《SMG4: Super Mario X Meggy Galaxy》Chapter 11: Dusty Dune Galaxy


Mario and Meggy are getting closer to their goal, as they're going to Dusty Dune Galaxy for star #2.

They arrive and saw it was empty unlike last time. There wasn't any Dry Bones or sandstorms to blow them away. Instead, there were Pokeys.

After defeating all Pokeys in this area, they progressed via Launch Star and went to the next planet.

While they were looking for the next Launch Star, they came across a hungry Luma. They've seen these kind of Lumas only a few times before.

Hungry Luma: Hey, you! Yeah, you! Got any tasty Star Bits? If you feed me a bunch of Star Bits, I'll burst with snacky happiness and then transform!

Meggy: How about we give him Star Bits this time. After Good Egg, we haven't fed any of those hungry Lumas we come across. Please, Mario?

Mario: Okay, Meggy. Well, Hungry Luma, today is your lucky day.

Hungry Luma: I'm famished! I need 20 Star Bits to curb the hunger pangs!

Mario: Damn. Meggy, search for Star Bits. I don't wanna leave this hungry little fella alone.

Meggy got enough Star Bits and gave them to the hungry Luma.

Hungry Luma: That's it... I'm stuffed! Here we go!


The Luma turned bright, as it flew away and turned into a new planet. It looked like two pyramids stuck together.

Mario: Wow. A new planet!

Meggy: I'm interested in finding secrets.

A pink Launch Star appeared, as Mario and Meggy launched from it and went inside the double pyramid.

As they went inside, they noticed a Silver Star is beside them. They picked it up and thought that this planet is too small.

Meggy: Little space or room? Pfft. Boring.

Mario: Yeah. Doesn't really interest me.

Mario walked to a wall, as the room started to rumble. The sand level started to move.


Meggy: I take it all back.

While the sand walls were moving, they came across 2 more Silver Stars and picked them up.

Mario: I'm now intrigued by this.

They moved the sand again, and Meggy found the rest of the Silver Stars, as they all went together and formed a star. While this was happening, all the sand was draining and went out of the planet.

Meggy realized that Mario wasn't with her.

Meggy: Mario?

Mario was yelling from a distance.

Mario: I'm lost!

Meggy: I'm coming, Mario.

Meggy quickly searched for Mario and found him. She ran over to him and hugged him.

Meggy: I found you, Mario.

Mario: Thank you for finding all the Silver Stars and draining all the sand. I was close to being crushed by the sand.

Meggy: Let's go get that star.

Mario: Okie-dokie.

They ran over to the star and they noticed that it looked different.

Mario: Why is this star green?

Meggy: I don't know, but let's grab it and bring this to Rosalina. Maybe she knows this kind of star.

Mario: Good idea.

They grabbed the green star, flew back to the Observatory, and went straight to Rosalina. Polari immediately recognized it.

Polari: You just rescued the rarest Power Star of them all; a Green Power Star! These stars have a special power. Ask the Green Lumas about them. After all, they will transform into Green Power Stars someday!

Meggy: Wow. So apparently discovering secrets could lead to things like this.

They went over to the Green Luma wanting to know about the Green Stars some more.

Green Luma: Thank you for helping me... I am a guardian of the Trial Galaxies.

Mario: Trial Galaxies?

Green Luma: To restore the doorway, we will need the power of two others like me.

Meggy: So there are only 2 other Green Stars in these galaxies. That is so cool.

Mario: Look, I'm sorry, but we need to return on our own adventure in getting back home. I hope you don't mind.

Meggy: Well, I hope we'll see another Green Star someday.

Mario: Yeah. Sounds good, I think.

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