《SMG4: Super Mario X Meggy Galaxy》Chapter 6: Rolling Green Galaxy


Mario and Meggy has collected the stars from the Terrace, as they are now able to enter the next dome, the Fountain. The next galaxy upon them is called Rolling Green Galaxy.

They arrived at the galaxy, and saw a big glass ball with the star inside it.

Mario: Oh, the star is here. I'm gonna break this.

Mario got out everything he can use, including many blunt objects and a jackhammer, but none were successful in breaking the glass.

Meggy: There's gotta be a way to get the star inside.

Suddenly, the sign right next to the ball started to speak.

???: Hey, now!

Mario: (screams) The sign is alive. Kill it!

Mario almost shot the sign, but got stopped by the sign.

???: Don't you dare shoot me. I have a wife and kids.

Mario: Why should I care about children made out of wood and are also alive which they shouldn't be?!

???: I can tell you how to get the star inside.

Mario: (pauses) Go on.

???: If you want that star inside, you'd better listen to old Bill Board here. First, jump to get on top of the ball.

Meggy: Both of us?

Mario and Meggy carefully got up on top of the ball together, holding hands so they wouldn't fall.

Bill Board: The rules are simple. Just roll the ball to the end of the course. If anything gets in your way, smoosh it! Anyway, you'll learn more by doing it yourself. Good luck!

Mario and Meggy started rolling around on the ball together, but they both had trouble moving and keeping their balance. They later got the hang of it and started going through the course.

Meggy: Hey. This is actually kinda fun.

Mario: A little hard to control, but still fun.

While they made sure not to fall off the world, they were squishing Goombas that got in their way, and had fun rolling together.


They both reached the end of the course, to their slight dismay, but they still wondered how they'll get the star. They saw a hole in front of them as they rolled the ball inside it, and the ball exploded.

They both fell off the ball, with Meggy landing on Mario, as they both "accidentally" kissed as they hit each other.

Meggy: That was fun.

Mario: It sure was fun.

They kissed for a few seconds until Mario noticed the star. They both grabbed it and finished the galaxy, kissing some more on the way back.

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