
"The products are successfully delivered to Miss.Davis . And she said that she absolutely loved it" Miss.brown informed me while I was typing on my mac book.

"Well good , you can leave now " I said dismissing her .

With a 'thank you' she left my office while I continued to do my work . There were some other orders that I have to complete because karie has recommended us to her friends and family which gave us more orders to work on .

I really have to thank her because her family houses were designed where the curtains were needed more which automatically gave us more orders. Karie was very nice and understanding, I thought she looked familiar then I remember her trending on twitter a few months back with Zion, like her being Zion's girlfriend or date or whatever.

Now that I think about it , when we ate at McDonalds they were not behaving like they were or are dating . Maybe they did because I have no clue when it comes to relationships it's been so long since I was involved in such things like dates and relationships. And definitely the dating life would have been changed from my time of dating .

When my eyes flickered to the side of the calendar. I realized that tomorrow is the anniversary party of Mr.and Mrs. Irvine which means I have also have to go . With that I closed my mac book and made my way towards the basement most of my workers already went since it was Friday and they can't wait to enjoy the weekend or away from me .

I got inside my car and drove off to my house. When I entered my house I saw paul sitting on the sofa with his hand on his head .

"If you staying here you have to pay me " I said while keeping my bag on the table.

His head jerked up towards me and I saw how is face looked so tired. He then got up from the sofa

"Jone" his voice cracked.

"Tell me fast I don't have time for your drama " I said with a yawn.

"Wh...why didn't you tell us about the medicine "

"It was not important " I shrugged.

"Not IMPORTANT? " he exclaimed.

I narrowed my eyes at him "Watch you tone its your boss you are talking to "

He sighed "I'm sorry I'm ..... I was seriously afraid when I saw it and I don't what to do "

I know this was coming and I know I can't escape it . Even though I have tired my best to avoid them in these past days but I know I have let the message know.

"It's not serious " I say turning towards him who was intensely watching.

"Not serious " he blinked.

"Are you deaf " I scoffed.

He took a deep breath "Then why did you ask Lawrence for it . " he asked in a defeated tone.

I groaned in frustration "I didn't buy because of that problem I just had a dream about it that's also so stop your drama"


"No but it's just one time and it's because of the stress and pressure in the office " I say.

For a second relief washes over his face and then he sighs.

"But if anything happens please let us know....we can't afford to lose you felicity " he says with eyes holding a pleading look.

I smirk " Don't worry you will get your paycheck "

With that I made my towards my bedroom and drifted off to sleep .





I checked myself in the mirror before heading down . Today was the anniversary party for which I'm invited I don't want to wear exactly, Zion said it was not that fancy so I opted for a simple outfit . When I was satisfied with my look I went down towards the kitchen to see Georgia making me lunch .

When she saw me all dressed up she rose an eyebrow .

"Is there any meeting " she asked confused.

"No" I said and went to take a water bottle .

"Are you going somewhere " she said turning towards me

"Can't you see " I sarcastically said while opening the bottle.


"Wait are you going for a DATE "

I spilled the water from my mouth.

"WHAT" I asked turning towards her who was beaming at me .

"Well you don't have any meeting and now you're dressed up at this time soo.." she said smiling at me and the same time assessing me .

"So you thought I'm going to a date " I asked with a distaste.

She blinked at my tone and her face fell when she put it all together.

"Oh" she said in a defeated tone.

"I'm going to the anniversary party of Mr and Mrs. Irvine " I said throwing the bottle away.

Like a kid who was told that they didn't buy theirs Christmas present but gave a present at the end . Her face slowly glowed up like that .

"Mr. Irvine! Wow that's pretty awesome and that's mean that boy Zion will also be there right...

I narrowed my eyes at her .

"I ... mean not like ...eventhough I'm happy about it ...No what I mean is that son YEAH son ,he is their son so Ofcourse he would be there . Silly me " she let out a nervous laugh.

Sighing I shook my head and then turned away while Georgia let out a sigh of relief. And When I closed the front door I swear I heard her squeal and jump .






I parked my car in front of the Irvine mansion while waiting for the guards to open the gate after one minute the gate opened i then drove my car inside and parked it after after that I took my seatbelt off and took the gift that I brought it was really difficult to buy a gift for them since I clearly don't have any clue about them . So I just googled and brought a ceramic marble Mr. and Mrs. Cup it looked nice so I just brought it without much thought.

When I stepped outside a black sleek car passed and parked a few distance from mine . Then the car door opened to reveal a white sneakers followed by another then emerged Zion looking perfect in his black pant with a white shirt and a sandal color jacket over him .

What was he doing here . Is not he supposed to be inside.

He then removed his shades and his eyes roamed around until it found mine ,his eyebrow rose and he came towards me.

"Hey! You came " he said once he stood in front of me and his scent hit me .

I tried so hard not to scrunch my nose.

"You thought I won't come ?" I asked raising a eyebrow.

"Well you didn't say anything after that day and you didn't reply to the email so I just thought you forgot and you won't come " he said and looked at me.

I looked up his blue eyes "You underestimated me Zion. You thought I wouldn't come, well no I won't take my word back" I said with a slight teasing tone.


His lips slowly turned into a smirk when I used his words he then shook his head

"Come in " he said and lead me inside the mansion.

When we stepped inside, Athena came rushing towards us .

I don't how she sensed us .

"Zion you came " she said and gave him a hug .

"Athena it's our parents anniversary " he said hugging her back .

"Exactly! I thought you would have forgotten because the so oh CEO now lives in his own penthouse " she scoffed.

"Awww...You are missing me already " he chuckled.

"Nah...not even a bit " she said and turned her face away.

But it was evident she missed him.

"Lying doesn't suit you Athena. And for your information I live half a hour away " he said putting his arms around his shoulders.

"Pfft whatever.......oh hey jone " she said when she spotted me she then moved away from Zion.

"Hello athena "

"Hello jone how are you " Athena asked , her wavy blonde hair were pulled up in a high pony .

"I'm good , nice decorations " I'm commented looking around.

Both of them chuckled "All that goes to my dad who is on now cloud nine " she said .

"Now come on I will give you a tour because my brother is worst at it "

Before Zion could say anything Athena ran while pulling me with her.

We then entered a big room where it was decorated with peaches and white chairs and there was also pictures hanging here and there . The picture were all beautiful it was Mr. Irvine and Mrs. Irvine they looked so happy in love in those pictures .

I then settled into one of the white chair after a minute Mr. Irvine and Mrs. Irvine came in , kara was wearing a champagne color off shoulder full length dress and Mr. Irvine was wearing a suit with the same color tie.

They are perfect.

Then the party started a cake was brought by Zion and athena to their parents. They then took the knife and started to cut the cake , everyone in the room cheered for them and I also did the same.

Then Mr. Irvine took a piece of cake and fed it to kara then gave a kiss on her forehead for that kara took a piece of cake from his hand and fed it to Mr. Irvine and gave a kiss on his cheek .

They then went on to give it to their children. Zion was eating his cake when kara came with a another cake Zion gave a look my-tummy-is-literally-full-if-i-take-another-bite-i-will-bust-here. But it was defeated when his mother gave him a sad face .

He shook his head then took a piece and fed it to kara. Then Zion moved and cut a piece of cake he then turned towards Athena who busy with her dad wiping the cream of his nose .

He then called her when she turned around he pushed the . I mean literally PUSHED the cake into mouth but it only went a half because most of it was smudged .

Zion then broke into a loud laugh , when he recovered and saw Athena he disappeared within a blink of an eye leaving a fuming angry bird.

No offense. But she really looked like it .

I looked around the place to see all of them laughing and sharing the cake with one another. I felt odd and out of the place I clearly don't belong here it was not my kind of thing seeing all of them laughing without a care in the world ,it is the first time I'm seeing lot of smiles in one place where I'm present. It was weird to know how so many people were happy and enjoying themselves making the whole place beaming with happiness.

It made me sick.

Then my eyes met Zion who was standing in front of Cameron who was looking at the right side. My eyes met his blues eyes which had a intense look .

Something said that he was looking before I saw him .

I then made my towards the happy in love couple .

"Kara'' I called

She then turned around with redness covering her face .

"Jone" she smiled .

"Happy anniversary to both of you " I said and gave a nod to Mr. Irvine who returned with a nod .

"Thank you and thank you for coming " she said warmly.

I then took my present and gave it to her .

"Oh darling " she exclaimed when I gave it to her .

"I hope you like it "

"Oh honey Of course " she said and gave me a hug my body went rigid at the action . It was so different from Zion's hug and I felt something different.

I didn't hug her back after a second she pulled away and again thanked me for the gift after that I excused myself .

I then went to look the photos since most of them headed down to play indoor games.

There were many pictures from their start of the relationship till now and I was seeing it one by one , the first one was taken inside a car where Mr. Irvine taking the photo and kara was in the driver seat giving a small awkward smile They looked very young in the picture.

I then moved onto the next pictures in every photo the love flowed from it after a few pictures of them in the restaurant and in some ball . It was the photo of the proposal which was taken in the woods where Mr. Irvine was kneeling down in the bridge and in front of him was kara wearing a red off shoulder floral dress with both of her hand clasped around her mouth.

It was weird seeing Mr.Irvine like this .

I then moved to the next set of photos which consisted of their marriage and the years followed. My eyes then feel upon the photo where it was kara pregnancy i think it was taken when she was pregnant with Zion . Where in the photo her belly was show and Mr. Irvine was kissing it .

After that I moved to the next one it was taken in the woods . Where Mr. Irvine was throwing up a three or four year old Zion who was laughing while he was up in the air and kara was in front of them watching them with a big smile .

The next one looked at the time when athena was born . Mr.Irvine and kara was sitting in a bed while Zion was sitting on his mother's lap holding baby athena protectively while having a big smile .

My lips twitched in smile seeing him . Zion looked so small while holding athena who was wrapped in a white towel ,but he was holding her carefully. His eyes showed how much joy he is in when I looked closely he didn't look chubby at all he looked thin and lean . I remembered when he said that he was not that chubby as his mother wanted to be .

Guess he was true.

It was so funny and nice looking at him. He looked cute while holding his sister even though his face showed joy but he looked little sacred He was so beautiful even in his childhood his blue eyes were bigger and he was wearing a headband putting all his hair back .

Overall he looked like a whole package of adorable baby.

"Seeing our families photos?"

I turned around to see Zion standing behind me with a small smile .

"Yeah " I nodded he then came and stood beside me.

"They are nice " I commented giving a glance at the photos I saw before.

For that he only chuckled, furrowing my eyebrows I turned towards him

"Is there something funny "

He gave me a glance before speaking "Yes it would have been funny if you seen the photos that were hung yesterday night "

"I can't understand "

"My dad planned this so he put the pictures a day before as a surprise for my mom . But he forgot about athena , so when she found and saw it she immediately called me and I came here even before she finished the call . Because when she said dad has put pictures of us . I clearly know what she meant " he said horrified and shakes the memory off.

"That's why I didn't see any embarrassing photo " I said when I realized what he meant.

"Exactly. We spent two hours discarding all the photos that had bigger potential being my nightmare "

I shake my head and turn towards the photos " I surprised you didn't put any embarrassing photos of your sister " I commented when I didn't see a photo.

He laughed richly "Well I gave my word that I won't put any of her photos and since I'm a man of my word and she knows it , she also agreed that she won't put my photos either "

I just hummed and looked around to see the now the whole room is vacant.

"Let's go "

"Where" i asked turning towards him.

"Basement where everyone are there"





That was the first word I thought when I saw the basement it was not your ordinary basement it was beyond that it had bowling area at the right corner and a bar place at the left corner where everyone are standing and having a drink there are also some arcade games here and there.

Before I could comment, someone called him.


He then looked at Cameron and gave him a nod and turned towards me.

"Go ahead I will come back " with that he went back to his friend Cameron.

I then made my way towards the bowling area . It was a very long time since I played it ,I was looking at the balls when I felt someone presence when I turned around I crashed into a chest .

"Sorry " I said

But the man grabbed my waist to steady me even though I didn't stumble or anything.

"Careful baby girl " he said in a slight slurred voice.

I nodded and moved backwards and scrunched my nose when I smell alcohol on him .

When I looked up he was smirking, he looked like he was in mid thirties with a beard and a mustache covering his face .

"Are you new here I have never seen you before " he asks slightly moving towards me .

"Yes " I say and move back .

"I'm nick " he says and extends his hand

"Jone " I say and shake his hand , I have to put a little pressure in taking my hand from his grip .

"So are you gonna play " he ask his breath hitting my face . I move back and turn my face at the bad breath ,i then catch Zion's eyes who is looking at us with narrowed eyes .

"Let's start then "

His voice made me turn away from Zion . Then he leans down to my side and grabs the ball that was beside me .

That action made me uncomfortable.


I then turn my head towards Zion's voice who was coming towards us with long strides. He then comes and stand beside me even though I don't like his scent somehow I was relieved and it was better than smell of alcohol.

"Hey you want a drink " he asks turning his face towards me.

"No . I'm good " I say . He nods and looks over nick , for a split second I saw him glaring at him but it was quickly gone and turned into a blank face .

"Uhm sorry to be rude but do I know you because I don't think I have seen you " Zion ask even though he asked in nice way there was a hint of accusation in his tone .

"Uhm.. actually..actually no I came here with with mason " he says with a laugh.

He just hummed still looking at him .

"Okay then I will go catch up with him " he says and walks away without another glance .

I let out a sigh of relief unintentionally.

"Are you okay ? " he ask looking at me with calculative eyes.

"Yeah why I would not be okay " I ask , for that he only stares for a little longer before shaking his head .

"You wanna play " he changes the topic and looks over the bowling balls .

"Yes" I shrug .

"Okay then " he says and hands me over a bowling ball .

I then took the ball and put my fingers tightly around the hole . I then turned towards the front and brought my hand back took a swing and released the ball .

It went straight to side hole.

Blink . Blink . Blink .

Well I REALLY played it long back .

I then glanced at my side to Zion who is trying to control his laugh.



"It was so long when I last played it "

I say trying to defend my honor.

Which in my case is so TRUE .

"Yeah yeah no issues there , here " he says in mock sincere tone and hands me an another ball.

I then take the ball little forcefully and launch it . Or swing it would be appropriate.

Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink

What in the ......

This time it falls in the side hole before the first one .

Is this some kind of a joke .

How in the world does it falls so perfectly on the side hole like a bee going towards the honey.

Because in reality it literally LOOKED like it .

I swear there is some sick game going or the universe is playing with him.

I peak a glance at Zion who is trying is best not to laugh . He then glances at me with an amused look .

"Looks like you really played long back" he says his eyes full of amusement.


Out of all the people he has to see my embarrassment. Gosh I would rather let him watch my bitchy side than my embarrassment side.

"Come I will show you " he says and takes a ball and hand over it to me and takes another one for himself.

He then takes the position and swings his hand . His long hands making him look like he is good at it he then swings and curve the ball .

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