《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Twenty Seven


"Yes." I cheered quietly as I took a step, using the rails as a support.

"That's it." My physical therapist, Cindy, smiled at me from the opposite end of the room. "You're doing so good! Would you like a break?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, I'm good."

"Don't push yourself Desiree." She frowned.

"I won't." I smiled and took another step.

I made it to her and sat down. "Such progress." She smiled writing something down.

"When I said I was determined to walk again. I ment it."

"I guess so." She smiled. "I'll give you a break, before we work on some leg strengthing exercises." I nodded and reached for my water.


Dustin pushed the wheelchair into the history classroom. I thanked him as he led me to my desk. He smiled and walked to his.

Mr. Fuller waited for the class to fill before he began teaching.

The wedding was tomorrow and we were making the four hour drive after school. Teddy was being watched by my mother for the weekend.

No one knew about my progress. I kept it to myself. I was proud of myself. So proud. I was beating the odds.


Dustin drove me home, so I could get my things and Mr. Fuller would pick me up after he got Teddy from school.

"How's physical therapy going?" My mom asked.

"Good." I smiled.

"How good?" She questioned. I had to show her. I just had to. I pushed myself up off the chair and stretched my legs for a second. I watched her face as I got to my feet. She had tears in her eyes as I slowly walked to her. She threw her arms around me and cried. "My baby can walk again."


She pulled away and grabbed me by the shoulders, just looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." She shook her head. "You're so strong. Just like your father." She wiped her eyes. "And you're as stubborn as he was."

I smiled. Mom didn't talk about my dad much, but when she did it was to tell me how much I reminded her of him. I only wish I had to chance to meet him.

I sat back in the wheelchair. I needed my strength for the wedding tomorrow. I wanted to surprise Mr. Fuller.

There was a knock in the door and I begged my mom to keep quiet about everything. She agreed and answered the door. Teddy ran in and ran right to me.

"Hi." He smiled climbing into my lap. He hugged me tightly. "When you get back, can you read me my new book?"

"Sure!" I answered happily.

"Its about a dinosaur." He smiled.

"Awesome! I love dinosaurs."

"Me too!"

"Des, you ready to go?" Mr. Fuller asked.

"Yup." I nodded. Teddy gave me another hug and a kiss on the cheek, before he climbed down.

Mr. Fuller talked with my mom for a few minutes then we were in the car. I looked back at my mom and Teddy as we drove off. I waved to them.

"Ready to get out of here for the weekend?" He asked as he drove.

"Yup." I replied. I looked out the window thinking about how I could surprise him.


It seemed like forever before we pulled into a motel. He got out and signed us in and got the room key, before he came back to the car. He drove a small distance and parked in front of a room.


Upon entering the room, I rolled myself to the bed and got ready to go to sleep. Mr. Fuller laughed as he placed our bags down.

"Not going to unpack?" He asked laughing.

"No. I'm tired." I said pulling the covers up.

"And where shall I sleep?" He questioned.

I looked around the room, noticing it was very plain, with just one bed. "Dunno." I shrugged. "You should have got a hotel room instead with two beds."

"Maybe I wanted to stay here."

"Then sleep on the floor." I said closing my eyes and rolling over to my side.

I felt the otherside of the bed dip in. "Or I could sleep here." He whispered in my ear. I was too tired so I ignored him.


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