《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》One


I heard the familiar sound of a car pulling into the driveway. My job was officially over as soon as that man walked through the door. I looked over to the couch, and saw the little boy was still fast asleep. Good then I wouldn't have to explain to his father why his five year old son was awake at ten at night.

I heard the jingling of keys then the door lock turning. I began to pick up my things, to get ready to go back home. The front door quickly opened and closed. I didn't hear the sound of boots in the hall so I knew he was taking them off.

"How was he?" His deep voice boomed from the entry of the living room.

"Good, like always." I told him.

"When did he fall asleep?"

"Around eight thirty. He was watching a movie and fell asleep."

He chucked and looked over at his son. "I'll walk you to the door." he paused. "If you have all your things"

"I got it all." I told him and began to walk towards him.

"Desiree, wait" He called when I was down the hall a little bit.

"Yes?" I turned back to see what he wanted, only to find him right close in front of me.

He smiled down at me. "Don't think that just because I'm your history teacher I'll let you skip out of assignments" He held a paper in his hand.

"One could only try" I told him.

"Come on you better be going before your mother starts to worry" He pushed me, in front of him down the hall. We stopped at the front door, which I grabbed my boots to put on and he reached into his back pocket to get his wallet. "How much do I owe you?" He asked.


"Give me ten and call off the assignment and I'll call it good" I tried.

"Not going to happen" He laughed. "Next time aim higher" He winked. "Well you've been here since after school so that's three and it's a little after ten now so that's" He went silent.

"That's seventy" I laughed.

"Right" he nodded. "I'll need more money." He handed me fifty.

"You can give it to me at school on Monday" I told him.

"Maybe I should bring you home. It's freezing out there and you live a few roads away"

"I'll be fine" I tried reassure him. Then the house phone went off.

"Wait here I'll give you all your money in a second" He turned away and went to answer the phone. I moved from where I was standing by the door, over to the bench in the hall where Teddy would sit to take his boots off. He came back a few minutes later with some money in his hand. "I got good news and bad news for you. Which do you want first"

"Bad" I told him.

"Well that was your mother. She told me it's too cold for you to be out there, and she doesn't want me to wake up Teddy just to bring you home, so you're staying here for the night" I nodded an okay. It wouldn't be the first time I stayed the night here anyway.

"And the good news?" I asked.

"I'll be able to help you with your history homework" he smiled. That was true, he could help me with that. Who better to help you with homework then the teacher who assigned it?

"Well then I guess I have to stay here then"

"Yup!" He walked over to the door and shut it, then locked it. "I'll go put Teddy to his bed, you go set up on the couch" He walked away with a little skip in his step.


I followed behind him after I took my winter boots off and hung my jacket back up on the coat rack. By the time I got into the living room he was bending down to pick up his son. After he had him, he stood up and walked away down the hall to his sons room. With him out of the room I set my homework on the coffee table.

Theodore Fuller was a twenty eight year old history teacher at the high school I went to. I met him back in eighth grade but he was never my history teacher until I hit tenth. Now that's I'm in my finally year of school, twelfth grade, he's my history teacher again. I babysit for him a lot, well ever since his son was born. Well I really wouldn't say born, he was more like a two old, so it's been about three years I've been babysitting for him.

His sons name was Thedore Jr. but we called him Teddy. He was the cutest kid I've ever seen in my life. With his brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. He was the complete opposite of his father, who, like myself, has blonde hair and blue eyes. Teddy clearly takes after his mother, whoever she may be.

Theodore, or Mr. Fuller, what I must call him, has been my favorite teacher since I met him, even though he wasn't my teacher. He was funny, and actually talked to the students. Of course he was only around 23 years old at the time and everyone loved him.

There's really only one reason why I babysit for him, not only because Teddy loves me and I love Teddy but because I was in love with Mr. Fuller and babysitting his son was the only way I could be close to him, without being obvious of me liking him. Only one serious problem besides that fact he's a twenty eight year old teacher and I'm nearly eighteen, it's the fact that Mr. Fuller is gay!

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