
Where the heck is the laundry room.

I muttered looking around the place for the tenth time . They said if you search for a thing without giving up you will probably get it.

Well that's bullsh*t for you.

I sighed and seated on one of the comfiest couches, the same couches which I have in my office only the color was different. I leaned back and looked down at my thigh to see that his hoodie has ridden up a bit I really want to change it but the thing is I can't find the laundry room and I don't want to wake up Zion , because.

I took my phone out and saw the time.


It's too early to wake him and plus it is weekend so I guess he needed more sleeping with that thought I went to the guest room to take a shower.

After taking a bath I put the hoodie on and went down towards the kitchen. His kitchen was fairly big and it had every product one can make dinner for five people.

I hope he doesn't get mad that I'm gonna use his kitchen . I'm hungry and I really need something to eat.

Should I also make him breakfast.


I sighed and put my hair in a low bun with few strands at the side of my face and started to make breakfast . I was putting the apples into the fruit bowl, when I heard footsteps coming, frowning I turned around.

I didn't have anytime to do anything and soon enough I was met with Zion's blue eyes. He was wearing some white t-shirt and a loose grey pants his hair was wet which made his hair look darker . When I looked up his eyes were widened looking at me.

Oh crap.

I'm wearing his hoodie. ONLY his hoodie.


My eyes involuntary moved towards his I saw his eyes slowly moved down to my exposed legs for a second before whipping his head to the side .

He then coughed to clear the awkward tension than poured on us.

"Uhmm...I just making some breakfast.. do you mind " I asked.

He turned his head towards me and nodded "Okay . Yeah I don't mind " he said entered the kitchen.

"You cook ? " He casually asked while taking a water bottle from the fridge.

I shrugged and turned around "Yeah..." I stopped when my eyes fell on him taking a sip of water from the bottle , his adam apple moved up and down at this action. He then wiped the water at the side of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Yeah?" he raised a eyebrow while closing the bottle .

My eyes widened and color rose from my cheek to my face.

"Yeah...I mean not a master ch...chef's level...but can cook to survive " I said stuttering a bit and quickly turned around.

For that I heard him humming while coming towards where I was standing and there goes my heart beat faster.

"So what are you cooking " he asked behind me making me slightly fidgety.

I coughed to clear my nervousness "Just simple breakfast, toast ,scrambled eggs ....." I said looking at the dishes that I made and in the process of making ".....And some fruits for" I sucked in a breath when he stood beside me his arms brushed mine when he took a apple from the front.

"Thank you making breakfast jone " he said and gave me a warm smile.

I stared at his smile for a little longer than I should I never really paid attention how is smile making his face look like a sunshine himself. But now when I paid attention to it I realized how beautiful it is .


"it's nothing and I wanted in return for letting me stay yesterday " I said completely turning towards him.

"Jone " He sighed "You don't have to do it just because of that " he said his eyes were soft looking at me.

I shook my head "It's okay I wanted to do it "


"Just take it " I said looking straight up to his eyes.

His lips turned slightly upward "I will " . We were both starting at each other eyes and we both didn't pull away from each other. Until....


We turned around to the unfamiliar voice. And when we saw whose is it both of our eyes widened like saucers.

There stood Cameron with a blank look while looking at both of us. I shared a nervous look with Zion who is looking at Cameron with his mouth slightly parted in surprise and the apple in his hands fell down from his hand .

We all three followed the apple rolling on the floor when it stopped at the foot of the chair. We looked up to see Cameron slightly raising one eyebrow at Zion.

"It's NOT what you THINK " Zion exclaimed.

"oh really, okay if not you guys making breakfast then what it is " he asked casually leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Uh.." Zion blinked confusedly after a few seconds his eyes rose up when he realized what Cameron said.

"Ahhh. I mean YES breakfast you're right . Is it what you THINK "

"Okay now what I'm thinking is totally different " Cameron said while crossing his hands over his chest.

For that Zion let out a loud frustrated groan.

We both let out a chuckle seeing his state. He then gave me a side way glare but the way his lips were pulled upward proved otherwise.

"You know what- " Zion stopped abruptly when he heard a very familiar voice.


A loud voice boomed into the apartment. Which belonged to none other than Athena.

"Crap" Zion cursed under his breath.

The very next second came in a very excited energetic Athena. But she abruptly stopped in her steps when he spotted Cameron.

"YOU" She asked in a surprise tone.

Then her eyes moved to the side ways and spotted me.

"YOUU" She asked In a shocked tone.

Then her eyes moved to Zion who was busy examining a potato.

"YOU." She said in a you-mister-have-a-lot-to-explain tone.




Let's talk about awkwardness shall we.

Me ,Zion, Cameron and Athena were now seated in the table while eating the breakfast and trying to ignore the awkwardness that surrounding us.

After the three you's both Zion and Athena went into a big debate which certainly lasted a solid twenty minutes. While me and Cameron watched them quietly sitting in the table while sipping our coffees. It was quite a nice debate where Athena held the more power and Zion looked like he was seconds away from taking a ticket to an island and never planning to return.

"So you two were alone in this penthouse yesterday?" athena asked

Zion slightly choke on his coffee and coughed a few times while me on the other hand turned into tomato and took big bite of my pancake chewing it while keeping my head down.

"Yes. The rain didn't stop so I let her stay in my guest house" Zion explained while straightening up.

Before I could sigh in relief she fired another question which made me choke.

"You two left together?" She asked shocked.

"Can you pass the syrup" Cameron suddenly asked .


Athena turned her face towards him .


"The syrup"

She looked down to the bottle "Oh sure.. hey it's empty wait I will refill it " she said while standing up.

"Zion where is the bottle"

"Top right third shelf" he automatically said . She nodded and walked towards the shelf.

Me and Zion both sighed in relief.

Zion then passed a thankful look towards Cameron who only shook his head while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Oh no" we all turned towards Athena who's white shirt and now covered in a chocolate syrup.

Zion shook his head while getting up.

"What happened Athena where are you getting your clumsiness from"

Hmmm I wonder.

"This stain will never go" She pouted while looking at Zion .

"It won't" Zion confirmed while looking at the stain.

"Leave it" Zion said when Athena went to wash it off "Just wear one of my hoodie".

"But I'm going somewhere and I certainly can't go in your hoodie " she said.

"You can go buy some clothes and take jone with since her dress is not dried up" Zion said giving me a glance before turning back to Athena.

"Okay for me" she said .

After then we all finished the breakfast while Athena went up to change her dress my eyes then fell on Cameron who was washing the plates , before I could go and help him Zion came in my line of vision.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I said looking at his blue eyes.

"I hope you're not mad that your clothes are not ready. I told Maria to make soup fast so she forgot to wash your clothes " he said while giving me a guilty look.

This boy. I swear

How anyone can be this nice.

"It's okay I really don't mind " I said.

It is becoming impossible to get angry at him.

He sighed in relief "Well good and do you want another hoodie because you're wearing it from yesterday night" he asked .

"Uhm Yeah....if you have extra...and of course if you don't mind - " my rambling was cut off by Zion laugh.

" Jone I have plenty of hoodie and I don't mind at all " he said and gave me small smile.

"Thanks" I said looking down.

"you're welcome "

I nodded and went towards his room where Athena was in the process of coating the whole room with his clothes.

What a nice view.





"Do you have any store in my mind " Athena asked while driving.

"No , just a store which is near " I said while pulling down the hoodie.

We were currently driving in Zion's car after coming out from the sea full of clothes aka Zion's room. Both the boys were engaged in conversation that they didn't even notice us , but when Athena sneakily tired to snatch they keys of Zion's car she caught red-handed. But he didn't mind he simply said not to hurt his car if anything happens this will be the last time she will see his car.

Boys and their love for their car.

When the car stopped in front of the store , we both glanced at each other and quickly sprinted off to the store grabbing anything our hands touched and rushed into the trial rooms. We completely avoided the questionable glance that the customers and the workers thrown towards us.

I then came out of the trail room wearing a blank pant and a loose grey t-shirt while Athena came wearing a blue jeans while she wore the same hoodie.

I didn't wore the hoodie because his scent stayed there.

After paying for this dress we went on to search something that is little more presentable for us. I choose a white pant and white turtleneck top and paired it up with a brown coat. After paying and changing it I looked at Athena who was now on the makeup section looking at her face in the mirror with a frown etched on her forehead. When I went near she quickly averted her face from the mirror and mumbled a we shall go.

I didn't wanted to say anything since her face looked she wanted to go . When we made our way towards the car she asked me to drive . I didn't question I simply took the keys from her and started to drive.

While driving the car I realized Athena mood went off she went silent and kept on looking outside the window . She wasn't her usual self because the drive before she was constantly talking but now she barely looked at where we are heading.

"Something wrong" I asked when I stopped at the signal.

She turned her head towards me with a confused face a few seconds later she realized that I asked a question .

"Oh nothing" she said and turned her face towards the window.

"Are you feeling insecure about your face"

"Yes" she said without taking her eyes from the window.

For that I only let out a chuckle. She turned her head towards me with a raised eyebrow.

"Is there something funny " she asked with a hint of anger.

"Well it's funny because you being insecure when you have a beautiful face" I stated and glanced at her face.

Her look told me that she didn't expect what I just said.

"Uh..uhmm. " she opened and closed her mouth she then straightened up "How do you know that I have a beautiful face"

"You are presented a beautiful face because of your parents they gave you this . So it is sad if you don't acknowledge it" I said and started the car .

"Uhm can you explain "

I shook my head "You have to figure that by yourself"

She opened her mouth to protest but sighed and looked outside the window. After driving for a ten more minutes we reached the penthouse. We then quickly got out of the car while closing the door ,we saw both Cameron and Zion coming down. My eyes stayed a little longer on Zion he was wearing a dark color shirt which is folded till the forearm and he paired it up with a faded black jeans.

"Hey where are you going" Athena voice brought from my staring.

It is called checking him out.

Not it is not.

Yes it is.

No it is not.

Yes. You were checking him out.

"I think jone will be busy"


"So you're free" Zion asked.


"Then it's settled !" Athena said excitedly.






Why would you do this to yourself. How come you itself dig your own pit and feel into it.

WHYYYYY. I internally groaned

"Hey are you okay'' Zion's voice broke my internal cursing.

I straighten up "Yeah I was just think something"

"About" he asked turning towards me suddenly getting curious.

I then realized that we stopped at the signal. I roamed my eyes to get anything that I can say to him , then my eyes caught Athena who was driving with Cameron .



Mental note : slap myself when I get home.

"Yeah...I mean I was just thinking why did you let Athena come with Cameron. I thought you will be a over protective brother"


I'm gonna break the glass jump out of the window catch a bus , to go my house and lock myself for two days.

So that I could forget what I just SAID.

He chuckled "I did it on purpose"

"A purpose?" I asked bewildered.

"Yes" with that he started to drive.

Maybe I don't need to lock myself up.

He didn't think my question was way out of the blue which is incase it is totally is. He just looked like it was a normal thing.


After twenty minutes we finally arrived , Zion then parked the car and we both got out at the same time Cameron and Athena also came at the same time.

Cameron came out of the car with a very pissed look on his look followed by a very cheerily Athena. He then gave a glance at Zion which conveyed you-are-dead. For that Zion let lot a loud laugh while patting his friend's back.

He threw his hand over Cameron shoulder who liked seconds away from jumping off a cliff.

Well okay I maybe exaggerating a bit.

Zion then gave me glance over his shoulder. I nodded and entered the club.

I don't even a have a proper explanation to why I'm here.

Sighing I went inside when I entered I realized that it was more like a game room there were so many games from pool table to video games. my eyes searched for a certain machine but it was not there guess they threw the old machine.

My eyes moved to Zion and Cameron where a two girls openly flirting with them. Zion being Zion he politely talked to them for which the girl flirted even more. Shaking my head I went to the pool table because in that area it was less crowded.

"Do you know to play" Athena asked while standing at the opposite side.

"Never touched it" I said taking the stick .

"And I'm primitive in this " she said and let out a laugh. She then turned her head and waved at Zion . Zion gave her nod and turned towards the girl and said something which made her to let out a very dramatic pout. While Cameron stood there with a blank annoyed look.

After the girls went they both made their way towards where we are standing.

"Athena don't you know that you shouldn't stand where you don't belong" Zion joked while taking the stick from her hand and slightly hitting her in the forehead. While Cameron came and stood beside me.

She scoffed "Well I'm gonna try it and become a master in it"

Zion put both hand up in surrender "Fine then I will teach you"

"Teach me" she asked bewildered. While me and Cameron got ready for another debate.

"Don't give me that look I know how it works "

"You never played it"

"I played enough now come on I will teach you"

For that Athena let out a laugh "Zion you are worst at teaching "


"you are " it was Cameron.

Zion turned his face towards his friend with somewhat offended look.

"And you, are you great teacher" Zion asked with a challenging look.

It was now me and Athena turn to watch the debate.

"I'm" he simply said.

He scoffed "Bro the last time when someone told you to teach them you wrote down the link and told them to learn"

"Well she was starting to flirt"

"Then what about the time when your aunt told you teach your nephew alphabet-

"Don't you dare finish it" Cameron warned.

Before they could turn the debate into a boxing arena Athena stopped them.

"Stop fighting like a old married couple and prove it."

They flushed and abruptly stopped.

"Good. Let the game begin now" she said and Zion went beside her and grabbed the stick.

Cameron then came behind me and handed me the stick.

Zion then looked at Cameron with the most challenge look from behind Athena I couldn't see what was the reaction of Cameron since he was behind me. But I'm sure he was also giving the same look.

"let's start" Cameron said from behind me while holding my hand which was already holding the stick and slightly making me bend.

Zion eyes flickered down to our hand before looking up and giving a smirk to Cameron.

"We shall"





"I bet they only to how to flaunt" Athena sighed while walking with me

I just nodded in agreement. I turned my head backwards to see both the boys walking with their head hung low in embarrassment.

If anyone said they are bad at teaching I will disagree. Because they're not bad.......

They are worse.

The workers have to came and politely throw us out of the pool table because how much of mess they created. The balls never stayed in the table it went flying at one point it even hit a girl.

"And he said I don't belong there . All the body are only for a show once they are in action they are totally wuss"

"WE'RE NOT" both of my shouted from behind , for that we both rolled our eyes

Suddenly Athena stopped in her stops confused I looked at her she was looking at the right side when I followed her gaze when I looked what she was looking my eyes instantly brightened and a happy feeling settled in my stomach.

"Ice cream" she shouted grabbed my elbow and started speed walking I did not protest though when she was taking to my happy place.

It was a very small store they didn't have any customers an the whole area was deserted. When Athena opened the door there was girl behind the counter when she saw us she let out a audible sigh.

"Can we-

"We are closing the shop


"There is no ice cream " she said annoyed while chewing a bubble gum cutting off Athena.

My face instantly fall while I looked down at the floor with a disappointed look.

They have no ice cream.

My disappointment grew even bigger.

"Athena what are you doing " Zion's voice boomed into the store.

She sighed "I came to get some ice cream but sadly the store doesn't have any ice cream left-

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