《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Twenty Four


Dustin eventually left and I turned my attention to the television on the wall.

"Forget about me?" Mr. Fuller asked

"Truthfully, no. I was waiting to see if you'd leave too." I looked at him.

He walked over and sat next to me on the bed. "I'm sorry."


"Everything. I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it. You're more than welcome to babysit. Hell you can take Teddy out whenever. Just come back."

I looked away from him. "I wouldn't want it to be an inconvenience for you. Besides you're just saying that because I'm in here."

"No. I tried to apologize to you on Friday after the finals, but you ignored me. Teddy needs you." He turned my face gently to face him. "I need you."

"I'm nothing special. Teddy won't have a problem finding another sitter he likes."

"He has already demanded that if its not you, it's no one." He chuckled.

"I guess it's no one then. Like I said I don't want to be an inconvenience to you. I'm just a stupid student with a stupid crush, after all. I should be out having fun like others my age."

"Hey I never said you were a stupid student."

"You might as well have."

"I'm truly sorry, Desiree. Please forgive me. I'll pay you more."

"Fine." I gave in after awhile.

"Yes!" He smiled. "So how was your date with Pat?"

"I canceled. I went out with Dustin, Lynn, Rudy and Faith instead."

"Oh, how was it?"

"Well I landed up here." I laughed.

He frowned. "What happened?"

"Someone ran a red light and hit into the taxi I was in."

"Taxi? But I thought you were with Dustin?"


"I was, but I was left alone and wanted to go home. I took a cab."

"Oh." He looked away. "You could have called me."

"After everything, I didn't think it was a wise decision."

"I don't care how upset we are at each other. You can always call me."


"I'm serious." He looked away for a second before returning his gaze to me. "How much did you drink that night?"

"Absolutely nothing."

He smiled and I returned it. "How do you know Ricky?" He asked.

"Oh. We're dating." I watched as his face fell and I began laughing hysterically. "I'm kidding. Oh God your face."

"Not funny."

"The look on your face."

"Tell me the truth. Are you?"

"No." I sobered up on my laughing. "He was driving the taxi when we were hit."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. He's married. Gosh I'm not that horrible." I frowned and looked away.

"Hey." He said gaining my attention. "Do you need anything? I'm heading to the store."

"I'm good." I told him shaking my head.

"You sure?"

"Positive." I flashed him a smile.

"I'll be back as soon as I can."

"You don't have to."

"I want to."

* * * * * * * *

An hour passed and no one had returned. I got comfortable in the bed and glanced at the clock. It was pushing six o'clock. No one had came to bring me dinner. My mother was due to show up after work. I hoped she would bring me something to eat, because I was hungry.

I started at the television, watching some random show. I didn't care for it, but it was all I had to watch at the moment. I was too lazy to reach for the remote control.


Knock Knock.

Mr. Fuller entered the room with his arms behind his back. I smiled at him but gave him a questioning look. He ignored it and walked over to me. When he got within five feet of me, he smiled widely and removed his left arm from around his back. In his arm was a bouquet of multicolored tulips. I smiled and accepted them from him.

"For being such a huge a**hole to you." He smiled.

"Thank you. But you didn't have to."

"Believe me. I had to."

"What else are you hiding?" I asked eyeing the other arm he had behind his back.

"Oh nothing."

"Don't lie." I laughed.

"I brought you some food." He pulled out a Burger King bag and I smiled happily. "I figured you were probably hungry."

"Starving!" I cried dramatically. He chuckled softly and placed the bag down next to be on the table. "Thank you." I told him as I dug through the bag. I pulled out onion ring and began eating them.

"You're welcome." He smiled and took a seat in the chair.

"Where's Teddy?" I asked.

"He's with Alan." He stated. "I asked him to watch Teddy so I could come visit with you."

"You could have brought him."

"I know. But I wouldn't have been able to take him out." He smiled.


"For what?" He questioned, leaning his head on his hand and watching me intensely.

"Dunno." I shrugged. He looked at me for awhile, just stared at me.

I finished eating. When I finished he pulled out his phone and looked at it.

"Your mom's not coming." He frowned.

"Let me guess. She's still at work?" I sighed.


"Figured." I leaned my head back in the pillow and tried to focus on the television.

"If you want, I can stay here with you tonight?" He offered placing a hand on mine.

"Don't worry about me." I half smiled at him. "You have Teddy to care for and you have work tomorrow morning. I'll be fine here. I'm in good hands."

"I'd feel more comfortable if someone was here with you."

"Yeah well I'd like the company." I laughed.

"Let me stay with you." He begged.

"Go take care of your son."

He pouted. It was an on going argument. He continued to beg to stay the night and I continued to tell him to go home to Teddy. It would feel weird for me to have him stay here with me.

At a little after eight visiting hours were over and a nurse came by to kick Mr. Fuller out. I laughed as he pouted and told me he would be here as soon as visiting hours came. I laughed and told him he would be in school. He frowned and promised he would be here after school. I waved him off and thanked him for keeping me company.

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