《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》Revenge.


"Fuck!" I punched the steering wheel as soon as I stepped into my car.

I groaned, rubbing my knuckles. I need to leave. I didn't feel like going back home to Tiffany and Audrina. They were getting ready to go out, I had no business bringing my ugly energy back home.

Damn it. I need a drink.

I drove until I saw a corner store. Perfect. I parked and stepped into the building, me being the only person there. I looked around, noticing the cashier and where the alcohol was.

Now, I didn't have many alcohol choices, if I wanted more variety, I should've gone to a bar. Oh well, I'm already here.

I picked a case of 12 beers and dropped it on the counter in front of the cashier.

He looked up, examining my face.

"ID?" He said, glaring at me.

"What? Oh, I don't have it." I sniffled, cursing myself for not bringing it.

Then again, I didn't think I would be drinking beer in the middle of the afternoon.

"I can't sell you this then." He pulled the case of beer towards himself.

"No, please give me a break! I- I promise I'm 22." My voice broke and I wept. I couldn't stop, my hand covered my mouth so I wouldn't be loud.

'Pull yourself together.' I told myself, clutching the small wad of cash in my fist.

"I'm sorry. I'm having a bad day." I looked up at the confused teen checking me out. He sympathetically frowned at me, watching as I broke down.

"Uh, are you okay?"

"No." I wiped my eyes, feeling embarrassed.

"10 bucks." He scanned the case of beer and put it in a plastic bag. He smiled at me, though I could sense he was uncomfortable.

"Thank you so much." I wept and slid the roll of cash across the counter, feeling bad for it being so crumpled up.

"Have a nice day." He laughed awkwardly, watching me as I walked out of the store. I nodded and walked out, sighing as I sniffled.

I felt embarrassed as I went back inside my car, opening the case and taking one of the beers.

I took a big swig of the bottle, the cool liquid burning my throat.


God, how I hate beer. But desperate times call for desperate measures. I needed to be numb.

I put the bottle in the cup holder and drove away, careful to not drink while I was driving.

I didn't have anywhere to go. What am I even doing? Fuck.

I parked on the curb in front of my house, noticing Natalie's car in the driveway. Damn it.

I drank from the bottle, the liquid not getting any easier to gulp down. Time passed and it started to get dark.

My head began to throb, my stomach felt like acid.

"What the hell?" I coughed when I began to feel woozy after 5 drinks. I didn't think I was such a lightweight, but beer was a horrible drug.

I clenched the neck of the bottle, watching as my knuckles went white.

I checked my phone for the first time in hours.


I felt my eyes water at his name on my phone. The memory of when I saw it for the first time flooded back. Why did it have to end like this?

I drank again, finishing the fifth bottle.

What a fucking joke. What else could he possibly have to say? I didn't owe him anything, he doesn't get to talk to me. Fucking turd.

I turned off my phone, reaching for another bottle and opening it. I groaned at the fresh smell, but I couldn't stop. Just one more.

This bottle left an extraordinarily bitter taste in my mouth. I think I've crossed my limit. I took one last swig before carefully leaving the car and walking to the front door.

I moved clumsily inside the house, shutting the door behind me.

Inside, I heard muffled squeals and voices of the girls in the room. Audrey, Tiffany and Natalie.

I looked at Ryan, who was leaning on the kitchen counter, scrolling through his phone.

He was alone, waiting for the girls to leave. Noah would be here too, talking to him as I got ready with my friends.

They were best friends, Noah and Ryan. For the longest time. Noah always talked about their childhood. He joked that Ryan was a try-hard asshole who only cared about sex.

I remember laughing at that, all the times Ryan was just grumpy and seemed to be frustrated at everyone and everything. He was great though, Audrina and him were great friends.


They always picked on eachother, harmless fun between two boys. They were like brothers.

For the first time, I noticed Ryan had a lip ring. A black one. He also had a brow piercing I hadn't noticed before.

His hair was so cool. Not very traditional, but damn did he pull it off well. It looked so cool with his piercings and rings he always wore. His tattoos complimented everything he had, the rings, chains.

He was also so muscular, I could see his abs imprinted on his shirt. His jaw was sharp, a feature I always took note of whenever he threw his head back.

His smile was also charming, it was contagious. He was hot. Fuck Noah. I don't need him anymore. I can do whatever I want now.

I need to make him pay. Make him feel worse than I do right now. I want him to wish he never even met that bitch Ashley.

"Hey Ryan," I giggled, walking towards him.

"Hm?" He hummed without looking up.

I stumbled toward him, swinging my hips and biting my lip.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What?" He looked up from his phone, playing with his lip ring.

"I want you to fuck me." I slurred, smiling at him seductively.

"What?" He cocked his head to the side, questioning what I just said.

"Are you okay?" He caught me as I stumbled, almost falling to the floor.

He was so strong, catching me with one arm.

"Melanie?" He questioned me again when I didn't speak.

"I'm fine now." I laughed, tracing the muscles on his arms.

"Damn, your breath reeks." He sat me down on a stool and went to get me water.

"Very rude to say that to a lady." I scolded him, losing my balance and nearly falling off the stool.

"How many did you drink?" He handed me the water and moved my hair out of my face with his fingers.

"Six. I think." I drank the water, humming happily at the refreshing taste.

He chuckled, sitting next to me.

"You said you wanted me to fuck you?" He cleared his throat, smiling smugly at me.

"He cheated on me." I spun around in the chair, trying to not cry.

"That fucking idiot." He rolled his eyes and faced me.

"Getting back at him isn't the solution." He smiled at me with a soft face. His usual harsh and sharp tone was smooth, gentle.

"I just want him to hurt like I did." My eyes began to burn, tears blurred my vision.

"I can't do it anyways." He rubbed the nape of his neck, staring at me.

"Do what?"

"Have sex with you."

"You can't?" I sighed, finishing up the bottle of water.

"I totally would," he took his lip ring between his teeth, staring me down. I blushed, licking my lips.

"But Noah's my best friend." He smiled smugly at me, watching my face drop.

"Whatever." My voice cracked, I blinked back the tears that threatened to escape.

"You'll be okay." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and hugged me. He felt like Noah. Just like him.

"I'm sorry." I cried again. My eyes were sore, and I had a throbbing headache. I rested my head on his chest, crying silently as he rubbed my back and comforted me.

"What happened?" A familiar voice walked up to us. I looked up, my vision focusing on Audrina. She was worried, looking at Ryan.

"Noah... cheated on her." He said quietly to Audrina, pulling her in so I wouldn't hear. But I did.

"Oh my god that shit bag." She joined the hug, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Shit bag?" Ryan laughed at her choice of words. She slapped his wrist, making me chuckle between sobs.

"You okay? I'll make you tea." Audrina kissed my cheek, pulling away and starting a kettle of water. Her sweet perfume made me smile.

"I'll be okay." I exhaled, rubbing my eyes. I'm so tired of crying.

"I'm gonna go get ready to go out." I got up from Ryan's lap and trudged to my room, holding on to the furniture for balance.

"I don't think you shou-"

"I can do this." I interrupted Ryan trying to stop me.


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