

I was still walking with anger but mostly embarrassment. I can't believe the ball didn't touch ONE bottle and the worst part is that Zion has to witness it .


Hell. I could still hear his laughter as much as his laughter is like music..NO FELICITY STOP.

My phone then buzzes this time I took it out of my purse to see who it is when I saw the caller i.d I abruptly stopped in my steps

I looked around to find an exit. When I saw one I quickly moved towards it. When I opened the door it showed the garden. I looked around for a bench on my right and on my left side .

I found it on the right side a little far away so that I wouldn't hear the chatter sound from inside , I seated myself on the white bench and pressed the call button.

"Hello cree"

"Hello jone, did I disturb you " he asked .

"No! now tell me " I said and leaned back

"Okay well there is ..


I sighed looking at the garden. I was just a little far away from it. I just had to take a few steps and three stairs to go visit the beautiful garden.

"Hey are you there " the cree voice broke my thoughts.

"Yeah , sorry " I said and straightened up .

"Well yeah that's it, can I know when will I hear from you so that I can start it " he asked

"I....I don't know but if it gets serious you can start it, don't wait for me and I will immediately send it " I said my tone went a little tired .

"Oh okay okay don't stress too much . It's not that serious so there is still some time " he assures

For that I just hummed too tired to continue this conversation.

"Okay then I will send the information in the email. Bye for now enjoy your rest of your evening "

Yeah totally.

After ending the call I closed my eyes and leaned back on the bench while inhaling the scent of flowers , the slight blowing of wind made me relax. I can still hear the noise from inside faintly but I didn't feel the need to go inside even though my job is done and there is no need for me here , I should probably go to my house . But....

I opened my eyes and saw the beautiful garden that was in front of me .

How anyone can leave this place .

I then saw someone coming from my peripheral vision. When I turned around I saw Zion looking around the place he looked like he was searching something.

Oh shoot.

Before I could call him his eyes to meet mine for a split second relief washes over his face he then came towards where I was sitting.

"Hey" I said when he stood in front of me.

"Hi " he said and gave me a hunky smile.

"What are you doing here? " he asked and sat beside me. I moved a little to give him some space .

"Just admiring your garden " I commented and looked at the front.

He chuckled "And here I thought you were grieving from your loss "

I gasped and looked at him "I'm not and ...." I paused before continuing , he then glanced at me with a raised eyebrow "And I lost it because of who taught me "

Ha! Take that .

"Did you just insult me " he asked shocked


"I didn't say that, " I said and turned from him.

He murmured something under his breath which I couldn't quite catch .

"Are you planning on staying here " he asks for a minute of silence.

"No , but I think maybe . It's a beautiful view" I said looking at the garden.

I saw him nodding from my peripheral version "I agree my mom and sister was on hell bent making this "

"Well it came out to be a beautiful one though" I say and mentally imagining the scenario in my mind .

It would have been hilarious.

"Do you want to visit , I can show you around " he offers while glancing at me.

I turn my head with a raised eyebrow "Sure?" I ask in a mocking tone.

He frowned his eyebrow while looking at me "Yeahh..." he trails off somewhat unsure "Ah wait . Did you actually believe what my sister said? '' he asked once he realized.

"Well yeah"

"I'm not worst in showing around " he defends


"You don't believe me "

"Nope "

"You can't say if you haven't witnessed it . So now come I will show you " he says while looking at me and then the garden .

"It's okay I'm too tired for that , I like where I'm " I say .

He nods and we fall again into another round of silence .

"Okay " he says while standing up after a few minutes of us silently watching the garden.

I look up to his tall figure,

"Let's go inside , they are serving dinner now" he informs me .

I shook my head and stood up "Uhm I think I will take my leave now"

He frowns looking at me "What no , you are not leaving without eating "

Just like his mother

"I'm afraid I'm gonna be "

"Why? We have really amazing dishes there" he says slightly turning back.

"Thanks for the offer , but I'm sorry I'm not hungry" I say apologetically well that was what I thought.

"How about wraps "




"I still can't believe you are choosing wrap over a burger " . Zion states looking at my precious wrap .

I roll my eyes "And I still can't believe you are eating a burger after you tasted the wrap " I point out .

We are currently sitting outside the McDonald's since all the seats inside were taken and we didn't mind sitting outside since it is really nice the cold New York air slightly bowling around us giving it a perfect combination to eat this amazing wrap . There were not many people outside, just some teenagers and a middle aged couple.


I said I was not hungry until he said the word wrap .

There is ALWAYS room for wraps.

"Same goes to you, " he says, taking a sip of my strawberry shake.


"Hey, that's mine, " I exclaimed.

He casually looks at the shake while I look like someone has taken my arm out of my body and thrown it across the lake.

We all have our own priorities.

"Yep" he says like it is totally fine.

"Drink your own drink " I state, narrowing my eyes.

"I would when you give me my drink " he says with an amused smirk.

Confused, I look down to see that I'm holding Zion's vanilla drink in my hand.


Is this day for embarrassment?

I cleared my throat and handed the drink to him . Which he gladly received with a hearty laugh.


Ahhhhhh damn him and his freaking beautiful laugh.

"Hey wait -

I abruptly stopped sipping my drink and looked at him with an annoyed look.

You don't come between me and my strawberry drink.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"You said you don't like strawberries "

Well shit.

"Did I? " I asked, faking a confused look.

"Yes" he said firmly

"Are you sure "

"Positive "

"Really? "

He groaned tilting his head back. I bite my lip to stop from smiling at his frustrated look.

"The drinks were exchanged, " I said, not wanting to frustrate him more.

He leaned his head looking at me lazily "Really "

"Yep I ordered a chocolate " I shrugged taking a sip of my heavenly drink.

"Ohhh. Do you want to exchange " he asked, completely buying the story .

I waved my hand in dismissively "I'm not allergic to it and we shouldn't waste the food"

He rolled his eyes and took a sip of his own drink .

Now that's better.

We then continued to eat in silence until we heard the sound of the raindrop. It started slowly but gradually increased it's pace .

I then heard someone shouting.

Make it as four.

There were four teenagers, one girl and three boys. The girl and a boy were dancing in the rain where the girl tried to move away but failed and ended up dancing with him . The other two boys did the same in a mocking way like the couple in order to tease them but the boy fell down while the other tried to spin him . They all ended up laughing.

I heard a shriek at the back of me. Me and Zion turned around from the teenagers and looked at the middle aged couple where the man was throwing water towards the women .

It was a nice view.

Smiling a little I turned to the front only to realize that Zion was not there. Frowning I looked at the side to see Zion standing with a playful look .

"No " I said standing up .

"Oh come on, have some fun" he said ready to splash some water onto my face .

"Don't even think about " I shrieked and used my force to push his hand away so that the water will fall down.

But what I and also Zion think about how much force I used.

He didn't expect it so he stumbled a few steps back even though it was just a few steps but he was already near it . Which meant he was now standing in the rain .

"I'm- So Ahhhh" I didn't even have the time to react and before I knew Zion was pulling my hand towards him which made me drench in the rain .

"Ahhh Zion " I screamed and tried to pull my hand from him .

"Leave my hand Zion " I stated firmly still trying to free my hand from him.

"Not happening after you drenched me in the rain " he said pulling me further

"AHHHH " I screamed and jerked my hand with full force .

I stumbled back while pushing his chest.

"Hey- " is what I heard before Zion falling down to the ground.

He literally Fallen to the ground.

Shocked I brought both my hands to my mouth and looked at him who was wearing the same expression as mine . which now slowly turned into a mischievous one

"You Miss.jones are in for a big trouble "

When he finished I ran off . I heard him laughing and followed by his steps .

Gosh what kind of day is this never I imagined that I would be running in the rain with Zion hot on my heels.

I was still running without any idea where to hide. I forgot about being drenched in the rain all I wanted is to stay away from Zion .

I then suddenly feel someone putting their arms around my waist from the back . I was frightened at first but when I smelled his scent I instantly relaxed.

But that only stayed for a second.

"Caught you, " Zion said behind me.

"No " I said and tried to get away from his grip , but all went in vain when he wrapped his other hand around my waist .

"I went down and now it's your time " his breath hitting my face at the sides. Saying this he swung me around causing my feet to leave the ground and my back was pushed against his chest and top of it all the raindrops were pouring like a missle on my face, ticking me in the process.

I brought my hands to him which were wrapped around my waist and tried to free it but that only made him grip tighter .

"Zion put me down " I stated firmly.

"As you wish " he said at the side of my face I can particularly hear his smirk .

My eyes went bigger at what I said .

"No No i didn't mean it like that , don't put me down " I said shaking my head .

For that He chuckled, making me shiver .

"What are you saying Miss.jones, backing away from your words? " he said, pulling me closer.

"Ahhh stop it Zion " I exclaimed and tried to wiggle from his iron grip .

He only laughed and lifted me off from the ground swinging me in the process.

I was literally in the air while he was circling me, his hands tightly secured around waist. And the raindrops were still pouring making me ticklish to the core.

This feeling was so foreign and yet felt normal. There was something about being swirling in the middle of the rain and it was so nice being like this . I was feeling light and relaxed even though it was cold. Zion's body kept me warm. He never loosened his grip around my waist and he never put me down as he said he would.

Which I'm so thankful for .

I can't quite see his reaction. I don't know whether he was smiling or mentally preparing for the perfect timing to dump me down. But he was still swinging me and I kept my hands around him in case he threw me down in the unappealing down.

Even Though I'm a little afraid that I'm seconds away from planting my whole body to the ground gracefully. I kinda like this position and a weird feeling settled in me .

Is this what happiness is?

And just like that I broke into a laugh tilting my head back to Zion's shoulder, it was impossible in this situation the water was ticking me and I was up in the air swirling.

But the movement suddenly stopped and my feet were placed down much to my dismay . Zion's hands were still on my waist and my back was practically glued to Zion's back. I could feel his heart beating. We didn't say anything for a moment just standing there while the rain drops poured on us.

He then turned me around and I looked up to see the raindrops were falling from his head to his face . I lowered my eyes because of the intensity of his eyes.

I felt something cold touch my face. I looked up to see Zion looking at me while his hand pushed the strands of my hair on the right side very gently, his fingertips touching my face. He did the same to the left side all the while his eyes didn't move from mine .

He then dropped his hands while his other hand was still holding my waist . My breathing got heavy, my chest heaving up and down. I lowered my eyes for a second and then looked at his blue eyes which were now hidden by his hair . His eyes were roaming around my face with inexplicable emotion.

His eyes then caught mine which were already looking at him . For a moment we just stood still and started into each other's eyes. I don't know what was happening around us. I just looked at his face and was captivated by his eyes.


We abruptly moved away from each other and I awkwardly roamed my eyes to see the group of teenagers running towards their car.

"Crap" I heard him mutter.

"Let's go," he said and grabbed my hand and we both ran towards his car . He quickly opened the door for me and I got in .

Just when I got in, all the cells in my body realized that I was freaking drenched from top to bottom and soon I was feeling cold. I started to rub my arms up and down to get any warmth but I failed. Quite miserably.

Zion then got in and quickly turned on the heater . He heaved a sigh and rankled his hair in frustration and put his head on the steering wheel.

Silence enveloped into the car he didn't speak and his head stayed in that position . And the spattering of rain acting a dramatic background music.

"I'm sorry "

It was barely above a whisper but I heard it.

Confused, I turned towards him and he pushed his head up and leaned his head on the headrest. He looked guilty that he didn't even open his eyes.

"For?" I asked .

He sighed and opened his eyes and looked at the front .

"For drenching you ...

Well basically it was the rain

"And acting like a total stupid " he took a deep breath "look I'm really sorry for earlier I shouldn't have pulled you in the rain and totally drenching and now because of me you are shivering " he said and put his hand on his forehead.

I brought my hand forward and touched his shoulder. He immediately looked at me, the first time he looked since we entered the car . His eyes looked a mixture of guilt and sadness.

"Don't feel guilty I'm not mad about you drenching me in the rain "

His eyebrow rose in surprise "What really "

"Yes" I said and dropped my hand from his shoulder.

"But why" he asked confused

I shrugged "Because I liked it "

"What" his eyes roaming around my face to prove what he heard was right.

I turned towards the window "I actually liked it , it was long time since I played in the rain so this will be an exception"

Silence. But I can feel his gaze on me , I started to feel tense under his gaze.

I cleared my throat "Can we go , I'm starting to feel cold "

He quickly moved away while muttering a sorry and started the car.

There was something in the air that I couldn't quite point it out, it was not uncomfortable but can't say that it was comfortable. But There was something ,we didn't speak anything after he drove off from my peripheral vision I saw him ranking his hair occasionally. When I tried to glance at him but at the same time he also did the same , we both quickly averted our eyes from each other.

Yep.there is definitely something.

I sighed and looked outside the window. The rain is still pouring and everyone is rushing here and there to get away from it . I then saw a car passing through where the teenagers from earlier were in it .

Suddenly the image of me and Zion standing in the rain where my back was pressed against his chest and his hands were wrapped around my waist.

My heart beat increased faster. I clearly remember that we were both stiff at the moment but I could clearly feel the beating of his heart. It was a brief and a silent hug.

I brought my hand to my chest to still feel the heartbeat .

What were you thinking?

It was never my intention to be in the position. I don't know what happened and how I ended up in freaking Zion's arm's.


I maybe kinda started but it was his fault why would he hold his hand with water ready to throw at the face . So in my DEFENSE i pushed him well two times but that doesn't matter now since we both drenched from top to bottom.

If I catch a cold I'm 100% blaming him and I demand that he postpone our meeting.

My eyes then caught Zion taking a left turn.

"Hey that is not the way " I said looking at the road and at him.

"Uhm yeah we are going to my penthouse " he said warily while glancing at me.

"We are what " I exclaimed

He sighed "My penthouse because it is near and we won't travel another forty five minutes in the rain " he said like it is the best logical statement.

"I don't care, just take me to your house so that I can take my car " I said as my tone changed to sharp.

He sucked a breath in rapid successions and ranked his hair in frustration.

"Jone try to understand my apartment is just ten minutes and I don't think the rain will stop-

"I don't care Mr. Irvine just just take me to your house " I said bitterly and raised my voice a little at the end.

He gripped the steering wheel tighter and his face contorted.

"Look here Miss.jones I don't want to drive in this rain and to be struck in the middle when it increases its phase. And I don't want to end up in a cliche thing where we will run towards any hotel and they say that they have only one room available and end up sharing a bed . Think fast and better Miss.jones because we don't have time " he said his voice also went a little colder.

I took a deep breath why every time I leave my car alone I struck in a position like this . I think this is the punishment I get for leaving my car alone.

Well done buddy. Well done.

And I thought Zion said well sure it will take some time to reach his house and the pouring rain gives me a LED screen message that we will get stuck in the middle and will get to share the same room and same...

I shook my head violently.

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