《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Fourteen


"Oh my God." Dustin exclaimed when I met up with him on New Year's Eve. "Who did you say bought that for you?"

"Mr. Fuller." I told him again.

"Wow. Are you sure he doesn't like you?"

"Positive. Why?"

"Because I wouldn't give a girl a diamond bracelet if I didn't like her."

"You wouldn't give a girl a diamond bracelet until you were married." I laughed.

"Silly Desiree." He slung an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him. "You know I'm not the marrying type."

"Yeah no girl would want to marry you." I joked.

"Hurtful!" He pouted but he couldn't hold it and bursted out laughing. "So what are you doing tonight?" He asked when he stopped laughing.

"Mr. Fuller invited me to go over."


"Alan and a couple other people will be around."

"Bummer. No alone time for the two of you then."

"Shut up."

He laughed. "Hope you have fun anyway. I doubt I will."

"Why?" I asked

"I have to spend the next few days with family I don't get along with."

"Poor thing."

"C'mon now you know I can't stand my dad, my stepmom or my step siblings."

"I know."

"I'd rather stay here." He whined.

"Oh suck it up."

"How supportive." He laughed. "Thankfully this is the last year I'm forced to go there."

"Right." I nodded.

"Dustin! Get inside now and pack. Your father will be here soon!" Dustin's mom yelled from the door of their house.

"I'll see you at school?" He asked.

"Of course"

"If I don't die first."

"You are not going to die."

"No but I might kill someone."

"No no."

"See you." He smiled.

"Bye." I waved as he walked away. I started walking home

When I got home I was attacked by Teddy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Daddy brought me. I'm staying here tonight."

"You are"

"Yeah! While you and daddy go out. I'll be here. Oh daddy said he'll come get you around supper."

"Thank you." I told him, then felt the room to find my mom.

"Theodore said he'll come get you" My mom started to say when I found her in the kitchen.

"Around supper time." I cut her off smiling.




"That little booger." She laughed. "Anyway I'm babysitting him tonight."

"Have fun."

"We will." She smiled and I turned to get ready.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mr. Fuller knocked on the door at six and right away he told me to change. I must have left the room three or four times before he was happy with the outfit I had on.

"You should have worn that the first time." He said laughing as he started to drive away from my house.

"I'm sorry. Next time I'll have you pick out my clothes."

"Would be so much easier."

"Thanks for making me look like a slut."

"You don't look like a slut."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Come on now." He reached over and took my hand. "I would never make you wear something like that. I just wanted you to wear a skirt so you would be more comfortable."




"Smile or else."


"Fine." He took his hand away and pulled the car over. "Smile."


"Don't make me."

"Don't make you do what?" I asked but it was too late he began tickling me. "Stop! Stop! Stop!"


"Never!" I yelled and he kept on tickling. "Okay, okay." I smiled.

"About time." He smiled and pulled away.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Out to eat before we met up with the others."



"Just wondering. Where are we eating at?"

"A nice place over yonder."


"No." He laughed. "I'm taking you to a slut restaurant."


"Okay, okay. A hooker bar."

"How dare you!"

"I'm kidding." He laughed harder. "I'm bring you to a quiet spot by the lake."

"Sounds nice."

"Believe me it is." He smiled.

Little time passed before he pulled off the main and onto a side dirt road. "This road leads nowhere. Why are we on it?" I asked him.

"You'll see."

"Now I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'd never hurt you. You know that. Trust me I know where I'm going."


He stopped the car when we got to the lake. "We're here." He smiled and got out of the car. I followed behind him confused.


"Where is here?" I asked.

He pointed to a spot on a small hill, overlooking the lake. "Start walking." He pushed so I started walking. I could hear him following me. "Sit." He instructed as he tossed a blanket on the ground.

"A picnic?" I questioned.

"Yup" He smiled.

"Wow." I sat down and he did the same.

"You like?"

"Actually yeah I do."

"Good." He smiled.

We ate, laughed, and talking about a bunch of things. I was enjoying this time by the lake and it looked like he was too. The water was calm, and gray, much like the sky. Faster than I would have liked, we had leave.

It was pushing eight when he left the lake. "Did you have a good supper?" He asked after awhile of silence.

"Yeah. I'm surprised you made a sandwich for me the way I like it."

"I've known you for awhile. I know how you like your sandwiches." He laughed. "Wasn't too cold out there for you was it?"

"No, bit at all. It was actually comfortable out there. Why did we have to leave." I laughed.

"Awe." He smiled. "I promise I'll bring you back there another time." He reached over and grabbed my hand, and briefly squeezed it before he let it go.


"Of course. Anything you want." Again he smiled and I found myself falling more in love with my gay teacher.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A friendly get together turned out to be more like a party, full of alcohol.

Besides myself there were two other girls around but they acted a little too much snooty and high class for my liking. Besides Alan and Mr. Fuller there were four other guys around.

By eleven everyone was drunk, besides Alan and myself. Mr. Fuller was just about there.

"You're not drinking?" I asked Alan.

"I'm not much of a drinker. Never have been. What about you?" He asked.

"I'm seventeen. That's illegal."

"Some kids still do it."

"That's them. I'm not in that crowd of people."

"Good girl." He reached over to ruffle my hair.

"Touch my hair and you die." I growled making him laugh.

"Desiree come here!" Mr. Fuller yelled. I made my way over to where he sat. "Sit." I looked around, but there was nowhere to sit. "Here." He pulled me down on his lap making me blush. "This girl right here, keep your hands off." He glared at a few of the guys. "She's the girl of my dreams."

"Teacher boy is in love!" One of the girls cooed.

"No, she takes care of my son." He shook his head.

"I have a little girl. Do you think she could take care of her? I'll pay her real good in the bedroom." One of the guys said winking at me. I nearly threw up.

"No, of course not!" He growled. "She's mine."

"How do you pay her Theodore? In the bedroom?"

"I give her money."

"You should give her more. Clearly she's in love with you." The girl from before said.

"Is that true? You're in love with me?" He asked.

I turned to look at him face to face. "We'll talk about that later." I said because he was clearly drunk.

"Sounds good to me!" He smiled.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As midnight approached, we all began counting down to the new year. Mr. Fuller wouldn't allow me to move from this lap, so I had to stay there. He seemed to be having a ball playing with my hair.

When the ball dropped on the television, two of the guys grabbed a girl and kissed them. I turned back to Mr. Fuller and kissed his cheek.

"My lips are here darling." He smiled.

"I know." I laughed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The 'party' continued for a few more hours. By that time I was tired and I could tell Alan was starting to be, himself.

"Are you almost ready to leave?" He asked both Mr. Fuller and I.

"In a minute." Mr. Fuller told him.

"Can you get him to want to go home?" He asked me.

"I don't know. You're his boyfriend. Can't you seduce him?"

"I don't think so." He walked away.

"Fine." I growled and turned around to face Mr. Fuller.

"Hi beautiful." He smiled.

"I need to tell you something."

"You can tell me anything."

I leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear. "I am in love with you."

"You are?" He smiled. I didn't answer him and turned around.

"What did you do?" Alan asked coming over laughing.

"Why?" I asked.

"Look." He pointed. I turned around to see Mr. Fuller asleep. "Let's get him home." I stood up and he picked up Mr. Fuller.

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