《Perseus Jackson: A New Order》Order Speaks


I was snapped out of my thoughts when there was a big bang in the throne room. I had recently started looking into my domains in other planets. Turns out Gaia is the personification of planets in the beliefs of many species. Humans from earth called her Gaia, while beings from other planets call her other names.

I looked over to see all the Primordials sitting in their thrones. I looked towards the centre and saw a man with shackles on. I had never seen such chains ever in my life. The man looked exactly like Chaos and End, except for the fact that he had red eyes with fiery explosions inside them.

"Destruction," Ananke said in awe. As she said that, the symbol καταστροφή appeared above his head.

"He's a Primordial?" I asked, a bit of shock in my voice. Chaos nodded. "He was created a few million years after I created the universe," he said.

Chronos huffed, "That means we can't kill him," he said.

"Why would you kill him," I asked, puzzled. A few Primordials looked at me in shock.

"He is destruction," Aether said from beside me. "As in capital D," Erebus added.

I shrugged, making them face palm.

"Destruction," Chaos said. "You will be sentenced to the Void for Eternity. All in favour."

Everyone except me raised their hands. I got a few eyebrow raises thrown in my direction.

"You seriously stooping this low to voting on the death of a Primordial?" I asked in disbelief.

"He's a Primordial right?" I asked, receiving nods. "Meaning his essence is as immortal as the existence of the universe itself. This means he also has champions or gods who possess a part of his domain. I can already name one from earth. Perses, the Titan of destruction," I stated. "Even if we send him to the void, he'll live forever and will have eternity to plot his revenge against us. Instead, we could put aside our differences and work together."


"It won't work," Ouranos said. Gaia nodded. "He will destroy everything," she said.

"We signify balance don't we?" I asked assertively. They nodded. "Then Creation, Order, End and Destruction are all a part of the universe. We each have the right to be here, despite what we stand for," I said.

Destruction looked up at me with a sliver of hope in eyes.

I continued going on. "There are horrible beings and things out there in the world. Destruction can destroy them all, End can, well, end them. All I'm saying is that I don't wish to support the act of sentencing one of our own into Oblivion," I said. "As the Primordial of Order, I will not do something so rash and unwise, thus creating a new enemy who is supposed to be one of us."

The Primordials looked at me in a new light. I could see some respect and understanding in many of their eyes.

"I agree," Aether exclaimed.

"Me too," Hemera and Nyx said.

"Yep," Hypnos said.

"Hell yeah," Tartarus exclaimed.

End nodded and looked at chaos for approval. The two nodded toward each other and looked towards Destruction.

"Do you, Destruction swear on your existence to abide by the law of the universe and existence and work towards bringing balance into the world, destroying both good and bad in the aim of bringing balance?" Chaos asked him.

"I do," Destruction said. "Welcome to the Primordial council brother," Chaos said.

With that, the shackles dissolved into nothingness and a new throne rose next End's throne.

"Do you promise not to judge me unfairly and not push me into Oblivion?" Destruction asked us. "We do," End said.

Chaos nodded towards me with a smile and then turned towards End.


"Do you, End, swear on your existence to abide by the law of the universe and existence and work towards bringing balance into the world, bringing an end to both good and bad in the aim of bringing balance?" Chaos asked.

End smiled widely. "I do," he said.

Chaos then turned towards me. "Do you Perseus, swear on your existence to abide by the law of the universe and existence and work towards bringing about Order into all world's and serve your purpose?" He asked.

"I do," I replied, beaming happily.

Chaos nodded towards the three of us. "Then welcome to The Primordial Council," he boomed.

I nodded, despite already being a part of the Primordial council.

The Primordials then teleported away, some dissolving into light and shadows, while others dissolved into mist or turned into fire.

I sat back in my throne and smiled to myself. I had come a long way in life. From being a twelve year old boy who had no idea what was going on, to fighting in the second Titan and Giant wars, to being cast out by the ones I fought for, and to finding a new family and new purpose. I might still go back to earth every now and then and meet up with some of my old friends. I may even go to some other planets to bring order. It is my purpose and I shall serve it for eternity. After all, my job is to bring about

A New Order.

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