《Perseus Jackson: A New Order》I change my name... sorta


I woke to see myself surrounded by seven people. They were Reyna, Frank, Hazel, Bobby, Lavinia, Tyson and Ella. They didn't know me though.

"Do I know you guys?" I asked them.

Frank made the sound of a wounded animal and looked like he had just been punch. Hazel, Lavinia and Bobby had mixed expressions, while Tyson and Ella were beaming with joy.

Reyna unsheathed her Gladius and pointed it at my neck, drawing a drop of blood that I felt run down neck.

In shock, I scrambled back, only to hit my head on the head board. "Ow! What did I do to you?" I asked, panicking.

Reyna snarled, "what's you name?"

I gulped before answering the most Roman thing, closest to my name. "Praedo," I said, swallowing hard. It meant destroyer, similar to Perseus, so I was technically keeping my name, just changing the language to Latin instead of Greek.

"Last name," she spat.

I shook my head. "I'm an orphan, I don't know my last name. I had been skipping from one foster home to another until my dad found me. He said he's Neptune and that he's the god of the seas. He took me to his underwater palace and trained me for a month, before taking me to Lady Lupa," I said. I was never known to be a liar so I felt weird and guilty lying and I never knew I was such a good liar.

Reyna held out her hand to shake. "Reyna," she said firmly. I shook it response, only to yelp in pain as she crushed my fingers.

Reyna, Frank and Hazel shared a look among themselves and strated to whisper.

"He looks younger," Hazel said. "He has the same eyes," Reyna fought back. Frank just looked at me before pointing at me, which the two ignored.


"You know I can hear you right?" I asked, cradling my fingers. The two turned towards me, while Reyna beckoned for me to follow her and walked out.

She took me for a tour of the camp. Reyna was just about to leave when she looked down at my hand. "What is that?" She snarled, grabbing her dagger and piercing me for the second time that day.

"Lady Lupa recruited me into the legion because my father told her something," I said.

"Don't lie to me Jackson," Reyna spat.

"Who's Jackson?" I asked, looking genuinely confused.

Reyna looked at me for a few seconds before sighing and sitting down on a bench. "He was one of us. A true hero to be honest. Saved the world twice, became a praetor, turned it down, went to Tartarus, fought Gaia, fought the Giants and got betrayed by the ones he was ready to give his life for."

I was genuinely shocked by the fact that the Romans still believe in me but don't show it. "What happened then?" I asked.

She grimaced, "The Greeks threw him out, fed us a bunch of lies along with the new gods and portrayed him as an outcast."

"If he did all that," I said, "why did they betray him?"

Reyna looked down for a few seconds before looking up and shrugging. "I don't know, but most Romans still believe in his innocence as he was a loyal Roman and a former Praetor."

I nodded, "but what does he have to do with me?" I asked.

"He was a son of Neptune. You both look the same and have the same powers," she said. I nodded slowly, acting as if I was taking in the information.


"I'm sorry I remind you of him," I said.

"You have the same personality as him as well. He used apologize like an idiot for no reason as well," she said looking at me. Oops.

"Wait I'm confused," I said, "a while back, you were ready to gut me. Now, you seem all cool with me. What going on?"

She looked around for a second before lowering her tone and speaking. "The new gods don't like him. They were his friends but I don't know what changed. They hate it when anyone believes in him so I had to act as if I hated you," she said.

I nodded slowly. "Where will I be staying?" I asked. I needed to act as stupid and alien as possible so that all suspicions of me beinge are erased.

She beckoned for me to follow her and walked on, towards the fields of Mars, where the five cohorts were already assembled.

"Romans," Reyna boomed. "This here is Praedo, the son of Neptune. Would any legionaries like to vouch for him?" She asked.

Bobby, from on top of Hannibal stepped forward. "I will," he said. The other cohorts seemed disappointed at this.

Reyna nodded. "Very well," she announced. "Bobby, you have stood for your recruit, does your cohort accept him?"

The cohort pounded their shields on the ground. "My cohort has spoken," Dakota said. "We accept the recruit."

Reyna looked at me and nodded.

"Congratulations Praedo. You are now a part of the fifth cohort of the twelfth legion."

I nodded shakily.

"Centurions," Reyna then boomed. "You have one hour for dinner before the war games. The first, second and third cohorts defend, while the fourth and fifth attack."

A loud cheer went up, while the legionaries dispersed.

I walked over and joined Bobby and Dakota. "Dakota, son of Bacchus", he said, holding out his hand. "Praedo," I replied, shaking it.

"You must be special," Bobby said. "It's normally the third, fourth and fifth attacking. Either Reyna wants to see us get our rear ends whooped or she sees some potential in you."

"Who's the other Praetor?" I asked. "Undecided," Dakota replied. "The other one is supposed to be the other kid Frank, but he's a god now so he can't be a part of the legion."

Bobby nodded. "The next Praetor will be elected on the feast of Fortuna," he said, as we reached the dinning hall. I nodded to him and sat down with the two of them.

I might actually be able to enjoy some peace while being with other demigods instead of going on stupid quests.

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