
01/01/2021 ~ it feels surreal writing 2021.

I'm seconds away from pulling my hair out. That's how much I'm frustrated while looking at all the checks laying in front of my desk. There were so many checks from the electricity bill to new products.

It was just so much. So much money.

My thoughts were broken by the knock on my office door. I quickly fixed myself and straightened up.

"Come in".

The door opened to reveal Mark's face. I was about to turn back to my work but stopped when I smelt coffee.

The wonder of coffee.

He then came and gently placed the mug beside me I went to quickly grab the pot of stress reliever But-

"Miss Jones, wait," Mark said and handed me some tissues.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the tissue from him and covered the mug and took a sip. When the taste hit I slightly leaned back and took another sip. After a few seconds I realized that mark was still in the room so I subtly straightened up and placed the mug on the table.

"The file you asked for '' he said and kept the file down, I pinched my eyes together in frustration.

"Thanks You can go now" but he didn't, he just stood there somewhat looking awkward.

I raised an eyebrow silently asking him why he hadn't left.

"Uhmm….I.." He started having a nervous look while he tried to put the words together.


The amount of patience I'm having is surprising to me. I would have shouted if he stayed a second longer after I told him to go but here I'm patiently waiting for him to gather his words.

Something definitely is wrong with me and I know it's because of a certain someone who has been rubbing off on me lately.

I internally sighed when that certain someone entered my mind.

Get it together. Focus.

"It's about the paycheck"

All the thought before flew away and my eyes narrowed.

"What about it?" my voice became cold.

He met my eyes briefly "You can postpone the pay date"

"And why would I do that Mr.Ruffalo….I won't" my voice firm without sparing him glance I went to look at the file.

"Miss.jones….. I'm completely aware of the financial status, we can wait-

"We are not bankrupt" I cut him off and gave a quick glance before going to the file.

"I didn't say it like that we can wait a little longer for the pay check please don't rush things out"

"Paycheck will be given on may fourteenth"

He sighed "Miss.jones this is not my decision it was suggested by all the members they all heard about the finance meeting so they wanted to put in word for you"

I looked at him "Tell them to stop gossiping they are being noisy"

"It's not noisy jone it's caring they all are genuinely concerned about you to the point they are willing to wait for the paycheck."

I slowly looked up and raised an eyebrow at him he shut his mouth abruptly.

"Where are you getting your confidence from mr. Ruffalo….." I crossed my legs and intertwined both my fingers and rested on top of the file ".....If I remember you shouldn't raise your voice like this"

He gulped "I'm sorry Miss.jones I'm just worried about you in fact the whole company. You have been stressed throughout the past one week having dark circles and all that's why I wanted you to give the paycheck a little later or you can give it in half-


"Look who's giving me the orders now" before he could speak I bet him "First of all you should know that I will never acknowledge anything you said it's just going into the trash" I pointed a finger to the trash can to make my point crystal clear.

He made a face of defeat

"With that being said you can stop caring , you don't have to do that at all" I finished and leaned back.



He sighed and stayed for a few seconds before walking away and I faintly heard him say 'I do I really do'

'I care about you felicity. I do, I really do' I muttered closing the door, with a heavy shoulder I walked towards the cafeteria.

When I entered almost everyone, Well all of them stopped their talking and scurried towards me.

And at the same time everyone started asking the question all of them asking the same question with different tones it would have been funnier in any other situation.

But now it is totally not. Actually it has started to give me a slight headache.

I sighed "No. She didn't accept"

Everyone face fell and started talking somewhere asking me questions and some were cursing maybe kate was cursing would be appropriate.

I pinched my eyes together and massaged my head.


A small smile appeared on my face and I felt myself a little ease

"Hey alice," I said and turned around to see my daughter who was standing a little far from the crowd.

"Are you okay dad?" she asked with concern while walking towards me.

"I'm fine princess," I said and she slowly gave me a side hug and I sighed in content.

When the workers saw me they came towards me and I felt Alice becoming stiff.

"You can move away, Alice," I said rubbing her arm.

"It's okay dad I'm not that claustrophobic" she smiled and I smiled in return.

The workers stopped and muttered a sorry I waved my hand dismissively.

"It's okay I'm just tired. I didn't eat my breakfast" they all nodded after saying a few words they eventually left.

"Mom will go crazy if she heard that"

I let out a laugh "Nothing I can't handle" she let out a small laugh before fully hugging me and we stayed in that position for a few minutes.


"Yes princess"

She took a second before answering "Do we ever get our felicity back" she asked and her voice had a longing and sad tone.

I shut my eyes and rubbed her arm when she slowly started sniffling.

I forgot for a moment how close they were Well not really because felicity has always been our talk. I should know that she is missing her like everyone else. Badly

How can she not felicity was there from her birth and she always been like a big sister to her and the sudden loss would have been harder for her to take.

It's hurt to see the person you had a beautiful memory only to be shutting from the world, but I know one thing with all these walls I knew our felicity is there somewhere. Somewhere no one can go into the depths of darkness hiding from the world. Our felicity is there crying silently in the corner with no one to console.

"Will I ever get my sister back" With that she started crying and I found myself letting out a small sniff.


"Only time will only tell" I said and hugged her tightly.

Come back to us felicity. Please.

I said the same thing which I have been saying for the past five years. But the words would be a faint whisper going down into the depths of darkness. I know she would hear it. She would slowly turn her head at the voice and shake her head and go back facing the dark.

But there was a gut feeling in my stomach that somewhere in the hollow of darkness there was a door. A door which was never there but now it is slowly building. I can only imagine what will come out of the door.

Maybe sunshine.

My head fell onto my hand and I gripped my hair in frustration. When I opened my eyes and saw all the freaking checks I was so close to flip it. But I controlled myself.

I need to be patient doing stuff like this will do nothing. I need to think to solve this issue. Quickly if not then there are higher chance than I can end in bankrupt-

No. It's not happening, everything is fine.

I rested my head back, I really have to come up with an idea but the problem is I don't have anything.

He would have known how to solve this. Because he was such a talent.

I miss you. So much that it hurt.

I wiped a lone tear and picked my phone to see my face.

I don't look like myself. Which means the cold hard look. Instead I looked tired and very stressed out having all the dark circles.

Pinching my eyes shut for a second I closed my laptop and went out of the building.

I need to figure this out. I can't lose another thing I love.

I was about to close the elevator door but suddenly Alice came rushing towards the door.

"Don't you know that the elevator will come up in a minute" I seethed with obvious anger.

"I'm sorry I was just in a hurry" she said smiling at me.

I scowled at her and turned my face away.

I then moved away from her since I don't like being near with her. When the door opened I quickly moved out of it.

"Next time I catch you rushing through the doors like that. You are gonna pay for the damage" I called behind my shoulder.

Without waiting for her to reply I went towards my car and started driving to my house.

When I entered my house I heard a very loud laughter mixed with a weird guffaw.

Is a cat dying?

But I don't have a cat even if I had I would never let it suffer a death. Then what is the sound?

With unanswered questions I continued to walk into my kitchen.

It was definitely not a cat. It was Georgia who was squealing with joy while looking at the phone.

"What are you seeing?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

"Ahhh" she screamed and dropped her phone on the table.

When she saw that it was just me, not just any creepy house breaker she relaxed for a second before screaming more louder. That seeing me is far better than having a creepy house breaker.

What is wrong with her.

"Is something wrong" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She frantically shakes her head while her both hands are placed forward hiding the phone.

I raised my eyebrow questionably. She cleared her throat but didn't remove her hands.

"Mark just send me some funny video that's all" she says not meeting my eyes.

I nod and push myself off the wall.

"Show me"

Her eyes widened like I just asked her life.

"What" she sputtered.

"Show me I also wanted to see" I say and take a step forward.

"NOOOO-" She screams. I stop mid step and look at her confusedly.

"I...I mean you can…" her eyes widened when he realized what she said ….."No no I didn't mean it like that it just......space? Yeah yeah I didn't have enough space so I deleted it. That's why I can't show you the pho- I mean video" she finished with a nervous laugh while looking at me.


"Yeah, really" she nods satisfied.

I sigh not wanting to continue it "Tell mark to buy you a new phone"

"I will" she nods with a smile.

"Good night then" I say slightly moving my head from right to left.

She looked shocked for a second before saying "Good night fel- I mean jone Goodnight jone"

I then walk away but before I exit the kitchen I stop and slightly turn back.


Her head jerks up and looks at me confused.

I take a deep breath before speaking

"You can call me felicity" .


I stepped into the hotel and my eyes searched for the particular table. When I spotted it I quickly moved towards it and sat down once I reached it.

I looked at my watch ten minutes before eleven. With that I leaned backwards and relaxed a bit. I was here to meet Mr.Anderson who is in his late 70's and was moving out to the outskirts of the city with his wife. He wanted to renovate the whole family house since he didn't like any of it. So he connected me a few weeks back saying he wanted to talk about and wanted to meet me.

"Are you Miss.jones"

"Yes," I said, turning to meet Mr. Anderson but I blinked when I saw a young man with light brown hair looking at me with a slight smirk.

"Hi, I'm james. Mr.Anderson grandson. It's nice to finally meet you" he said stretching his hand.

I was a little confused but I stood up and shook his hand.

"Hello Mr. Anderson and you can call me jone".

"James" he insisted and then motioned with his hands to sit down.

I turned and sat down. I was utterly confused when he sat beside me and not opposite to me.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked Smiling at my direction.

Well kind of.

"No" I said and subtly moved a little to create some space.

"I was not informed that I was meeting you" I voiced out my question.

"Well, yeah it kind of a sudden…" he paused his sentence and the corner of his lips twitched a bit "Well not really when my grandpa showed me design but I accidentally saw your picture, you were pretty in it so I wanted to meet you in real"

He then turned to face me he stared at my face for a second before speaking "And I must say you are prettier in real"

"Thank you"

He blinked at my dryness before he could speak anything and a waiter came to take down our orders.

"Just coffee"

James turned his head towards me with a raised eyebrow.

"Just coffee, why not a dish"

I shrugged "I'm not hungry and this won't take that long" I pointed towards the file.

He shook his head "No! You are eating me with"

"Two pasta please. Make it special" he ordered for both of us.


"A mango punch"

After taking the orders the waiter left us. James then turned towards me and moved a little towards me. I saw it but didn't comment on it.

"So.." he started.

"I have three designs sketched. You can choose whatever you like," I said and took the file.

But before I could open the file he grabbed my hands and took it off from the file. I slightly narrowed my eyes at his hand.

"Do we really have to discuss it now?" he asked, looking up at me.


"Oh come on…"he stopped when the waiter came and gave us drinks.

I straighten up "So the design…

"You really don't understand?" He asked with a sigh.

When I didn't answer he continued.

"There is a reason why my grandpa didn't come, when I came across I was really fascinated by you so I want to meet you in real and maybe get a date with you"

"I'm sorry…." I was not really sorry "to crush your ideas but I came to discuss the design for your grandpa family mansion"

"Is trying-to-get-hard thing is your policy"

My eyes narrowed at him "I don't have any policy but now I really want to DISCUSS the deal"

He puts his hands down in a sigh.

"If you let-

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Don't throw a tantrum. Don't throw a tantrum.

I took a deep breath "No and I don't plan to have it for a very long time"

"Why?" He asked somewhat curiously.

Eye witness. There are many.

"Can we please stop this stupid discussion and continue what we- I came for" I said gritting my teeth.

"Go on a date with me and I give the deal fully"

"Bullshit" the word escaped my mouth before I could progress.

His eyes jerked up towards me "Feisty now are you" he smirked.

"Look Mr. Anderson I won't repeat, let's talk business"

"The business you are gonna talk will give you nothing"


"Listen, if you're gonna talk like it will give you no good. Talk with some sweet and in a little friendly tone and maybe a little flirt"

"This is the modern age, if you're gonna talk like a strict old teacher no one will be interested in buying, loosen up a little bit jone…." He grabbed my hand and looked up at me "You have to attract your customers not bore them, with the face like this you won't have a problem for most…." He smirked and came closer and whispered in my ear "It's the mouth you have to work on"

I pulled my face away and gave him the most icy glance.

"You should have f*ucking stayed in your house"

"The only problem is here is you Mr.Anderson, especially your brain. It fails to understand what to say at a business meeting please work on it and when you are done you can contact me" I said and grabbed my purse ready to leave.

"Oh wo wo wo" he also stood up blocking my way.

"Move Mr. Anderson" I seethed.

"Do you realize what you are doing? Getting frustrated like this you will only lose." He said trying to cage me.

But I jerked him off at the same time I accidentally knocked off the mango punch.

"Shit" I said, trying to move off the seat. I heard him saying something under his breath.

"Here" I turned towards him to see him having tissues in his hand.

I went to grab it but he had other plans instead of giving it to me he started wiping it off.

"What are you doing?" I shouted.

"Cleaning the consequences of your ego"


"Take your hands Mr.Anderson while I say nicely" I said anger coming very strongly.

He ignored me but continued until a masculine arm came out of nowhere.

"Take your hands off mister"

He looked up and when he saw him he quickly took his hands off and slowly took a casual step back.

I straighten up having smug look.


He just merely nodded "Is something wrong" his asked his tone cold.

He shared a look with me before answering Cameron.

"Nothing, there was just a little mess" Cameron spared a quick glance.

"I got it" his tone deep with no emotion.

He was a little hesitant before nodding his head towards us before heading out.

Shaking my head I took the tissue and tried to wipe the yellow freaking strain in my new white button up shirt.

Out of all the days, why should I wear a white shirt today?

"Thanks for that," I said, still wiping the stain.

"It won't go"

"I know".


I looked up beneath my lashes. I raised my eyebrow at his outstretched hand which was having a coat.

"Wear this it will cover it"

I waved my hand dismissively but he gave me a look so I took it with a roll of eyes.

"Thank you," I said, looking at the large coat. Seriously, how much muscle does boys have?


I turned my head to the unfamiliar voice, there was Mr. Merrick standing looking at both of us with a confused look.

"Is something wrong?" I was amused that he asked the exact same words.

We both shared a look then Cameron spoke.

"No there just a little spill"

He then moved his eyes towards me and saw the coat hanging off me.

"Are you okay," he asked, concerned.

"I'm, thank you" I replied softly.

He nodded and then his eyes widened.

"Okay since you are here let's discuss the deal."

My eyes slowly widened and a small smile broke into my face. I thought I would never get a deal again, Well I'm not used to getting good things.

"We shall"


I looked at the check still in shock but somewhat felt a little happy and relieved.

After we left that place Micheal insisted that he call me that. Took into a small room and talked about the new construction. I was shell shocked when he right away gave me the deal.

Because Merrick co-operation is one of the country's profound and wealthy businesses. And to say that he gave me the deal without any sample made me speechless.

"It's Zion who gave me a word about you and I trust his word"

He said when I voiced my question at his sudden deal. It amazes me how much he trusts his word.

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