《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Twenty Six


**Desiree's POV**

It's been a long month, full of physical therapy. On top of that I was back at school. The last week I've been staying at Mr. Fuller's house, simply because I couldn't get up the stairs at my house, and because my mother was gone on a trip to Florida with some of her friends and I needed a babysitter. I told her I was fine on my own but she wouldn't listen to me.

I rolled myself into the living room, where Teddy was sitting down coloring. I smiled at him.

"Whatcha coloring, Teddy?" I asked.

"A dinosaur."

"Awesome!" I cheered.

"Yeah. It's for you, so don't look!"

I smiled. "Okay I wont." I headed back into the kitchen to work on my homework.

"How's the homework coming?" Mr. Fuller asked walking into the kitchen.

"Ugh." I sighed making him laugh. "These teachers I tell you."

"Hey now." He laughed. "Need any help?"

"Nope. I'm good." I laughed.

"You sure?" He questioned sitting down.

"Yeah I just have my book report to write for English."

"Have you caught up on all your subjects from when you were in the hospital?"

"Yup." I smiled. "I'm all caught up. Nothing's going to stop me from walking on that stage for graduating."

"Well." He frowned.

"No." I rolled my eyes. I already knew what he was going to say. "I'm determined to walk on that stage."

"Des." He sighed.

"No. I'm working hard on it."

"There's only a few months left of school."

"I'll do it." I told him as he stood up shaking his head at me. I would not be bound to this wheelchair for the rest of my life. I planned to prove the doubters wrong. I was a fighter and I was going to fight until I couldn't do it anymore. I refused to give up.


The surgery wasn't completely unsuccessful. I could now feel a little in my legs, but not enough. It felt like my legs were asleep. They would tingle sometimes. I had feeling in them, I just couldn't move them much.

I entered the living room again. Teddy smiled at me and handed me a picture. I looked down at it and smiled. "Thank you Teddy."

"You're welcome." He smiled widely. "Can we play a game now?"

"Sure." I nodded. He pulled out a board game and set it up on the coffee table.

"I won't be late." Mr. Fuller said to me. I nodded. "Teddy, you know the deal."

"Yup." He nodded. "Don't give her a hard time and be good."

"Exactly." He smiled and walked over to kiss his son's head. "I'll see you in the morning." He told his son. "And I'll see you when I get back."

"Tell Alan I said hi." I told him.

"I will." He smiled and walked away. I heard the front door open and close. Teddy ran to the living room window and watched his father leave.


Teddy was no problem at all, not like he ever way. We played a few games, then he decided he wanted to watch a movie. He got up on his own and put a dvd in. I smiled as he did things on his own. He wasn't so little anymore. It made me a little emotional. For dinner he wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and requested he'd make it himself. I denied it and made it for him. When bath time rolled around, he picked out his own pjs and waited patiently for me to run his bath water. He washed himself, while I sat back and supervised. He was growing up quickly.


I let him play in the tub for awhile but as soon as the clock struck seven thirty, I told him it was time to get out. He got out of the tub, no fighting with me. He got dressed into his pjs and walked down to his room. I followed him.

"Can you read me a story?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled.

"Living room please?" He requested. I nodded and followed him into the living room. He pulled a book off the book shelf and walked over to me. I smiled and took the book from him. He crawled up onto my lap and made himself comfortable. Again I smiled and began reading the book.

When the book was over he put it away, said goodnight and kissed my cheek. All by himself he walked to his bedroom and climbed into his bed and fell asleep


I grew tired of the wheelchair, so I crawled up on the couch, where it was a bit more comfortable. I flipped through the channels of the TV, looking for something to watch.

Mr. Fuller walked in at almost nine. He laughed when he saw me on the couch. I shrugged and continued watching the tv.

He took a seat next to me after awhile. "I have a question for you."

"I might have an answer." I winked and he laughed.

"A friend invited me to a wedding and I need someone to go with." He began.

"Ask Alan."

"He's 'busy'" He put air quotes around busy. "He just doesn't want to come and can't man up and tell me." He frowned. "So I figured I'd ask you."

"Sure." I nodded. "When is it?"

"Next month I believe, but I'll double check."

"Okay." I told him turning back to the TV.


I felt myself being carried. I opened my eyes to see Mr. Fuller walking down the call, with me in his arms.

"I was fine on the couch." I groaned.

"We talked about this. You get my bed." He sighed.

"I don't want to take your bed. It's not far."

"I have the couch." He laughed.

"I want the couch. You need your bed." I pouted.

He entered his bedroom and stood there for a minute. "Would it make you feel better if I slept in the bed?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Okay." He set me down on the bed. I looked at him puzzled as he rummaged through his dresser. "What?" He laughed. "You think you won? No no. I want you to sleep here, and you want me. Guess we both are." He smiled and got into the bed. I adjusted myself and joined him under the covers.

"Night." I told him.

"Night Desiree." I hear him say before sleep over took me Again.

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