《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Twenty Five


I watched as they took Desiree in for surgery. It had taken them a couple days to get the results of all the blood work and scans they had her go though.

She had some nerve damage, and they hoped they could repair it. If they couldn't she was going to be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. I trembled at the thought of that.

Even if the surgery was successful, there was still a slim chance she would ever walk again.

I stood up and exited the room. I had to get to work. I was already late, but she came first. She always came first, next to Teddy of course. I flashed her mother a smile and told her to call me as soon as Desiree was out of surgery. I was nervous, but I tried to hide it for her sake. She told me she would keep me updated. I nodded and left the hospital.

I sat in my car, in the parking lot, praying everything would be alright. I hated to think about all the challenges Desiree would have to face now. It wasn't fair how this happened to her. She was so innocent, so kind and caring. She didn't deserve all this. I would switch places with her in a heartbeat with her if I could.

* * * * * * * * * *

I got to the school at lunch time. I didn't feel like eating so I hurried to my classroom. I had too much on my mind to even think about food. I sat in my chair and sighed.

"How is she?" Dustin asked walking into the room.

"They took her in for surgery. I'm waiting for an update." I told him. He nodded and walked over and pulled a chair up to my desk. "Shouldn't you be in at lunch?" I asked.


"I'm not hungry." He said quietly looking down.

"You're worried about her, aren't you?"

"Of course." He looked up, but didn't look at me. "She's my best friend. I love her."

It occurred to me as I watched him try to hid the tears that fell on to his cheek, that maybe he cared a little bit more for Desiree than what he was putting on. Maybe he did in fact love her, as more than a friend. Maybe was the reason he found no one was good enough to date her. He wanted her. I felt a little hurt by this realization, but shook it off quickly. I still hadn't come to terms with my feelings for Desiree. I had feelings for her, but I wasn't quite sure what those feelings were.

"Dustin." I said trying to gain his attention. He looked at me. "Have you ever told her how you feel about her?"

"She knows."

"Does she know you're in love with her?"

"What?" He gasped. "No. Oh my God no. I'm not." He laughed a little. "I love her like a sister. In fact that's what she is. She's the sister I always wanted."


"Yes. Why? Did you think?" He began laughed hysterically.

"Well yeah. You care a lot for her."

"Of course I care a lot for her." His laughed died down, but it still lingered in his eyes. "Someone has to."

"Then why don't you let her date anyone? No one ever good enough in your eyes."

"That's because the person I feel is good enough for her, won't give her the time of day."

"Does she know who this person is?"

"She does." He nodded.

"Well then, he has no idea what he's missing. She's a wonderful young lady."


"He's probably really pig headed and full of himself, since he can't notice someone like her."

"Who know." He shrugged and stood up. "All I know is. Someone day he's going to realize his feelings for her and it'll be too late."

The bell rang and he was out the door quickly. My phone went off on my desk.

'She's out of surgery and asking for you.'' Desiree's mother texted me. I smiled at the though and replied telling her I'd be there after school was done.

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