
I rubbed my forehead to relieve some of the tiredness that came out of attending a tiresome hour-long meeting which had just finished a few minutes ago. This is the third day of endless meetings and I'm exhausted. We have been going through design and what not but it never came to an end only leaving us enervated.


I turned back to see miss.becky she is the one mr.irvine told i would be working with, originally i was not thrilled about sharing a deal or work whatever it is but i matured about it and miss.becky is really a nice person to work with so i don't really mind she has a unique personality which makes a good company to be with but also she can be quite frank i realised this in the past two day.

"Here" Becky said, placing down a cup of coffee in front of me the aroma instantly made me sigh in relief.

"Thank you so much," I said, grateful for her to bring me a coffee.

"No problem it looks like you need it.....no we all need it" she said with a laugh and i joined it. After a few minutes we went down to have lunch together. It is usually like this after a meeting we would relax for a bit and then we eat our lunch while sharing some stories and joking around.

It was like that today also Becky was saying something about the work when my eyes caught Zion walking with his phone down, the all familiar feeling whenever I saw him from a distance took over me. I could not help but to look at him as he was texting and his hair slightly ruffled through the wind making my hand twitch in anticipation. Lately he stopped using gel and let it be there as it is.

I loved it.

The corner of his lips turned upwards while reading something off his phone. Seeing him happy made me happy, a feeling I often felt these days which increased more when I accepted my feelings. I would think about it while in my bed staring at the ceiling which was rare because I would usually fall asleep quickly but not this time I would spend minutes thinking about him, his smile, his eyes and the way he talked , everything about him made me happy. This made me want to talk to him again and again but unfortunately I never had time. I have been busy with work and he is busy with his so we never really had a proper conversation in days. Everytime i tried going to him, work would suddenly pop out of nowhere and by the time I finished it, Zion had been called for another meeting and I had also been busy spending time with Becky. I found it impossible to deny her request.

And i can also say that he is also trying to meet me i would see him where i'm working waiting at door his eyes would be searching mine and i would always catch his eyes before he did because i was on my way to meet him but again i would stop by becky i can't really blame her even if i wanted to, she is just doing her job and i cant hate her for that. But it seems that the universe is literally against us meeting.

I remembered yesterday I had heard her knock from the door of my room. It was a little after eight o'clock. We were done for the day and I just washed my face and changed into something comfortable. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to who would knock on my door because everyone was tired and went to their own room. Sighing, I stood up and went to the door when I opened a surprised gasp that left my mouth at the sight of zion.


"Zion??" I was completely shocked because he never visited my room in the evening.


"Hi" I said a little breathless because after days this was the first time im seeing him this close and my mind went into a dizzy mode and the fact that he was dressed nicely did not do much to the fact. The white shirt made his eyes pop out more. The blue was so bright making my eyes not move away from him. I know he is very handsome but the fact that I loved him made him more beautiful to my eyes.

"Felicity hey" I was brought back from my thoughts when Zion waved his hands in front of me.

I quickly straightened my pose and caught Zion having a small smirk which made me think that I had been caught red handed.

Great. Felicity how could you slip so easily and stare at him when he is in front of you and talking to you. I felt so stupid and i can feel my cheeks burning.

I cleared my throat and looked downwards because I was unable to meet his eyes. It was very new. These new feelings I've been feeling lately all felt weird but also felt nice. I looked up when Zion had not spoken when my eyes met his. He had a beautiful smile on his face while looking down at me.

"I asked you if you are free?" Zion stated with the same smile.

I blinked twice before answering

"Uhm yeah" I said we were done for the day and I did have any work to do.

"Good. because i wanted to go and try this sushi restaurant down the street and i wanted to ask if you can come"

It took me a few seconds to register what he said and when it did my eyes widened well not because he asked to come to dinner with him but because when I realised I can't go. Ever since I talked to my family they have been over the moon and the happiness they had every time they talked to me made me realise how much I missed them. And I can't even put into words how they missed me so they called me every evening so that they could talk to me, another one of the reasons I'm busy.

And today is not like every other day because today is Paul's birthday and I promised them I would be with them well virtually and I surely can't miss it, i have missed it for years but not now.

I sighed and spared a glance at him. A small chuckle left his lips which made me instantly twitch in a smile .

I'm glad he is happy now. Because yesterday even before I said anything he understood my change of facial expression but I still said sorry and explained why I couldn't go. He masked his disappointment and told me it's okay and told me to wish him well and to have a good time.

Even when he said it was okay I can still see how disappointed he looked the way his eyes dropped down and how his smile faded a little and the one second he turned his head before speaking made me sad. It made me so helpless that I couldn't do anything but watch him go. Even Though i had a great time with my family there was a small part of me wondering a question.

"What would have happened if i went to the dinner"

"They are cute right"

I turned my head back to see Becky nodding her head forward. I followed the direction to see Zion hugging a woman, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I saw the face of the person. A big smile lit up my face.


It's Anna Zion's colleague I met after the day we went to London's eye. She was very friendly and kind we both instantly hit off right after i said i studied fashion because she was manganing textile business of her mom, we talked a lot she reminded me of my friend in my college we had a hearty laugh when i said this to her because she also said that i remained of her best friend. Soon enough we burst into laughter when Zion commented that he felt like he was third wheeling. We had a good time chatting. We three went along very well, me and Anna also exchanged numbers and we have been texting ever since.

I left a nudge on my side so I turned to see Becky asking me a question.

"Is she Zion's girlfriend?" Becky asked, looking behind him.

"Girlfriend!! No anna is her colleague" i said to clear the confusion.

Becky hummed and she slowly turned towards me.

"She looks like one" she said slowly sipping her drink.

"Uh..no no-

"I'm not talking about her but her as in type"

"I don't understand becky'' I said with a small nod as she let out a small chuckle.

"What i'm saying is that i will not be surprised if they started dating"


"Because she is his type" I asked with an unknown difficulty.


"Why?" I can't help but ask. My mood has completely changed. I was not feeling hungry anymore. There was weird tingling in my body which made me uncomfortable and difficult to continue the conversation.

She gave me a small smile before she spoke again "well first of all she is kind and a sweet person. I would imagine Zion dating someone like her. Her parents are well known in the city and she has been praised all over the media and has a good reputation. If this is not enough I don't know what it is."

I... I don't know what to think. Suddenly this conversation made my heart squeeze in a painful manner. Every word she spoke a huge lump formed on my throat, I felt like someone was shoving food in my mouth which I don't like. Because the reality is her words are like a sting to my ears which i don't want to hear.

"You don't agree with me??"

I don't want to.

"Im confused"

The corner of becky lips turned slightly upward and it was gone as quickly as it went. "Let me clear it for you felicity"

"You know Zion, a handsome successful businessman, he has a lot on his plate as the assistant ceo and triple of it when he takes charge of the business. Now let's insert a girlfriend who is not every kind, difficult to manage, always ends up fighting with each other and has a troubled slash and bad history......

I feel like I'm getting choked up. The air feels so tight making an illusion that I'm in a small crapped up room.

"Tell me felicity do you think zion needs it" becky voice sounds so close she is demanding an answer which i could not give. But she fills in for me.

"He does not, what he needs is a kind, well reputed girl who is not troublesome and who makes life easy. Right felicity"

I could not speak and I lost my voice completely. My feelings are all over the place and I feel like I have been hurt deeply by someone. A wave of sadness hugging me made me want to cry.

"Right felicity?"

With watery eyes I look up to see Becky staring right back at my eyes with an intense look and I feel trapped. I feel like I'm not in the dining place but somewhere dark and the only way to get out is through the dark eyes of Becky which is now looking scarier. When she realises the look I'm having a smirk is making it through her face. I don't know if I am dreaming or not. I could see a dark light blinding all my thoughts. I feel I'm going to the night I spent sleepless due to my nightmare and I'm seeing it slowly appearing.

He doesn't need a troublesome girl like you. Leave him.

I brought back when I felt a hand on my shoulder to see Becky see me worriedly. That's when I realised I almost fell back to my worst nightmare.

"Yes" I finally said with a lone tear escaping. Instantly Becky hugged me and I slowly brought my hands and rested it on her body.

When I looked up I saw Zion smiling at something Anna said, his smile was beautiful even in this state it makes my heart warm and clothing with the feeling of home. He suddenly looked up searching for something . I saw it coming close to where I sat but before his eyes could catch me I moved away and used Becky as my shield to hide from zion.

I can't love him.

And for the first time I told myself to back up on my words. A strong word.


I took a deep breath of London's early morning breeze. Being cooped up in glass walls all day made my muscles ache for some fresh air. And I miss my early morning due to a change in my sleeping schedule. I am not able to get up early so yesterday i was determined to get up and go for a walk in the ground which is a few distance from where i stayed.

I took off my jacket after I walked for some time which left me in a crop top and pants. I was folding my jacket when I heard something. When I looked up I saw a man with straight dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Uhm..." I gave him a confused look.

"Sorry to disturb you, can i have a bottle of water i left mine and i'm very thirsty" he said in his strong British accent pronouncing the bottle as bottah.

"Yeah sure no problem" I said and gave him .He took it from me gratefully.

"Thank you, are you new i have never seen you before" he said giving my bottle back.

"Yeah, came for a business trip"

"America ?"

"Yes. correct"

"I could tell by your accent and it looks like you came for jogging but it is usually not the right place ,all the people go do their exercise in that place" he pointed his finger and i followed his hand to see some people walking.

"Oh yeah sure" I said and we made our way over there together.

When we reached we started to jog together, he was correct there were many people doing their exercise. Apparently his name is Jordan and he has his own gym just a few distance from here. His gym is undergoing a minor construction work right now so he and most of the members are here.

"Felicity you are doing it wrong" I looked up from my plank position to see a very disappointed jordan.


"No . Stay in that position" he said and came towards my side and put his hands on my hip and lightly hoisted up while continuously muttering how unprofessional I was and also blaming me for the lack of gym training.

After a very long long time we were finally finished but I liked it. It was the first time I was working out in free air and I really liked it compared to my small garage. Jordan accompanied me back. He insisted that he can do the least after he put me through his exercise so here we are walking alongside.

We were sharing some jokes, well he was sharing some jokes and we were both laughing when I heard someone call my name. We both looked at the front to see Zion walking towards us. The sunlight hitting on him gave him a halo look. Overall my mood went up seeing him. He looked altered for someone who doesn't like to wake up in the morning.



His eyes roamed around mine for a bit and moved away to my side and his eyes ever so slightly narrowed.

"Zion this Jordan and Jordan this is Zion the one I'm working for '' I said, keeping my eyes on zion. He just gave a small nod when Jordan brought his hand for a shake. Zion took it and dismissed it quickly.


"Felicity i was calling you but you did not answer and you were not there in your room also"

"Oh I'm sorry , Zion. I left my phone in my room. How did you find me?"

"The receptionist said you went early in workout clothes so i thought you would have gone for a walk but looking at you it looked like you went for a run" he said giving me a once through.

For that jordan let out a loud laugh and went onto say how it is not a run but a full on workout session i just rolled my eyes but laughed a bit. But oddly zion did not find it funny he rather looked......uninterested?.

"I thought of asking you to join me but i did not want to disturb you...." as i was explaining i moved to stand closer to jordan because zion was standing close to me and he is fresh and i'm all sweaty and dirty and god knows i smell.

What I thought was a subtle move to hide my smelly sweaty self did not go blind in the eyes of zion. His eyes quickly caught the movement and his eyebrows for a sec frowned.

"Not at all felicity...." Zion said while grabbing my hand and pulling towards him so that we are face to face. "....you know if you would have called i would be more than happy to accompany you"

I could not get the words out of my mouth, his eyes directly looking at me kept me frozen and also the fact he was rubbing small soothing circles with his thumb on my hand did not do much to the fact. I felt it was just him and I and nobody else. But it did not last. We both looked away when Jordan coughed.

"Sorry to disturb you both but i have a to go"

"No no it's okay, it was nice meeting you Jordan '' I said, stepping a little away from Zion but Zion did not leave my hand.

"The pleasure is all mine," Jordan said and quickly gave me a side hug and jogged away.

Now it's just Zion and I.

"Are you two friends or something?" At his voice I looked up to see him already watching me.

"Uhm... well not really i just met him and uhm yeah more like acquaintances"

He turned his head and I saw his jaw visibly tight before turning back to me.

"And yet you two worked out together?"

I blinked several times before answering him "uhm yeah i was trying to break my shell these past days"

Zion let out a small snort not an amused one but more leaned towards a sarcastic one. When he looked at me, the intensity in his eyes caught me by surprise.

"Really, because i feel like you are going back to your shell"

It took me a few seconds to feel the gravity of his words. These past days i have been avoiding him well more likely avoiding my feelings which meant to avoid zion. I never thought this would be this difficult. I never had this much hard time when I realised I loved him but when I know that I can't have him for his sake, it made me a breaking mess. Why can't I love him without thinking this much? I thought this was the best for both of us but it surely is not. Loving someone should not be this hard. No it never should.

Unable to meet his eyes, I lowered my eyes. A moment passed between us. That's when I caught his hand still holding mine and I slowly saw him removing his hand from his, time stood still as I watched it. It felt like a part of me was going away. And I stood watching as his hand came to his side.

"Let go felicity" he said walking away i let off a huge sigh before walking alongside with him.

While my hand itched to hold his.


"What happened?" I said while trying to connect it again. After a few seconds I was finally able to see Madeline's pissed off face.

"Seriously jone"

I let out a sigh, too tired to argue with Madeline, not when I'm still affected by what happened in the morning.

"Jone i'm speaking to you"

"I can hear you madeline"

"That's good because I have things to say" I just nodded and leaned back regretting my decision to attend a call with madeline.

"So jone can you explain what in actual hell is this design" i looked at the screen to see a design which i created with becky.

"This is the base work for the upcoming design" suddenly the image disappeared and madeline face showed, she scoffed at the screen and spoke again

"This is what you came up with seriously"

I blinked a few times and spoke again "why what is wrong with it"

"It's horrible"

"Oh." I simply nodded while I leaned back on my chair.

"JONE" My body jerked at the screeching sound of madeline.

"Madeline.. What-

"What the hell happened to you"

"What do you mean"

"Can't you see you changed" she scoffed "what the hell happened in london"

My eyebrows furrowed "nothing happened madeleine you are just over thinking im just doing my job while zion doing his and becky is also cooperating very well i don't see what the problem is here"

"She poisoned you as well as great" she let of sarcastic laugh " the great jone fell"

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you and you are not really fit or talent for this job i don't why mr.irvine choose you-

"Where are you going?" I said irritated my hands wanting to close the zoom call.

"DON'T interrupt me jone" madeline said with a deadly slash angry voice. I let out a sigh and Madeline gave out a grin.

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