wanted to ask how the day went-

" No zion no..." I said alarmed "I...I.. I like to speak to you" I said softly, turning to my side.

Too much. Too much.

"Me too"

I passed out.

I cleared my throat while butterflies danced on my belly. "So what do you wanna know"

"What did you buy"

"Gown" I simply replied while I heard him groan.

"Oh come on felicity I know that give me details"

I laughed "No way i'm telling that"

"Why.. Wait did Anna blackmail you?"

Blackmail pfft no.my life is literally on the line.

"What.. What. Why I mean why" I said with a slight laugh.

"That girl is crazy, she blocked me on her phone because I didn't deserve it and I repeat. I did not deserve to see the post that she will be posting," Zion exclaimed.

"Well she is your best friend" I said remembering how she warned me not to post anything related to the dress. It was funny watching her go through the trouble of explaining to everyone.

"Well yeah what can I say" I said "And felicity...hello?" I sat up straight when she did not reply.

"Hello felicity are you there?" I furrowed my eyebrows when I met with silence. After a few minutes I heard a small snoring.

My lips twitched in a smile and brought my phone to my hand and cut the call.

"Such a sleepy head" I smiled, laying down on my head. And counting the minutes till I get to see her.

I have never been this excited for a party.

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