
When the car finally stopped at the factory I quickly ran like a scalded cat Well as quickly as my heels can take me. Behind me I heard a very familiar chuckle.

Even though his chuckle had a soothing velvet tone, in other circumstances I would have a different feeling but now the only feeling I had is .

Annoyance. A strong feeling of annoyance.

And it irritates me that where I'm burning in annoyance and he on the other hand finds this ridiculously funny.

Well why wouldn't he, me moving three steps whenever he take a half step towards me which goes on and on like a loop and also the fact that it represents tom and Jerry tied in a rope.

Yeah pretty funny.

I'm not like this , it's just that what happened in my office made me a little nervous I think. The way his eyes looked at me while he took the pencil from my mouth. It should be a simple action but he made it as an very slow and a intimate action maybe. Or maybe it's me who imagined it as a slow intimate action.

My mind make a quick picture of the memory. Where he takes the pencil which makes my lower lip to be pulled down and once the pencil is out it is slowly pulled back. All the while his eyes focused onto mine.

I violently shake my head to get the memory off my mind and reminded myself to never ever put a pencil in my mouth.


I Groan inwardly, another reason to why I'm like this. After losing the game I tired my best to avoid him so that he wont able to call me by my first name. But I know I have to face him one way or the another. I tired to mask everything I felt when he said my name through the phone. But seeing him calling my name made me feel strange. It's not like he calls my name wrongly or doesn't pronounce it properly. He actually does the opposite my name rolls out of his mouth very smoothly and added to the fact his voice his deep and rich only added to its.....



I Sigh again even though my name sounds good coming from his mouth I can't ignore that I never been called by my first name in years and it makes me automatically annoyed and angry and frustrated all at the same freaking time. Every time he calls me like that it's like a god damn hammer hitting my head.

And that's not a pleasant feeling. At all.

I was very close to flip him off but the thing is I wouldn't do and if I do I will be a coward and I never wanted to be like that.

Just don't concentrate on the feeling don't think about the past and don't put too much onto it.

Taking a deep breath I put up a mask of determination and turned around to say him to shut his damn mouth and stop calling me.

But all my words flew from my mouth far far away and disappearing into the land of never return.

There he smiling broadly with all his teeth showing and face glowed like he won a damn lottery and exactly looking like a waking sunshine.

Gosh. How to tell the this bowl of sunshine to shut his mouth. Is there anyway?

"Hey" he said once he came in front of me.

I took a deep breath "hi" I replied.

"Shall we" he asked with a smile while looking down at me.


"Yes come" I said and we both entered the factory and Paul came once he saw us I gave him a nod he returned it.

"This way" he said and we followed him silently.

"Felicity I would first needed the-" I didn't hear the next words since I bumped into Paul's back who abruptly stopped walking. He then turned around as far as a wind making me stumbling in the process.

I opened my mouth to ask him what the hell but his utterly hopelessly confused and temporarily deprived of speech face made me stop and I blinked in confusion.

Zion also noticed it he gave me a quick glance before turning towards paul.

"Mr. Allen is there something wrong" Zion asked.

Paul then blinked looking at him he then turned towards me but I avoided him I can literally feel his shocked glare hitting my head.

"Yeah....Yeah can you repeat what you said" Paul asked still in shock.

"I just wanted to see the first collection" Zion answered shrugging.

Paul shook his head "No I mean-

"Stop with your rambling" I seethed at him cutting off his words. Paul jerked his head towards me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

He cleared his throat "Sorry" he apologized and walked in the front not before casting me a one last glance.

I sighed and started walking.

"Is something wrong" Zion asked beside me.

No Zion everything is absolutely fantastic. There is nothing wrong in you calling me by my first name and it absolutely cool for me to slide it.


Even though he calls my name nicely but I can't ignore the feeling of taking a damn stapler and pressing into his lips every time he called my name.

But no I won't Do it I'm not a violent person Well maybe a few violent thoughts cross my mind but no I'm not.

Calming myself I turned towards Zion "No nothing" I said he nodded and we both started to discuss business.


"What's the noise" I asked half way through our discussion.

Paul looks up to me "Ahh veronica son Gilbert is turning three today so the staff are celebrating his birthday in the lunch room" he informs me I nod and go back to what we were doing but stopped when Poked my shoulder.

I look at him confusedly at why he suddenly poked me.

"Aren't you going to go? Zion ask turning towards me.

"Where?" I ask back with a frown.

He rolls his eyes as if I just said something dumb.

"To the birthday of course felicity" he says looking down at me I can hear the gasp of paul but I totally ignore it.

"Why would I go" I asked my frown getting deeper. He rolled his eyes and sighs in disbelief.

"Is your employee's son and also the fact that they are celebrating just above us" he stated "And it will rude to ignore at least go and wish"

I shook my head "It is not necessary and my presence is not wanted there"

"How?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.

Breathe in breathe out.

"I just know" I said controlling my anger.

"You can't just assume things like that" he said lightly shaking his head.

"I'm not assuming things it's the truth" I said gritting my teeth "And we are in the middle of talking business"

"it doesn't hurt to say a simple wish" he stated peering at me. And I stared right back at him and this continued for god knows how long.




When we entered the lunch area they were doing mannequin but in reality they just froze when they saw me entering the kitchen. Nobody said anything while they just continued to be in the awkward halfway action.


"I told my presence is not needed" I hissed at Zion.

"Hey it doesn't look like that don't assume things" he countered back at me.

I shook my head and turned around to go but Paul decided to speak.

"Miss.jones and Mr. Zion wanted to join" paul said them , then only the came out of the mannequin or froze state. Veronica beamed at me while the boy looked around confused while shaking the plastic knife up and down.

"Miss.jones come" veronica said having a big smile on her face I gave her a small nod and stepped in.

"And Mr. Zion I'm so happy you being here please come in" veronica said to Zion.

I hope you don't mind me crashing your baby's birthday" Zion joked, even though the people In here don't know him very well he somehow makes the atmosphere very friendly and light and put everyone in ease and he unknowingly takes away the superior feeling from him and mingles with the crowd he is in.

Don't we all love a little sunshine

"No Of course not Mr. Zion it's actually the opposite I can't explain how happy that you are here and" she paused and turned towards me and says "You also Miss.jones". I nod in acknowledgement and we three go stand near the big table where there is already a cake waiting for us.

Veronica then holds her baby who is very much interested in the cake. I feel so weird standing here and watching this , I take a quick peek at Zion to see if he is feeling the same awkwardness as me. But I when I saw him I realized I'm completely wrong.

There he looked completely comfortable standing tall and straight while watching the cake cutting. Even though he is bit enthusiastic about certain things he still maintained his cool aura around him making him stand out of the crowd. His facial expression was calm but gentle making a friendly atmosphere.

I was brought back at the sound of clapping, Gilbert now blown the candles and now he is going to cut the cake while everyone started signing happy birthday song. He now looked shy and snuggled closer to his mommy everyone let out a chuckle watching this.

"Come on baby don't be shy" veronica encouraged her son while everyone did the same. He gave a cute nod and started to cut the cake and cheers went here and there. Even though I felt awkward but I felt warm watching it there was so much joy in this room all having all sort of smiles while Gilbert trying his best to cut the cake. When he finally cut a very small piece veronica spoke,

"Give to madam first" she advised to her baby.

I politely shook my head "No you have it" I declined.

"No no ma'am you have to, you came here leaving all your work so please take it" veronica told while Gilbert watched our interaction with a lost look.

"No veronica you should take" I shook my head.

"No ma'am please take a bite I will be more happy if you have it first"


"Just take it felicity" Zion's soft voice reached me from the side. I looked up at him who was already looking at me with a soft look and silently telling me to take I stared at his face for a few seconds before giving him a nod in return he gave a small gentle smile.

Uhm... it was a beautiful smile.

I then turned towards veronica who is looking at me with curious eyes.

"Okay" her eyes widened while she brought Gilbert close to me I then stepped forward to her. While Gilbert had the same lost look while looking at me. I started at him while slightly titling my head and this staring went on for a while before I heard chuckles from around. Confused we both turned to see the everyone had the laughing smile but when they saw me they quickly shut it.

"Miss.jones you have to take a bite from him" someone said from the back I think it is our cook miss.blair.

"Yeah yeah" I said somehow swallowing my embarrassment. I then leaned down a little so that I'm in level with him , but he just stared at me with big green confused eyes. Veronica chuckled grabbed her son's tiny hand and brought it to towards my mouth I also did the same action everyone clapped when I took a bite.

I then leaned back and lightly ruffled his light brown hair this earned a laugh from him when I turned around I saw that everyone was watching me with a faint smile. I made a cough to know them that I watching them they quickly dropped their smile and turned away from my gaze.


Veronica then turned towards Zion "Sir Will you? She asked politely.

"Of course" he smiled and leaned a little too much since he was tall. Veronica had a big smile while Gilbert stretched his hand instead of feeding him. Zion laughed while he took the cake from his hand and feed it to him.

I then moved to the side and stood beside Zion while I watched Gilbert feeding everyone with his little hands. Paul then came and started cutting the cake.

"Ma'am can you join us for a quick photo" veronica asked.

I looked at my watch "I can't" I answered still looking at my watch, when I looked up I saw veronica face fell.

Sighing I turned towards Zion "let's go--

"- just one photo felicity come on" Zion said interrupting me. At the same time I can feel everyone stop what were they doing and stared at us.

Gosh. This is gonna be harder and harder than I thought. Everyone here knows that I don't go with that name at all and now he suddenly calls me that every is gonna have questions which I gladly won't respond.

Zion also now notices it and a frown takes over his face he then looks at me but I don't meet his gaze. I hope he doesn't give too much in too it and hopefully he forget it.

I straighten up and clear by throat "okay one pic" I say. This made everyone forget it while they quickly arranged themselves for the quick photo it was a little bit of chaos since everyone pushed themselves to stand in the front and to stand beside me.

These people I swear.

"Paul place the camera fast" veronica shouted at him who was struggling to place the camera.

"Sorry it's just .... not...hmmm ahhh done" he then placed the timer and quickly ran towards us. Everyone let out a chuckle while I shook my head.

Typical Paul.

My eyes slowly widened when I felt Zion's hand on my shoulder with shock coating my eyes I glanced at Zion who looked unbothered while smiling at the camera while I was having a full on tornado in my stomach.

I gulped and looked at my right to see that paul was seconds away from pouncing on us or on Zion to be specific. But all when in vail when the women lion stepped in, I mean veronica. But I could practically feel his fire gaze on Zion's hand which is on my shoulder.

This is gonna be one hell of a photo.


"Sir we have prepared lunch would you like to join us" veronica asked once the photo was taken.

"Thank you for the offer but I just finished my lunch sorry" Zion politely declined the offer.

"Oh, then please at least take the cake" veronica said while he stretched a plate of cake towards him.

"Oh okay" he chuckled while grabbing the plate. Veronica then turned towards me and passed a plate towards me I took it swiftly from her.

"Thank you so much for coming Miss.jones it really meant a lot to me and" she paused while looking at me with a faint smile "I'm happy that you where here"

"Your welcome" I nodded at her she gives me a nod back then leaves us to serve cake for the others.

I then looked down at the plate with a small frown.

It was a chocolate cake.

Don't get me wrong I like chocolate cake it just it is not strawberry. I can't express my love for strawberry in words I just like it too much for my own good. Many said to me that I will get bored of the taste but they all been wrong . Every time I tasted it, it only gets better and every time I taste it I feel like I'm eating it for the first time so it I never get bored.

While I was on my own world think about strawberries I felt someone gaze on me , like we unknowingly get in the back of our mind that someone is looking at us. It was strange that I felt not one but many.

When I looked up I was correct, there Paul and all the workers behind the kitchen counter watching us intensely.

What is wrong with my workers.

When I narrowed my eyes they flushed while they rushed to do anything to escape from being caught red handed, but they failed miserably. Literally, they were doing all sort of thing to project me to that they are working.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry at their stupidity.

They were completely making a whole lot of chaos I saw miss.blair holding a banana and stirring something thinking it as an utensil and veronica pouring god knows what into god knows what and john.... I sighed..... put a table cloth on his face while looking away. When I shifted my gaze towards paul he didn't take his eyes from me ,he was watching me intensely. My mind made a quick memory of the same paul a few years. My eyes widened and I shook my head to get the memory away.

I quickly moved away and stood in front of Zion so that I won't see him. Zion raised his perfect eyebrow at him , his eyebrow was exceptionally good today. I just waved him off he nodded and we started eating our cake.

"See I told you not to assume thing-" he suddenly stopped his sudden talk.

I tilted my head slightly in confusion but he just stared at me without saying anything.

He shook his head "Aren't you a little clumsy felicity" he said with a slight tease.

I blinked at him in confusion but he turned around and kept the plate at the table and took a few steps towards , he was now standing close that I could feel his scent.

"Zion-" I stopped when he suddenly brought his hand towards me I slightly squirmed but stayed rooted in my place. When I looked up his eyes were already watching me, he started at me for few seconds before his hand touched at the side of my mouth.

My heart started to beat faster my gaze then fell on the ground unable to look at his face.

His thumb slowly brushed which I suppose was the crème he continued his a few more time all the while his gaze on me.

I didn't remove my gaze from his shinny boots nor did I speak anything my mind was so occupied with his touch that I didn't bother to speak.

Eventhough his hands were firm and strong his touch was so gentle and and soft. His thumb slowly brushed at the side of my mouth and I can feel his gaze upon me all the while.

I jumped slightly when I heard the sound of someone slamming the table pretty hard. We both turned around I was completely aware that Zion hand was holding my cheek. I then saw paul looking at us with a hard face but Zion still kept his hand on my cheek.

"We have tissues-" before he could finish the sentence veronica literally pounced on him and dragged him out from here.

I blinked at what just happened, my gaze then fell down to the table to see that indeed there were tissues quite a lot of tissue for two persons.

"Oops" he then took his hand from my cheek and grabbed a tissue.

"Here" he said stretching the tissue towards while he licked the crème from his hand.

"Thank you" my voice came out a little squeaky but I was thankful that I didn't stutter. I took the tissue while I wiped my mouth at the same time I hear him chuckle.

Heat rose to my cheeks and I was thankful for the second time that he can't see my blush because of my makeup.


"Is this color you're gonna use" Zion asked.

"No! We have actually changed, it didn't suit the interior" I said looking around the dye section that we are currently in, after the birthday party which took longer than I intended too. Zion told me that he wanted to see the selected colours for the project. So here we are going through all the color dyes.

Halfway through I got a message so I excused myself and went to see it after replying to it I turned back and gasped at what I saw.

"Shit , Zion move" I shout and sprint towards him to push him but... it was too late and soon we are covered in dye powder. Dark blue to be specific.

"what the hell"


Zion and I both said endearments at our colourful situation.

"What the hell happened" he asked in half frustration and half anger but made it very subtle.

I looked up too see him, his right side was covered with the dye powder starting from his hair his right ear and right cheekbone and half of his suit.


"I'm sorry I tired to push you but I was too late, I saw the powder falling off but I was too late and...." I ramble while looking at him. He gave a quick glance beneath his lashes and went onto dust himself off.


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