《SMG4: Super Mario X Meggy Galaxy》Chapter 10: Freezeflame Galaxy


Mario and Meggy flew over to the next galaxy, Freezeflame Galaxy, and the first planet they land on is donut-shaped and covered with ice.

Meggy immediately slipped on the ice and hurt herself.

Mario: Meggy. Are you okaaaAAAAAA!

Mario slipped on the ice as well. Meggy laughed a little at that, but was too distracted by the fact that the entire ground is made of ice.

Meggy: You okay, Mario?

Mario: I'm fine. Why is the damn ground made entirely of ice?!

Meggy: I don't think we can even progress with ice all around us.

Mario: But... I do have a suggestion.

Mario got up on his feet, as he started to skate. He skated all around the planet, and as he went back to Meggy, he held out his hand.

Mario: Hold my hand. Quick.

Meggy got up on her feet and quickly grabbed Mario's hand, as Meggy is now holding onto his hand and moving on this icy planet.

Meggy: Great idea, Mario.

Mario: Thank you, Meggy.

Meggy: You know, this is kinda romantic, don't you think?

Mario: Yeah. I think it is.

As Mario and Meggy got close to kissing each other, they got stopped by a penguin.

Mario: Damn you. You ruined our romantic moment.

Penguin: Hey, old man! Are you practicing how to skate too?

Mario: Wait... what did you just call me?

Meggy: Nobody makes fun of my boyfriend.

Penguin: Jeez, sorry. Well, why don't we play a game? Can you catch me?

The penguin started to slide on his belly, as Mario, with Meggy still holding his hand, started to chase the penguin by skating.

Mario: No one calls me an old man and interrupts a moment with my girlfriend!

Mario skated faster than usual, causing Meggy to start to stumble.

Meggy: Uh, Mario? Maybe slow down a bit, please?


Mario: That penguin insulted me.

Mario got closer and closer to the penguin and catches him, not knowing that he let go of Meggy who was left standing there hoping not to fall.

Penguin: Not bad, old man!

Mario: Stop calling me an old ma-wait... Meggy?

Meggy: I'm standing on ice and I'm close to falling.

Penguin: With skating skills like that, you might have a chance.

Mario: I don't have time for your congratulations, insulting penguin. My girlfriend needs some help. I'm coming, Meggy.

Mario skated over to Meggy as she was close to falling down again, but he quickly grabbed on to her while he was skating.

Meggy: Thank you. I thought I would be close to being bruised badly.

Mario: No problem, Meggy.

Mario skated over to the just-spawned Launch Star, with Meggy in his arms, and while they were flying to the next planet, they kissed each other because of that romantic moment earlier.

They arrived at the next planet, as they slid down an icy slide. They, especially Meggy, were surprised that most of the ground is ice again.

Mario: Don't worry, Meggy. I'll carry you all the way through.

Meggy: Thanks, Mario.

Mario carried Meggy by the shoulder, as he explored the planet, stomping on Goombas and trying not to fall in the freezing water below them.

He came across a blue and white flower. He touched it and turned into a frozen version of himself.

Mario: Okay. I'm frozen now. Now how am I supposed to progress without touching the frozen water?

Meggy: Could you put me down for a moment? You're really cold.

Mario put Meggy down and tried to long jump across the frozen water. He failed, but before he was close to sinking, he was saved by ice.

Mario: I can walk on water. I am Jesus!


Mario turned back to normal because the Ice Flower works on a time limit, as he is now stuck on that one patch of ice he made.

Mario: Meggy? I seem to be stuck. Grab that Ice Flower over there before I possibly drown in the freezing water.

Meggy touched the Ice Flower and turned frozen. She found out she can walk on the ice without falling with this power, and she made her way towards Mario. She grabbed Mario's hand and progressed.

She was jumping on short water spouts, skating on the ice, and all-around just having fun.

They reached the top of the climb, as they are faced with a boss, Baron Brrr. Meggy's power stopped as they came up here.

There were 2 paths leading to the sides of the ground Baron Brrr is on. Mario went to the left side and found 2 Ice Flowers. Mario touched one and got the ice power, as he skated over to Meggy and picked her up.

Mario: Let's defeat him together.

Meggy: Okay.

They went back over and Meggy touched the other Ice Flower, as they are now skating towards Baron Brrr. It took a few spins and kicks, but with their skills, they defeated him and got the star.

As they flew back, they talked a little bit to each other.

Meggy: Thank you for helping me out when I was on the ice.

Mario: And thank you for saving me from being close to drowning.

Meggy: Oh, you're such a sweetie.

They kissed each other as they flew back to the observatory to continue their adventure.

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