

Word count - 3803.


"Shut up Zion"

"I will when you stop torturing me" I say glaring at her.

For that she lets out a smirk. A evil smirk.

"I never thought your muscle were this weak"


"Really?" Athena smirked and pulled the wax strips off my leg.

"Ahhhh shit" I shouted and tired to pull my poor leg which has been in pure torture for the past twenty minutes.

"The way you are screaming in pain, proves me wrong" she says while placing another wax strip on my leg.

"I'm NOT screaming in pain" I mumbled the last part.

"Then?" She said eyes full laughter.

"I'm just being sorry for my manly hair"

She just rolls her eyes and take the thing made from hell.

She expectedly looks at me but no I have to maintain the dignity which considerably went low on the past thirty mintues of hell.

"All done" She stood up while taking the monstrous object.

Tell me who make these things.

I then cast a sorrowful slash painful look to my now hair less leg. It felt weird seeing my leg...

I don't know.

Shiny? I guess.

The more I look the more I felt uncomfortable , I feel like they are someone leg.

I shook my head and once again regretted asking my sister for a tweeters.




I just got out of my shower , a towel securely hanging around my waist. And looking around my room for a tweezer, I sighed when I couldn't find it.

I'm not very peculiar about it .I swear I'm not nag about it

It just grew a little longer to the point where the two eyebrow are in point of colliding with each other. That's why. I'm not bothered like girls used to.

No offense.

I sighed and went to change my clothes after that I went towards Athena room.

I knocked two time before opening it.

"Hey sis do you have a tweezer?" I asked steeping into her room.

She looked at me from upside down from her foot of her bed.

"Yeah. Wait" she jumped off to sit straight and get off the bed to get the tweezer.

"Thanks" I said while grabbing it but she pulled it back.

Confused I looked at her "What"

She gave me a sly smile "let me do your-

"No thanks" I said grabbing the tweezer from her hand and turned to walk away. But she ran and blocked my path while spreading her arms wide.

I stopped while letting out a sigh.


"Please brother..." she said while giving me doe eyes .

"Nope" I said even though I was in the verge of giving it.

"Pwease...."she said giving more of her puppy dog eyes.

I sighed in defeat, because I know I can't say no to her puppy dog eyes .

"Yay" Athena squealed and jumped.

I shook my head but there was a small smile on my face seeing her jumping.

Little did I know that I was entering a hell hole.


I sighed and leaned back when I crossed my leg it felt really weird that for one second I thought it wasn't my leg.

But it does feel like one.

"Okay now is the chest and-

I was out of her before she finished her sentence. And mentally reminded myself that I'm never ever entering her room to ask tweezer.

Does girls do those stuff. Now I understand why they flaunt when they shave their hair, I actually felt weird when my girlfriend back then in high school constantly rubbed her hands on my face when we are lying in the bed of her room , saying that she just shaved and wanted to show me how soft it is.


I just looked weirdly and replied an Yeah because it was soft.

Now i understand. Turning around I walked towards my room to grab my phone after collecting iPad I went down while sending a message to Cameron saying that I will be there in thirty minutes. We were actually gonna hang out in the club later but I have some important contact to work on so I thought working on it for a while before hitting the club.

While passing the kitchen I saw my mom struggling to reach the top shelf. I stopped and went beside and took the bowl from the shelf .

"Hey" she let out a surprised gasp.

Chuckling I gave it to her. She took it from me while muttering a thank you.

"So where you heading too" she asked while keeping the bowl on the counter and turning towards me.


"To work?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.


"On a weekend?"


She sighed looking at me "Zion. Take some rest from your work a little bit. You just came here yesterday"

"Sorry mom. But this is kind of important" I said while slightly lifting the iPad.

"Everything is important" she muttered looking away.

"sorry mom , how about I will come and meet you next weekend "

She beamed "Really"

"You have my word"

She nodded in contempt. Because she very well knows that I won't go back on my word.

"Okay now you continue on journey" she mimicked in some kind of royal queen in the movies.

Shaking my head I bowed down "Thank you m'lady"

We both laughed at our weird acting. After coming from our laugh I went out of the kitchen. I faintly heard my mother saying kids grow much faster than we think.


I opened the black door of Cameron office door. He was seated behind a black sheik table ,he didn't even look up from his eyes when I seated in front of him.

"What happened" he asked.

"Paparazzi" I simply said looking outside the window.

He snorted "what they wanted"

I shrugged still looking outside the window "Just why I'm hanging with you more and some other BS"

"That complete utter crap"

"I know right" I said casually turning away from the window.

"They think we are dating " I said with a laugh.

"Gosh" he groaned titling his head back.

"Hey don't work upon it , it's not like they labelled us the number one gay couple" I joked.

"Too bad your sister already think we are a old couple"

I let out a loud laugh while he had a small smile.

"So what are you working on" he asked and we both changed into professional business one.





"When are planning to go to London" he asked once we finished working.

"Probably in two weeks" I answered scrolling through my phone. I let out a laugh when I saw a video which was sent by Athena. Where she was trying to close an overly packed suitcase but ended by breaking it.

"What are you laughing" Cameron asked while closing all the files. I just showed the video to him he looked at it with a small smile.

"Where is she going" he asked

"College trip with friends" I said. I was little worried of it because she was leaving for one week to enjoy the last final days of college. I'm not controlling her life or anything like that I'm just being cautious because there were bunch of guys were also going with her , there were also more number of girls but there is one boy I'm eyeing. I think Athena and whatever his name may be are dating.


I snapped out of my thoughts when Cameron spoke.

"I wanted to inform that my dad wanted your opinion about Lilly jones"

"Why?" I asked straightened up and putting my phone away.

"He is considering to partner with them for the upcoming hotel we are going to construct"

"Best you won't be disappointed" I said.

He nodded "Do you have Miss.jones card?"

"I don't have but I will inform about it , feli- I mean Miss.jones will contact you" I said.

He nodded I then got up and went out of his penthouse towards my car. After driving for a half a hour I finally reached my penthouse after changing myself I settled in my bed. I took my phone and called her.

It fully ringed but she didn't attend the call I tired again one more but same result. I didn't try again instead I checked my emails half way through me checking my email I got a call from her.

"hey. I'm sorry I was in another call" she informed once I attended the call.

I frowned "What really. But it went full ring" I asked slightly confused.

"Huh...." she paused for a second before she spoke again "Oh I was speaking in my another phone" she said.

Hmmmmmm. It didn't take a genius to figure out that she had a personal phone and this probably would been for business.


"Sorry. I called you because Merrick want your products for their upcoming hotel" I informed.

"Really" she asked

"Yeah but I'm not fully sure but they wanted to meet you" I said since I don't want to give her false hope.

"Oh that's okay"

"Okay then bye for now" I said while taking my iPad.

"Huh...... oh okay bye Zion" she said her voice went little low at the end.

"Bye....... felicity" I said with a smile she didn't say anything so I just cut the call.


Never thought winning a game would made me call her this. Even though I wanted to call her by her first name I can't help feeling a little guilty.

Because she didn't say it Willingly it's because she lost it.I somehow felt like I'm pressuring her and I don't ever wanted her to feel like that. I just wanted her be comfortable and good. And if she isn't then I would gladly so back calling her jone.

But when she refused and told me call her I was kind of relieved. I knew she is a very closed person and has a heart of steel. But I just wanted to break her wall not fully though little by little.

We are somehow not so professional not in a wrong way but in a little friendly way. And I liked this even though she maintained her personality but she was trying to let it free. And I also feel that she was not that uncomfortable.

But the thing is that she take a some time and a little scared to let it free , to let go. But it's okay I just don't want to angry and cold.

The world is too small for that.





"Does Mr. Walker send the information" I asked my P.A Through the phone.

"No sir he didn't but his secretary called me and said that they had some last minute changes to be altered so he will send in the contract tomorrow" He informed.

I sighed "Okay then we can't start till we get the contract. Then all the work for today is the same"

"Okay sir"

After that I cut the call and waited till the car reached Lilly jones.

"Sir we are here" the driver informed me.

When I entered the office I saw some girls talking and laughing at the receptionist area. I usually straight go her office but when I messaged her I didn't get any response from her and neither from mark her personal assistant.

I Strode to them when I was near I called them.

"Excuse me miss"

The girl in front of me abruptly stopped and her jaw hung low when she spotted me , the girl who back was facing also stopped when she was sensed me she slowly turned her body and when she saw me her eyes widened and a look of surprise took over her face.

"Uhm hello" I waved my hands in front of her when she just stood there froze perhaps.

From the corner of my eyes I could see the first girl shaking her head and gave a nudge to her.

"Stop ogling at his face Elle" she hissed.

Heat rose to her cheek "I....I'm not ogling ...I was just staring at your face...Crap that was not ...I was I....."

"Hey hey it's okay don't be nervous" I said in my soft voice while putting my hand on her shoulder to somewhat relax her. But for some reason it only did the opposite to her.

Sighing in defeat I moved away.

The first girl squealed "Damn innocent elle I never thought you pull out the nervous card to get him touch you" she said placing a hand over heart she then turned towards with a big smile. "Can you touch me ,I'm also nervous and by the way I'm kate"

Shaking my head I politely ignored the comment "Nice to meet you kate and actually I called you to call fel- Miss.jones" I said.

Kate and elle who was in a dazed state came out from it.

"I'm sorry sir but ma'am is busy now she is attending a Skype call" elle said apologetically.

That's why she didn't answer.

"Okay I'm gonna wait for a little" I said.

Before I could turn and walk away Kate stopped me.

"Sir do you want to come and sit with us while you wait......since it's lunch time" kate said.

My eyes gave a glance to watch to see it was past twelve.

I didn't realize it was already lunch time.

"Kate he doesn't like to eat among us" Elle hissed.

"I'm sorry sir-

"I would love to eat with you" I cut her off "Could you lead me the way" I asked politely smiling at them.

Their eyes widened while both of them shared a look with each other.


"Yeah yeah sure this way" Kate said rushing and we three entered the cafeteria.

The cafeteria looked really nice, clean and spacious. The walls were coated with color red , yellow and blue giving the whole cafeteria a bright energetic look.

We stopped at a table were there already some girls and boys were already sitting. Kate cleared her throat to get their attention they stopped and turned around and when they saw me their eyes widened and they quickly stood up by now the whole cafeteria went silent and all their attention was towards this table.

"Hello sir..." they all said and the same time.

"Oh please continue what you are doing and call me Zion" I said offering a small smile.

I felt a little guilty that I disturbed their lunch time.

Elle motioned with her hands to sit and kate turned to everyone at the cafeteria to go back to their work.

"Guys this is Mr.Zion as you already know and Zion this is mark, Luke, giana, veronica" kate introduced to everyone in the table. For that they all slightly nodded still having the same look of shock.

"I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable" I said looking at their faces.

They all shook their face and straighten up themselves .

"No sir..

I raised a eyebrow at giana.

"No Uhm Mr.Zion your are not making us uncomfortable" Giana said.

"We are just surprised" it was veronica.

"I was just waiting for Miss.jones since she is busy right now I thought of finishing my lunch here. Is that okay with you" I asked again.

"Of course Mr.Irvine I mean Zion it's a pleasure having you here" Mark said.

"And sorry that you have to wait it just that this French men who is keeping our boss so busy these days" Luke said with an obvious anger.

"it's okay I don't mind at all in fact I clearly understand" I said I know this situation very well in business we have to tolerate all this.

"Okay stop with all business let go back to eating" Kate shouted and she turned towards me "What do you want to eat Zion I can assure you that that out cafeteria makes the best food and it also makes quality food so you don't need to worry"

"Just something light" i said since I don't know what dishes they had.

After few minutes we got our food at the same the alice whom I met a few month back also sat with us.

"Mr.Zion?" Alice asked shocked while looking at elle.

"He wanted to have lunch with us while he waited for Miss.jones" Elle informed.

"Oh okay hope you enjoy our meal sir" Alice said while sitting and leaving a gap between her and elle.

"I will" I said and took a spoon my lunch.

"The food is especially hot today" elle said while blowing her pasta.

"I think it's because Zion" Kate said while winking at me and elle choked on her pasta.

I paused for a second before continuing to drink.

"I'm sorry Mr. Zion Kate was born with no filters in her mouth" Giana said with a sigh.

I can see that.

"Hey I'm just stating the truth and you're just- Alice what happened" she asked once her eyes met alice.

Alice looked down at her food without eating and toying around her fork and her face looked kind of sad.

"Alice?" elle asked again.

"Oh sorry I was just thinking something"

"About" veronica asked titling her head so much that she could see her.

"My mom told me that Miss.jones didn't eat her breakfast and now it past twelve forty I'm just worried that's all" she sighed.

When she finished an air of silence passed over the table and everyone face fell and they looked......sad? I guess.

"That little piece of French head I swear I'm gonna shove a piece of bread directly towards his..." kate screamed but paused "head his head" she finished.

"I agree he is making so many changes in the design and that little is still not satisfied" Luke said While gripping the fork.

"And he is making her busy so much that I didn't even able to see her " mark sighed.

"Aww that's why you were so dull" Giana cooed while looking at him and giving a glance at kate.

"Of course i was not able to her beautiful face her perfect eyebrow her captivating grey eyes and oh her body-

I cleared my throat since I felt uncomfortable hearing a guy talking about her like this.

"Shut up mark!" veronica hissed "I'm sorry you have to hear it mark can only talk about it since he is too chicken to ask her out"

I just gave her tight nod and went back to eat my food.

"Hey I'm not-

"okay stop I'm gonna go and give Miss.jones her lunch" Luke said while getting up.

"Hey wait up" mark said while bottling of the way and slightly tripping in the process.

All the girls laughed but kate didn't she was busy glaring the back of Mark's head which now disappeared through the doors.

She looked kind of jealous.

I just left it and soon the conversation turned towards me and they shared and talked with me now a little more comfortable while I was listening to them I was kind of surprised to hear that nobody talked bad about Miss.jones not even a little.

It's not like I wanted them to talk bad about her I wanted the opposite actually. But now seeing none of said such thing or even caller her names i was greatly relieved.

But I was in a little doubt maybe they are talking nicely since I was with them because I know for a fact that felicity is not ....uhm.....Polite with her workers. But when I was glanced at Kate who was now throwing some colourful words toward the French head I mean Frenchman. I hundred percent know that they were not acting with me.

After some time I excused myself went towards her office while I was in the lift I couldn't help but wonder how they workers were worried of her health. I thought they would sit and discuss who got cruel words from her after all lunch time was a gossip time.

I know this because when my mom worked in my dad's office before they started dating. She told me that her co workers would always call him cruel and many other names. At that time my dad was very strict and a little arrogant so everyone feared him it was until my mom came into the picture.

Now that I think about that they did curse here and there but it was only towards the work they had to do but never to her. I didn't hear this from only the people I sat with but also from everyone when I passed them or at the lift.

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