《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》smoothie.


"Thanks for the ride peeps." Audrina waved Natalie and Ryan away, yawning as she did so.

I stumbled into the house, rushing to the bathroom and holding my hair back.

I bent down in front of the toilet, letting every built up fluid escape my mouth.

I coughed at the end, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I groaned, staring at the multicolored mess I left.

I flushed the toilet, still on the floor.

"You wanna take a shower tonight or tomorrow morning?" She sighed, looking down at me and giving me a glass of water.

"I wanna sleep." I grumbled, gulping down the water, immediately feeling like I was going to barf again.

"What happened?" She sat down on the floor with me, opening the cabinet and taking out makeup wipes.

"I thought I could do it but I can't." I ran my hand through my tangled hair.

"Do what?" She scooted closer to me, taking the wipe and gently rubbing my face with it.

She then did her own face, still listening for my response.

"I still can't believe we broke up." I sighed, my eyes began to sting, the feeling was all too familiar now.

"Tomorrow's a new day. I promise you'll feel so much better when you see the sun." She smiled dearly at me.

Audrina always knew what to say. Even though she was so young, she was wise beyond her years.

All the things she's gone through... it makes me feel horrid for not being there for her.

"Okay." I sniffled, curling up in her arms. Crying was an annoying action at this point. My under-eyes were stinging, numb from constantly rubbing them.

"Let's go to bed." She helped me up, her heels clacking on the floor.

"Tiffany went with Natalie and Ryan, she'll be back tomorrow morning." She looked through my closet for a t shirt or something for me to wear to sleep.

She picked out a pair of satin pajamas I bought from Victoria's Secret some time ago.

She left the room as I changed, going to get out of her dress and shoes.

I stepped into bed, taking my phone in my hands.

"Can I sleep with you?" Audrina walked in, dragging a blanket in behind her. Her hair was now in a small bun and she was wearing a big t shirt with shorts.


"Yes please." I moved over so she could fit next to me. At this moment, I realized how comforting it was to have her here. I fell asleep quite easily, my sister by my side.


"Hey, wake up." A soft voice woke me up. I groaned as I sat up, suddenly feeling my aggressive headache.

"I made you pancakes. I know they aren't great but I put bananas in the mix. You're favorite." She shoved a plate in my face, followed by a fork.


"Oh, I also found some pills in the cabinet. Hope it helps your head." She smiled.

She was still in her sleep clothes, her hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Thank you." I weakly smiled, quickly swallowing the pill and tasting Audrina's pancakes.

"They're good!" I swallowed and picked up the plate, moving to the dining room. I hate eating in my room, I'd rather not risk dropping anything.

"What is that?" Audrey asked when I sat down. She pointed to my wrist, a look of concern on her face.

A purple bruise was splattered all around my wrist, I really didn't think he would leave a visible mark.

"I probably hit myself or something yesterday." I laughed it off, putting it under the table to hide it. She nodded, attending to a pot of coffee she was making.

I couldn't even finish the meal, after taking a couple of bites I slid it away from me. I couldn't stomach anymore. Eating seemed like lot of work.

A knock sounded from the front door.

"Its me ladies!" Tiffany's voice was rasped. I braced myself for comments and remarks from her. Surely she was just as hung over as me, if not, more.

Audrey opened the door, her face immediatley illuminating.

"They dropped me off with food!" Tiffany dropped bags of food in front of me.

"Here, Ryan bought you a mango thing. He said you liked it." Tiffany yawned and handed Audrey a yellow smoothie.

"What a sweetheart!" She giggled and took a sip, closing her eyes and smiling. I laughed, staring up at her.

"He also bought you this." She handed me a pink smoothie.

I took it, drinking a little out of the straw. I smiled, the sweet taste pleasures my taste buds.


I stood up to put it in the fridge, I wish I could drink it now.

"We also got omelettes, bagels, jeez we got a lot." Tiffany took packages of food out of the bag. It smelled delicious, but I just could not bring myself to eat. The thought made me nauseous.

"You're not eating?" Tiffany took a big gulp of the hot coffee Audrina was making.

"Audrey already fed me. I'll probably eat some later." I smiled and put my head down.

"Are you still sad?" Tiffany asked, putting her hand on mine.

"No, I'm completely over my breakup." I sarcastically rolled my eyes, staring up at her.

"If it makes you feel any better, Ryan says Noah was doing really bad too." Tiffany sympathetically smiled.

"They're with him right now." She showed her phone.

Good. I hope he was doing bad.

"Can't be worse than me." I yawned, getting up to stretch my back.

"How was he when you went to see him?" Audrina asked me, her head tilted on her shoulder.

"He was... messed up. I knew something was wrong, I just wanted to hear him say it to my face." I sighed.

"Ryan said he had a fever and he was getting drunk all day. Kinda like you." Tiffany frowned.

I fought the urge to frown with her. I have to remind myself of what he did.

"He's sick?" I couldn't ignore that. He was also sick when I confronted him. I hate him but... it was almost concerning at this point.

"Yeah, Natalie's texting me." Tiffany showed me Natalie's texts, confirming her statement.

"I hope he gets better I guess." I bit my tongue. It was hard to act like I didn't care.

There was a pause, Tiffany was tapping ferociously at her screen. Audrina was eating, invested in the conversation.

"She said he hopes you get better too." She said smiling at me.

"Oh my God, you weren't supposed to tell them." I groaned, hiding my face in my hands.

"What? I think it's nice that you guys still care about each other!" Tiffany laughed softly, patting my shoulder.

I felt my eyes stinging again. Fuck.

"I'm taking a shower." I got up and sped to the bathroom, ignoring their laughing. As soon as I was in, I let a tear out.

One tear turned to two, and I suddenly couldn't stop.

"Damn it." I turned on the shower, hoping the sound would mask my crying.

What the hell? I thought I had gone through the worst already. Shoot.

It was hard to imagine him being sick and me not being there for him. Something in me felt guilty for being angry and ignoring his calls and attempts at communication.

I was in the shower for thirty minutes before I could calm down and wash myself.

I walked to my room in a towel, Audrey and Tiffany were still at the table talking.

I sniffled as I sat down on my bed still wrapped in the towel. After a while, I finally got up and got dressed, putting on leggings and a sweater since it was chilly outside.

I ignored every thought in my head, choosing to focus on anything else besides Noah.

"You feel better?" Audrina smiled when I walked into the kitchen.

"Way better." I opened the fridge, pulling out the smoothie and deciding to drink it.

I sat beside them, sipping happily.

"You smell better." Tiffany said, joking.

Audrina hit her shoulder, laughing with her.

"Very funny." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. I deleted all my notifications, Noah's name dashing across my screen as I avoided his contact.

"I'm taking a nap." I took my smoothie to my room, leaving the girls alone.

I laid on my bed, scrolling through my socials, looking for something to do.

*incoming call*

I looked at the number, it was an unknown. I usually never answered these calls, but it was from my area code. Maybe I accidentally deleted someone's number? An old friend?

The possibilities were endless.

"Hello?" I said into my phone, grabbing a brush from my nightstand.


My hand let go of the brush, I froze.



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