《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Two


As Mr. Fuller put Teddy to bed, I took my homework out. I picked up my pen and began to get started on my homework. I answered a couple questions, mostly guessed, and wondered what was taking Mr. Fuller so long.

It was a one floor house with two bedrooms and one bathroom. The living room connected to the kitchen and both rooms connected to the hallway. Down the hallway there was a door on the left, that was the second, emergency door. It was always locked, more then one lock. It had the normal key lock, which Mr. Fuller keeps with the rest of his keys, and it has a big bolt lock, and also one of those chain locks. The door also was connected to an alarm system, but it wasn't the only one. The front door and all the windows in the house were also hooked up to the alarm.

Mr. Fuller was big on security. Of course who wouldn't be when they got a five year old that loves to be outside running around, at random hours.

After the emergency door there is another door, this time on the left. It was the bathroom, but not just any plan ordinary bathroom. This bathroom was surprisingly big. It had both a bathtub and a walk in shower. The tub was big, deep and really roomy. It was one of those jacuzzi ones. I loved the fact you could sit down inside it and the rim be shoulder level. The shower was big too, with a glass door and dark blue tiles for the floor. Next to the door was the towel closest.

After the bathroom was another door on the left, which was the laundry room. It wasn't a big room like the bathroom, but it had enough room for both a washing machine and a dyer and a couple shelves on the wall for cleaning supplies.

On the right side of the hallway, opposite to the laundry room, was a room I knew all too well. It was Teddy's room. Inside it was filled with stuffed animals, and trucks. The walls were a light blue color, mostly decorated with little glow in the dark stars. His floor was a forest green colored carpet, with a smaller circle lighter green rug around his bed, making it stand out. His bed was big for such a small boy, it had to be a queen size.

The bed frame was white and his blanket had a couple cars on it, almost like it was something to do with Nascar. On each side of the bed were two long wooden fences, Mr. Fuller had made and pinned to the side of his sons bed to stop him from rolling off the bed and onto the floor.

He had one dresser, which was painted white just like his bed frame, located by his door and opposite his bed. When you walked into the room the dresser was the first thing you would see, in it's place by the left wall. His dresser was a little taller than him with only four drawers to it.


On the wall left of his dresser was a couple shelves high up out of Teddy's reach. One the shelves were old stuffed animals Mr. Fuller didn't have the heart to throw away, since most of them young Teddy had since he was born. Another shelf had pictured of both the father and son pair doing a lot of things. Things from fishing, to swimming, to playing baseball. There were pictures of Teddy's grandparents on the shelf as well. And like you guessed there was no picture of Teddy's birth mother.

The wall behind Teddy's bed was bare besides the fact about the little glow in the dark stars. Since Teddy's bed was pushed up against the wall, leaving less space for anything to go on the wall. An outlet was located to the right of the bed, on the wall. Teddy's train night light was located there.

On the last and final wall of the room, the room the door was located on, not only had the same glow in the dark stars on it like the others but it also had a big white board, half away up the wall, and went all the way to the floor. On that white board were white pieces of paper, that were taped to the white board, and used for Teddy to draw on, since he was big on drawing.

On the celing was a small multicolored fan, for when it got hot outside in the summer.

Next to Teddy's room was his fathers, a room I've only been in a few times to fetch clean sheets for Teddy's bed. The walls were blue with some golf ball size white spots scattered around the top and bottom. The carpet was white and fuzzy, walking barefoot on it felt like you were walking on cushion. His bed frame was black, and the dressers were the same color. One dresser was tall with four big drawers on it. The other dresser was long with six drawers, three in length, two side by side, on it. On the right side of bed there was an end table. The blankets on the bed where a stripped with the colors blue and black with white between the two colors as they repeated from the top of the blanket to the bottom of it.

And that was the house in a nut shell.


The memory of how I found out Mr. Fuller was gay popped into my mind as I sat and waited for him to return.

It was after school last year, I had a detention and the teacher had to leave suddenly sticking me with Mr. Fuller. I wasn't the only one with detention that day, my best friend Dustin had one too, so we were together. At the end of our detention a man walked into the room and Mr. Fuller quickly ushered us out of the room.

Dustin and I walked to his house, since it was closer to the school. From there his mother was going to give me a ride home, where I would shower then get a ride by my mother to Mr. Fullers house to babysit for the night.


Half way to Dustin's house I remembered I forgot my backpack, with all my homework for the weekend in it. And with finals coming up in the next week I didn't want leave my books at school. So Dustin and I headed back to the school. When we got there it looked empty, but as we got closer to Mr. Fullers door we noticed the light was still on, so we knew he was still there. We entered the room and didn't see him, but we did notice the closet located in the back of the room light was open, because we could see it from under the door.

After I grabbed my back pack the closet door opened and Mr. Fuller came out with his shirt undone showing off his toned chest and defined abs. His tie was still on but it was pretty much about to fall off. After Mr. Fuller left the closet the man that entered the classroom before got out holding his shirt in his hands.

Mr. Fullers expression when he saw us was a bit surprised and Dustin and I were too. Who would have thought he would be gay. Later that night when I had to babysit Teddy it was awkward. But after a couple days things got back to normal and I started to see a lot more of that mysterious man. His name was Alan and he was Mr. Fullers best friend since high school.


As I sat there having a flashback, I didn't even realize the couch cushion next to me dipped in. "Thinking hard on that answer?" I jumped at the sound of his voice.

"No, just thinking" I told him.

"Less thinking, more homework" He smirked.

"How is the possible?" I questioned. "If I don't think I can't do my work, because my work needs me to think"

"Umm" he rubbed his chin with his index finger and thumb. "Touché. Get to work."

I did as he said but it didn't take me long before I was asking him for help. In fact as soon as I took a look at the next question, question marks began to fly around in my head. I gave him a puzzling look and said "Help me!"

"Give me that" He said before he reached over me and grabbed the paper. "Umm let's see. I don't know" He laughed.

"You're the teacher!" I whisper shouted at him so I wouldn't wake up Teddy. "You should know this. You can't expect us to know it if you don't"

"I'm kidding. The answer is 'C'."

"Are you sure?"

"Would I lie to you?" He asked putting on a puppy dog face, that he pulled off well.

"Yes" I told him honestly.

"No, I lie when Alan asks me if his pants make his butt look big, or if he asks if what he made for us to eat was good. I lie when Teddy asks me where he came from, and when he starts asking questions he's to young to hear the real answer for. But I would never lie to you."

"Okay" I quickly turned away from him as I felt my heartbeat start to pick up. The last thing I wanted was to blush from those meaningless words. "'C' it is then" I circled the letter 'c' and started doing the next question.

An hour later my homework was done and I only asked for help a couple of times. Each time Mr. Fuller had something to say that would make me blush. Things like "Oh you just love hearing my voice." and "You know the answer, but you want to say you need help so you can look at my handsome face" Each time I would blush and look away and he would chuckle lightly and push me playfully in the shoulder.

"I'm done" I announced putting my things away.

"Good it's bed time"

"Alright night" I told him, thinking I was going to sleep on the couch like I normally do when I stay the night.

"Bed Missy" He stood up and pointed to the hallway.

"Huh?" I asked him confused. He laughed and motioned me to follow him. Doing as he said I left my books on the stand where the television sat, then followed him. He entered his room, motioning me to follow him once again. When I got into the room he was looking through one of his drawers on his long dresser.

"Your PJ's" He said throwing them at me. "Fresh bra and underwear" Again he threw them at me, and I blushed red. "Here's socks" He threw them on the bed instead. He then went to his other dresser and started pulling out clothes. "Go change and wash up" He told me as he continued looking for things.

I left his room and headed for the bathroom. I washed up and changed clothing and headed back to his room. He was already changed and sitting on his bed with his arms folded across his chest. "Finally, what did you do? Go shower?" He asked standing up.

"No" I told him.

"Well alright. You sleep here I'll go sleep on the couch"

"I couldn't let you do that" I told him.

"Better yet I'll go crash with Teddy" He smiled. "You're sleeping in here and that's final" I stayed silence knowing that if he said something was final then it was. "Good night Desiree. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night Mr. Fuller" I called out to him as he walked to the door.

"Theodore" He turned back and smiled before he hit the light switch and left the room completely.

I looked around the dark bedroom I was to be sleeping in. Running, I jumped into the big comfortable bed and snuggled underneath the covers. The bed made me feel like I was sleeping in a giants bed. The pillows and blankets around me smelled just like him, which meant I was out like a light in not time.

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