《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Thirty


The last few months have been incredible to say the very least. Mr. Fuller was possibly the best boyfriend ever. He was constantly surprising me with flowers and chocolate. He'd often steal kisses before and after class. A few times we were almost caught, but he loved the adrenaline rush. I on the other hand worried every time he looked at me during class or when he talked to me in the halls. I feared someone would find us out.

My mother continued to be our biggest supporter. She loved that we were finally together and often joked about when she was going to become a grandmother. She insisted that we get married first. We agreed with that, although we still had years before we even thought about all that.

Alan continued to be Alan. He loved interrupting our date nights. But sometimes we enjoyed his company. There wasn't really much Mr. Fuller and I could do since I was still underage and still his student. It was nice having Alan around, just in case someone at the school found out about us, at least we'd have him as a witness that nothing sexual went on between the two of us.

Dustin was shocked when he found out about the two of us. He was happy and told Mr. Fuller that it was about time, like my mother and Alan told him. He was glad I was finally with the person he thought was the perfect match for me. I agree, we were perfect for each other.

Teddy, where do I begin with little Teddy? I believe he was the happiest of all. He began calling me mom again, I never realized he had stopped. He would often cuddle up to us during movies or as we watched television and just stare at us with a smiled plastered on his face.


* * * * * * * *

I stood in the hallway bouncing up and down in my cap and gown.

"You'll do fine." Dustin laughed. "Don't be nervous."

"Don't be nervous." I snapped. "We're graduating."

"I know. Isn't it great!" He smiled.

"Sure I guess."

"You get to be public with who know who after tonight."

I smiled. "I know." I knew some news about Mr. Fuller but I couldn't share it. He was going to do it himself and I was nervous. I tried talking him out of it, but his mind was set.

"That calmed you down." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and watched as the guy and girl ahead of us walked into the gymnasium. "You ready?" He asked sticking his arm out.

"Yes." I smiled taking it.

Together we entered the crowded gymnasium. Right away I spotted my mom with Teddy and Alan. A proud smile plastered on her face. I smiled as Alan snapped a million pictures. Dustin and I followed the classmates before us and walked up on the stage. When we got to the top we split. He went right, while I went left. I stood there waiting for the rest of my class to fill the seats. I glanced down at the teachers section, in front of the stage. My eyes caught Mr. Fullers. He smiled at me and winked. I blushed and looked away.

The speeches seemed to last awhile. When in reality, they lasted no more than twenty minutes. When speeches were done they recognized who got accepted to what college. I stood up as they called my name and announced that I was accepted into Arizona State University and the University of Texas at Austin, for early childhood education. Mr. Fuller smiled proudly.


After the college announcements came the sports awards. I sat back and watched as the names were called. Dustin received a few.


After what seemed like forever, the line of girls I was standing in, stood up and walked down to the stage. One by one our names were called and we would watch across the stage and receive our diplomas.

My name was called. I fought the urge to run away. All eyes were on me and I was scared. I got my diploma and smiled happily as Alan took a picture. Over the crowd I could hear Mr. Fuller the loudest. I blushed and hurried to my seat.

Once the last name was called we all stood up as the principal introduced the graduating class.

"We did it!" Dustin yelled loudly. Every one threw their caps in the air in celebration.

Dustin rushed over to hug me before he hopped off the stage with other kids and made his way to his mother.

I turned to follow but saw Mr. Fuller step on the stage. He spotted me and smiled widely. He walked towards me. I met him half way. I expected him to hug me. But instead he pulled me into the most passionate kiss ever. I heard a few cheers from the crowd.

He pulled away and rested a hand on my cheek. "How's that for a departure speech?" He smirked.

"Good." I choked.

He laughed and laced his fingers with mine before we walked over to my mother. We took pictures and had fun.

"I love you Desiree." He smiled as Alan snapped a picture of the two of us.

"I love you too Theo." I replied.


As you guessed Theo left his teaching job, so he could follow me as I went to school. It didn't take him long before he was teaching again, in Arizona, where I decided to go to school.

My life was just about perfect. I had the man of my dreams. A little boy I loved to death, calling me mommy. The support of my best friend, my mother, and Alan. I was extremely happy.

A/N:Thank you all for the amount of support I've received. I know this book took me years to complete. I'm sorry. Hope you all enjoyed it :)

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