《Perseus Jackson: A New Order》I go a Rampage


Early chapter. Merry Christmas!!!

"Perseus," Chaos started. "We need you to mingle with the Olympians."

"I know it sounds weird," Tartarus said, "but it needs to be done."

Nyx nodded, "The earth is dying and we need the Olympians to do something about it. If not, Gaia will fade," she said. I looked worriedly at Gaia. If she faded, all wildlife and animals would seize to exist. Pontus and Ouranous will become weaker too.

"You are right," Chaos said, nodding at what I was thinking. "Also, if she faded, the planet will loose it's connection to the void. It will float around nothingness. Thus becoming a threat to other planets due to the danger of collision."

I shrugged, "What do I do?"

The Primordials smiled at me. "Go to earth, convince the Olympians to start bothering about the earth. Make them bring it back to the purity it once had," Erebus said.

Pontus nodded, "Either that or Gaia rises again and wipes all human life from the planet."

"Alright," I said, "but it might have to come to that if the humans don't corporate."

Ouranous shrugged, "doesn't matter, we just don't want her to fade." I nodded.

I was about to take my leave when Mother Nyx's eyes widened and she snarled. Erebus stood up, growling. The entire room thundered. Shadows started moving around the room malevolently. The room started to tremble and darkness started to cloud everything.

The doors banged open and Aether, Hemera, Eris, Algos, Geras, Hecate, Hayami and a bunch of other super powerful beings barged into the room.

"Permission to obliterate Olympus, Chaos," Aether boomed. He was never so serious. The power and amount of rage within him caused everything to tremble and everyone to shield their eyes. His very being was flickering with light that was ten-folds brighter than that of lightning. As the Primordial of light, he had enough energy to rip apart a Galaxy with just his true form.

I looked around confused, "What happened?"

"They killed my daughter," Erebus growled.

"They killed Zoë," Nyx snarled.

"WHAT?" I screamed. "HOW?WHY?" This time, I felt myself trembling. I just wanted to go down and rip apart every Olympian and torture them in the deepest parts of Tartarus and then march to the underworld and bring Zoë's soul back.

Chaos stared into space, with an angry look on his face. He then waved his hand in the air absentmindedly and a formed and image of what happened.


I saw Pheobe, Bianca, Thalia, Artemis and her hunter, trying to convince Zoë to join the hunt once again. When she refused, she was bound up by them and dragged to Olympus, where they voted on whether to kill her or not. Most of the Olympians voted for her execution. I saw that she had been bound by chains of Stygian Iron, Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold, preventing her from using any powers. The only ones who voted against were, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hestia, Hades and Poseidon. Zeus then blasted her with his masterbolt.

I was seething with rage. I reached with my senses and focused on a star that had about a decade to live. I concentrated on it's molecules and willed it to explode, causing an explosion bright enough to be seen from earth. I noticed a lot of other debris, indicating that the others had done the same thing to prevent venting out too much energy.

"I've got this," I said to the Primordials.

"You better," Nyx said, black lightning flickering around her malevolently.

This time, I focused all the darkness on the position of the hunters of Artemis and dissolved into darkness. I navigated right through the void and popped up in the middle of the hunters' camp. 'Sorry about this Chaos," I mind messaged him.

What I saw next made me even more mad. There was a young boy around the age of six or so who was begging a girl who I assume to be his sister not to join the Hunt.

"Please," he cried with tears streaming down his face. "Shut it boy," Pheobe spat. When he didn't keep quite, she pulled out a bow and shot him. I stood there, in shock. How many other innocent children had faced this fate? I realised that Nico would have had to face this as well if he had tried to convince Bianca. When the girls joined the hunt, Artemis' aura increased for a second.

Now a lot of stuff ticked into my head. No one really wanted to even join. They just did it for the immortality. They turn their back on their family and innocent brothers, all for immortality. Similar to Annabeth.

The girl looked silently at her brother's dying face. "You have a new family now," Phoebe said.

That does it, sorry about your warrior chaos, I let darkness take over. I changed day into night. The sun was behind a wall of darkness now. I stepped out of the shadows, causing my eyes to become black flames. The hunters shot several arrows at me. I just melted them the minute they left the bows. The only reason they appeared skilled, was because of the immortality. They weren't like half-bloods, who trained and worked hard for skills.


I then sent a blade made of darkness, towards Phoebe, impaling her in the gut. I did the same to Bianca and other hunters including Thalia but in a less deadlier spot. They stood no chance in protecting themselves as even their own shadows attacked them.

I then reached deep down and recalled the boy's soul back into the world of the living. It was easy to do as he had just been killed and hadn't yet crossed to the other side of the Styx. When he saw his sister, he ran up to her and applied pressure on her wound to prevent her from bleeding.

"See?" I said pointing to the boy. "This, is called loyalty." As I said this, a trident symbol appeared above his head and the earth started to tremble. I kept the hunters alive so they go through all the pain they've caused their whole life.

"None of you are better than males, you're worse! You killed a child because he felt abandoned. You're a disgrace to humanity. You sick monsters!"

Artemis snarled, "You will not speak to me like that boy." I snapped my fingers and turned her into a mortal. "What did you do?" She screeched.

"You're mortal now." With that, I caused the daggers to disappeared and the hunters started to bleed out. "This is for Zoë," I said, as I teleported myself to Olympus and the boy to camp half-blood.

'Introduce yourself as the son of Poseidon with your name. Tell them what happened and that Percy saved you.'

I then slammed my foot on the ground and summoned the pathetic Olympians minus Artemis who was paying for her crimes in the form of a mortal. She would have actually been a good goddess if not for her ego and hate towards all males. Some males are horrible and deserve to rot in hell, but there are good among men as well. I turned my attention back to the cowardly Olympians who had seen what I did to one of them.

"You made a big mistake," I said, dangerously calm. I then made their ichor boil and sent Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Ares and Athena all to Tartarus. It would hopefully take a few months for them to reform.

I then looked at Hermes, Apollo, Hephaestus, Poseidon, Hades and Hestia, the remaining Olympians.

"I'm happy that you guys didn't vote for the death of an innocent person," I said. "You must protect the earth and prevent it from being destroyed. If you don't, Gaia will rise again and erase everything you've created. The oceans need to be cleansed an you need to start planting trees. Protect the wildlife and maintain a balance in the ecosystem. You need to restore the earth to it's pure state once again. You guys are among the most capable. Please don't let me down." They nodded.

"We will Perseus," Poseidon said. I nodded and started to take my leave.

"Wait," Apollo said.


"There are a few among the hunters who did not want to take part in what my sister was doing but were forced to do so. I wish I did something about it but I don't think they deserve to be tortured to death.

He was right. I then called in some power from Chronos and stopped time, the instant the blades disappeared. I brought in the innocent hunters and looked them in the eyes to search their memories. The remaining sixteen girls out of the thirty-six had pure hearts and never signed up to take innocent lives. They included, Thalia and Bianca, who had taken the oath for a family and for immortality and not to harm innocent boys.

I then teleported back to the Void. The Primordials nodded towards me in approval.

"Can I bring Zoë back?" I asked them.

"She's in her room," Nyx said. I smiled at them greatfluly and teleported out of the Void.

"They're dead Zoë," I said as I walked in.

She nodded, "I saw Dionysus reform in Tartarus. Uncle Tartarus isn't allowing them out in any time," she said. "Oh and I heard you've been playing pranks on everyone. I can't believe you forgot to call your favorite sister," she said. We laughed and walked out to get the other three pranksters.

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