《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Twenty Three


Monday rolled around and the class began to fill in. I searched all day for Desiree, but couldn't find her anywhere. I looked around the room as the second bell rang. Only two desks were unoccupied. I still couldn't find her so I sat down to take attendance before I began my lesson.

The door opened and I looked up to see Dustin enter the room. He walked over and put a late slip on my desk. He mumbled an apology and turned around. Then he turned back and began fishing in his pocket for something. He pulled it out and handed it to me. He hurried to his desk.

I looked down and saw it was the diamond bracelet I got Desiree for Christmas. I looked back at Dustin for answers but he was staring at the empty desk, where she would usually sit.

I felt my stomach drop when I saw him blink back a few tears that threatened to escape his eyes. I quickly excused myself yot see if I could get to the bottom of this.


I looked at the clock on the wall. School was ending and soon Dustin would be here.

I heard a knock on my door, so I looked over. "How you feeling?" Ricky asked peeking his head in.

"Fine. Better than yesterday." I replied. He walked in and took a seat next to me.

"I'm sorry." He apologized for the millionth time.

"It's not your fault." I told him.

"I should have looked."

"You had a green light. You can't help it if he ran a red light."

"But" He began.

"But nothing. I'm fine." I smiled.

"I still feel really bad."

"Well don't."

"How can I make it up to you?"


"Don't worry about it."

"What can I do? Please let me make it up to you. I don't want you to hate me."

I laughed. "I don't hate you."

"I'll do anything."

"Fine." I sighed. "I'll take some ice cream."

"I'll be right back!" He left quickly. I laughed and adjusted myself on the bed. I was glad the monitors were unhooked, but I still couldn't go home. I still couldn't feel my legs and it worried me. Would I ever walk again?

I pushed that thought away as Dustin entered the room. I gave him a smile.

He put his bag down and looked at me. "I brought you something."

"Dustin I swear, if you got me another bear I'm going to shove the stuffing down your throat."

He laughed and shook his head. "Actually I brought you your homework."

"Still better than an another bear." I laughed motioning to the shelf where about twelve stuffed bears sat.

"I brought you something else too."

"Dustin." I sighed. I new he blamed himself for all this and I was getting annoyed with him bringing me things.

Knock Knock

I snapped my attention to the door, hoping Ricky had returned with my ice cream. My eyes narrowed at who stepped into the room. I turned and glared at Dustin.

"You better be glad I can't move or I'd chase your a** outside." I growled.

"Desiree." He breathed and walked over. I tried to ignore him but I couldn't. I wanted to stay mad at him, but I couldn't.

"Hey Mr. Fuller, can you explain something from the homework to me?" Dustin asked. He nodded and walked over.

Knock knock

I smiled as Ricky entered the room.


"I couldn't decide. So I settled in cookies and cream. Did I do good?" He asked sitting down next to me on the bed.

"Yes. I would have been fine with, this, cookie dough, chocolate chips, or rocky road." I laughed and dug into my ice cream.

"She's not picky with ice cream, man." Dustin laughed. I nodded in agreement.

"I have to get going." Ricky stood up. "Call me if you need anything."

"Will do." I smiled. "Thanks for the ice cream."

"Anytime." He laughed. "Hey there Ted. Didn't see you there. How's it going?" He said to Mr. Fuller.

"Just fine." He nodded. "How's everything?"

"Great. You hear the news?" He asked. Mr. Fuller shook his Head no. "Helen and I finally tied the knot six months ago."

"Finally." Mr. Fuller laughed. "You've been together since what, middje school?"

"Yup." He smiled proudly. "Well I have to go, but we should totally catch up sometime. Desiree has my number. You can get it from her and we get together sometime."

"Sounds good." He nodded.

Soon it was the three of us in the room. Dustin stood up randomly and grabbed his bag.

"I'll be back. I'm dropping my things off at home."

"You don't have to come back if you don't want to." I told him. "I'm fine."

"I'll be back."

"You have other friends. Go hang out with them."

"No, I'm good."

"Dustin. I'm fine. Your other friends are more special. Go to them."

"But I didn't almost kill them." He frowned.

"You didn't have anything to do with this."

"I should have listened to you. I should have been a good friend and took you home. I shouldn't have left you alone. I'm a horrible friend. I should have been there. This wouldn't have happened if I was being a good friend."

"It's okay."

"No its not!" He snapped. "You might never walk again. I'm going to feel guilty for that for the rest of my life. You won't be able to walk across the stage to receive your diploma." By now he was crying. I couldn't confort him, because I was confined to the bed.

"I will walk to receive my diploma."

"Des, you heard the doctor. The odd of that happening are slim to none."

"I'll beat the odds." I said confidently.

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