
When I finally reached the basement I looked for my car but I stopped when someone called my name. I let out a small smile even before turning to face him.

I turned back to see Zion approaching me. I waited till he was in front of me.



"So, how did the meeting go?"

"It went well, just have to start packing for London," I shrugged.

"You are also coming" he asked surprisedly "When is your date?" he asked, casting a look towards me.

"A week after yours"

He nodded in understanding "I see, if I have some free time I will see you there"

I stopped "Wait aren't we working on the same contract"

"Uh.... Well kind off, but not exactly I'm meeting Mr. Anderson to buy his place and you are working with Miss.Berry for the hotels that we have in London"

"Oh... I see" I said lowly.

"Okay then we will see later" Zion said once we stopped in front of my car.

I looked up to see his blue eyes which were looking warm and beautiful. For a second I just stared not realizing that I was drowning in it.

I shook my head to get the thoughts away.

"Yeah," I said, straightening up.

He gave one of his smiles and turned away.



He stopped abruptly and turned around with a confused look.


I rubbed my left arm with my right hand, suddenly feeling a little nervous.

"I....".I started but didn't know how to put the words. When I sneaked a glance at Zion I saw him patiently waiting for me to answer. The soft look somewhat calmed my nerves a little.

"I...".I paused to take a breath not because I was out of breath it just that, when I realized what I'm gonna ask him.

"Can I come with you to London"

I took a few seconds before looking at his face.

When I looked, as expected he wore an utterly confused look.

"Why?" He asked genuinely confusedly.

Uhm.......I don't know.

If I know, I would have really told you now. But I can't think of any reason. No,nothing, nada.

Are there any other words for no.

This is NOT the time to think about that, when I should be concentrating on the more important issue.

"Felicity?" Zion's soft voice made me realize that I still haven't given him an answer.

I shifted my leg while looking anywhere but him.

"Flight?" I slowly looked at him.


This conversation is now making me a total nervous wreck.

"Yeah... flight I thought maybe I could catch a ride with you......shit ...... you are going one week before.....I...." I sighed and my shoulder slumped a bit.

"I don't know," I said, rubbing my left arm while having a hard time looking at him.

"I just want to come with you," my voice soft. I felt like a small child asking her parents to take her with them.

When I looked up he had a small warm smile but it had a bit of unsureness.

For a second I wanted to back down my words but I realized I wanted to go with him so I closed my mouth.

He then straightened up "Well, firstly I'm a little confused that you asked.."

I only passed a pathetic awkward smile.

"Hey but I'm certainly not annoyed or anything," he said, giving me a warm smile but I was too nervous to hear his answer.


"And I would have no problem you joining me, it's good to have a company"

"Thank you," I said, giving him a smile and he smiled in return.

"Your welcome" he said and tousled my hair, I Of Course swatted his hand while giving him a "glare".

He chuckled.

"Okay I will see in two days you better start packing soon"

I nodded while fixing my hair "Yes. And thank you for accepting even though I asked you in the last minute"

He let out a breathy laugh.

"Seriously it's okay felicity, I don't have a problem with you tagging along..."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him when he suddenly stopped.

Then I saw his lips slowly turning upward.

"But.... There is one condition"


I was looking outside the window seeing people running and driving something similar to a golf cart which had a smiley emoji painted on it. Whoever had drawn it doesn't have any knowledge about painting. Seriously, I have never seen a "smiley" like that.

I know this because I have been staring at it for fifteen minutes. The plane was delayed for some reason which I didn't bother to know.

Only a few hours to reach London. I'm kind of excited to see London one because I always wonder what the UK is like and second it's summer. I always love summer even though it's hot. I prefer to call it warm. It's nice to see the radiant sun stepping while breaking the cold layers of winter. Coming out and wrapping us with warmth and radiant energy.

So I became a little excited and packed things like I'm going to go for a trip. Well I did going a week before so I wanted to enjoy it a little bit.

Unprofessional I know.

But I can't help it, for the first time I'm going to London and the weight and stress of my company finances are finally off.

Thanks to Mr. Merrick.



Anyway..... and it is also summer. I do want to enjoy summer a little bit. Not working.

So it's okay I guess.

But Georgia was so over the moon that it took some serious "light years" to bring her back to earth. She was literally jumping, squealing, dancing and doing all the things above together. For a second I wondered if she took a class for that.

But I doubt she is like this, me going to London. Because it is certainly not I think it is more on whom I'm going with. Even though I didn't mention I'm going with Zion but she somehow found it.

I think she has "Zion sense" like the sixth sense. Absolutely ridiculous I know, but that's how she was behaving. My whole house was radiating so much energy the sun was shining bright the birds were singing there was even a freaking ridiculous rainbow.

My house never felt this homely.

Even though I know Georgia is like this I concluded that she has a weird obsession over Zion. But Mark had a look that I couldn't predict. It was the first time I saw it in his face. He had a knowing look but yet had a satisfied look. It terrified me when he gave me a hopeful smile because Mark never gave that smile to me, not unless a few years ago.

Even with all joy there was Paul who was standing at the side of the kitchen brooding with a very dark energy. There was also a dark cloud above him occasionally giving out thunder. He looked like he wanted to throw something or someone but the mood quickly vanished when Georgia showed the biggest spatula towards him, the dark cloud frightened and quickly changed into a bright cloud. Because even it didn't want to face the wrath of Georgia.


But one thing I couldn't understand is that, why everyone looked so excited for me and Zion, Well even though -

"Hey," I said, surprised when Zion suddenly came and separated my eyebrow.

"Why did you do that?" I asked who was now seated opposite to me.

"What was the condition?" he asked, raising an amused eyebrow.

I huffed and rolled my eyes.


"But..........there is one condition"


Gosh he is making me so nervous.

He smiled and I found myself getting stiff.

"No hard face" I repeated the same exact words he told me.

And let me tell you this is not what I thought he would ask. I thought he would ask me to pay for the flight, But it's Zion we are speaking to so he would come up with a ridiculous condition like that.

"Exactly" he beamed.

After a few minutes the plane took off. There was a few minutes of silence before it was broken by me.

Surprise Surprise.


"Yes" he looked away from the window.

"Why is there no one to accompany you, I mean you always come with Hr or your p.a" I asked this because there was no one in the plane except for me and him.

"Yeah" he straightened up. "You know the London contract I have been working on for some time......"

I don't actually remember but I think it is when he didn't attend the meeting and was conducted by Madeleine.

I think that one.

"Yeah" I give him a nod.

"I was really into that contract since I always wanted to open a head office there but every time something happens and it goes unfinished. So I took the matters onto my hand and wanted to visit it privately first"

"Oh. Do you plan on settling there" I can't help but ask.

His eyes met mine and he stared for a few seconds before tilting his head slightly back - which made his Adam apple to be more prominent- thinking deeply.

He hummed and brought his head back

"I don't think so, it's not like I don't like London. I literally love everything about it but I don't think I will settle there. I would manage it from here though but no. New York is my home" he finished with a smile.

I nodded attentively.

"But first i should get the contract-

"Don't worry you will get the contract" I said encouragingly.

"You think so" he gave me a side glance.

"Yes. Very sure" I nodded confidently.


"Oh my gosh," Zion said while having wide eyes.

While I continued to drink my strawberry milk.

"Oh.... Okay...sure....no,no I don't have any problem"


"It's nothing really, and please tell Mr. Anderson to take care of him. The contract can wait...yeah okay Thanks. Bye"

I looked up at him with a nervous look.

"Is he okay"

He shot me a look before sighing.

"He is okay now, just taking rest"

Well.... I thought my words were golden carved elegantly in a precious stone. Which will give assurances but instead it was just a pathetic attempt to write in the air.

When I came down I decided to take a short visit to the city so when I saw Zion sitting at the table waiting for something I decided to ask him something about this city.

But it all went down the hill when the meeting was canceled with Mr. Anderson by the man himself because he had a sudden surgery.

"What are you going to do?"

"I really don't know felicity, I came all the way here for this I even completed all the work just so I can concentrate on this but..." he sighed leaving the words hanging.

My eyes softened looking at him and I felt sorry for him.

"Don't worry you said he is now okay right?" I encouraged him when I recalled him saying that Mr. Anderson went appendix removal surgery which was not a major one.

He nodded "Yes! He is perfectly fine. The surgery was held yesterday late at night. Actually his PA told me that Mr. Anderson will meet me within three or four days"

"Are you going back?" I quickly asked.

"No, it feels stupid to back again and come again within two days" he said leaning back relaxing a bit.

I nodded slowly and copied his actions.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked, twirling the straw.

He shrugged "I don't maybe take a look at the city before going to work..." he paused and looked at me with knowing eyes.

"Hey, maybe we both can visit the city" he said as if he just made a brilliant idea. While I sighed for his late picking, because from the first I was hitting the same damn thing.

"Sounds great," I said.

He nodded and stood up and I also did the same being a little excited that I'm finally gonna visit London.

"Okay I will see you tomorrow"

I stopped and turned towards him

"Tomorrow?" I was confused.

"Yep," he nodded, smiling.

"Why not today"

He blinked "Felicity we just came today morning and I know you will be tired so take some rest, we will go tomorrow"

But I'm not tired at all, if anything I'm super excited. Even though I want to tell him that I kept quiet. Tomorrow is not long.

Yeah,not long at all.

"Okay" I said slightly disappointed.

"Okay! I will see you tomorrow" he said and turned away in the opposite direction.

"Hey Zion" I called him to stop and turn back at me.

"Why are you not heading to your room Aren't you tired"

He chuckled "I'm but first I'm gonna visit Mr. Anderson at the st Thomas hospital"

"Oh, okay" I said I can't help the flutter of my stomach because of how concerned he was.

"Bye" I said waving my hand and flushed slightly when I realized how stupid it was.

He chuckled and tousled my hair. I swat his hand away and gave a glare which pathetically hit his back and fell down pathetically.

I narrowed my eyes and it.

"Why are you not doing your job?" I said and glared at my pathetic glare.


I smoothed my yellow sundress and looked at my reflection. The dress stopped above my knee And had brown buttons on the top.

I was finally going to look at the city. Weirdly last night was so much longer than I thought. I was tossing and turning in my bed because my excitement was so high.

I don't know if it is visiting the city or...

I shook my head and gave one last glance at the mirror and took my purse and went down.

I went down to the lobby since Zion told me well messaged me since I didn't see him. Because he was not on my floor but one level directly above me.

When I reached the lobby I instantly found him in the whole crowd. He was not one to be missed in the crowd, he stood out.

He was talking with someone on the phone, he was wearing a casual nice outfit. Which he pulled out really well. When I saw his hair I slightly cringed.

It was gelled.

I quietly made my way towards him.When I looked at him his eyes were surprised looking at my dress.

He then turned to the phone after a few seconds he cut the call.

"Hey, you look beautiful"

I suddenly felt flushed at the compliment. His compliment.

"I....." I was having a little trouble responding to it.

What the hell is happening. Get it together felicity.

"So, I don't look beautiful others days" I said jokingly but he took it another way.

His eyes widened while his face turned into a cute but pure shock face.

"I....I didn't mean it like that felicity....it's just that I never saw you in a colorful dress like this, but that doesn't mean you don't look beautiful in that. It's just different but beautiful". He rammed which made me laugh a little.

"Zion it's okay I was just joking"

He blinked at me while having a confused face.


"Come on let's go" I said, cutting him off and grabbing his hand tugging him towards the entrance.

Once we were outside I realized my hand was warm, when I looked I was holding Zion's hand I quickly left it.

"Sorry" I said, not looking at him.

When I looked down I saw him flexing his fingers.

"No problem it's okay, I see you're so excited" he said and put away the awkwardness which suddenly came.

"Yeah......wait, why is there no car?" I said, looking at the place to see no cars had been lined up.

"Oh about that, since we are going to visit the city I thought of borrowing the car. But the paperwork has been delayed so we will only get the car tomorrow" he said looking apologetic.

"how are we gonna go then?" i asked slightly swinging my right leg

I looked at him waiting for his answer. He looked down and a beautiful smile formed in his lips.

"We are gonna take the metro train felicity"

I blinked "Metro" I asked surprised but I was also smiling. It has been so long since I have taken public transport, the thought alone made me excited.

"Cool let's go"

With that we started walking towards the metro train. The sky was bright with clear clouds and the sun shining brightly which also made our eyes squint. So Zion took his shades and swiftly put it on, because we have to walk a little longer to reach the metro station.

I was okay with it because I liked walking around the streets of London with a carefree nature and just taking in the moment. It felt really good, I felt like my mind and heart was light and I felt free.

When in instance I turned around I furrowed my eyebrow when I saw Zion looking at me.


He shook his head and separated my eyebrows "Nothing".

I let that slide since I wanted to take some pictures. I took my camera from my purse and started taking pictures, for this Zion only smiled but didn't comment anything.

I continued to take pictures here and there. The pavement moved like a great river of humanity. You can see people moving here and there but they all had a calm bright expression, a perfect pair for the summer season.

It was a very simple location, but the difference in the climate, the place, the people all made it something out of the ordinary.

Beside me Zion slowed his pace considerably very low. He literally has to force him to take small steps to keep up with me. I shouldn't be this flattened but I can't help it. Hiding my smile behind my camera I continued to take the pictures.

After a few minutes we rounded a corner and took a left. I was finished with my photos so I scrolled through the photos to look at it. While suddenly Zion slightly pushed me.

"Ohh Felicity careful"

Confused, I looked at him, he then took his shades off. I smiled that he took his shades off because it's rude to talk to someone when you're wearing your shades.

"Felicity, watch were you going you almost walked into the pole"


"Yep. Now put your camera back now" he said "sternly".

I just laughed and waved him off. I then continued to scroll through my amazing photos besides me Zion grunted.

Suddenly my left hand was pulled away from my camera with a gentle force. I looked down to see Zion holding my hand and interlocking our fingers.

With my heart beating faster I looked up to see him looking forward.

"I don't want you crashing into people," he said and put his shades on.

I blushed and looked at my camera only to realize I had seen all of them.


It doesn't hurt to see it again right.



"Here" Zion gave me the ticket and I took it while muttering a thank you.

We quickly went to the station since it was going in....

I looked at the time.


"Fast" I said and without waiting for a response from him I grabbed his hand and pulled him.

Note: which didn't do anything. He was six foot and I'm five foot.

When we finally got in front of the station. I looked at the train for a moment before turning towards Zion, at the same time he also did the same.

"Well...." He started looking at the train again. There was hesitation in his voice. I easily detected it, because the situation before us was so crystal clear.

"The next train...." His words were abruptly cut off by me.

I was not having it, I'm not ready to wait for another twenty minutes. So I pulled him quickly and entered the packed train.

"Ow. Ow. Ow."

Maybe it's a wrong idea.

"Let's go there," I said, pointing to the steel pole so I can hold it.

"It's because you can't reach the top right," he laughed. I turned to give an icy glare which fell immediately when it saw Zion's bright laugh.

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