《SMG4: Super Mario X Meggy Galaxy》Chapter 4: Honeyhive Galaxy


After collecting a few stars, Mario and Meggy find out that the next galaxy is upon them.

Polari: Well done, brave explorers! You've discovered a new galaxy! Collecting Power Stars will expand our range of vision, perhaps to eventually include the enemy base.

Meggy: Well, we've found all of the stars in Good Egg Galaxy. Maybe we should go there now.

Mario: So what's this new galaxy called?

Polari: Honeyhive Galaxy.

Mario: Okie-dokie. Let's a-go.

They flew to their location, as they are greeted by a bee.

Mario: A bee! Kill it!

The bee stopped Mario from punching him, as he greeted himself.

Random bee 1: Welcome to the Honeyhive Kingdom! Our queen rules this land.

Mario and Meggy explores the kingdom for a while, until they come across 2 mushrooms, both with black and yellow patterns.

Mario touched it, and then transformed into a bee version of himself.

Mario: Why did I turn into a bee?

Meggy: Oh, you look so cute. Let me try.

Meggy touched the other Bee Mushroom, and transformed into a bee version of herself as well.

Mario: You look more adorable, Meggy.

Meggy: Oh thanks, Mario. So what exactly does this do?

Mario: Well, let's see what happens if I fly.

Mario flapped his bee wings, and he actually flew up.

Meggy: We can actually fly while in bee form?

Meggy did the same thing, as they are both flying together, though only for a few seconds.

They used their new flying ability to get to higher areas and get closer to their next star.

After going through a few obstacles and planets, they see a honeycomb-like wall with sticky honey on the end of it.

Mario: How are we gonna get through this? We can't fly any longer than 5 seconds.

Random bee 2: Try climbing on this wall, just like I'm doing.


Meggy put her hands on the wall and they stocked to it.

Meggy: Come on, Mario. Our next star is possibly above this wall.

Mario and Meggy climbed up the wall and were met with the Honey Queen, a huge queen bee.

Honey Queen: And who might you two be? Physicians, we presume?

Mario: No, stupid. My name is Mario, and this is my girlfriend, Meggy.

Honey Queen: Nice to meet you two. We are in the most vexing predicament and require assistance.

Meggy: What is it?

Honey Queen: The most furious itchiness plagues our entire being! It must be stopped! Please find the source at once!

Mario: Well, If there's a star as a reward, then we'll do it.

Mario and Meggy flew over to the Honey Queen and climbed all over her. They saw that the itchiness came from 5 Star Chips, as they picked them up.

Honey Queen: Yes! That's the ticket! Ah, that feels goooood!

Mario (thoughts): Man. What a weird bee.

The Star Chips were picked up and cleared off the Honey Queen's back.

Honey Queen: My thanks! You have shown much bravery, New Bees. We trust that we may rely on you in the future!

A Launch Star spawned on the back of the island. Mario and Meggy flew over to it and went to the next planet.

They both landed on top of the tree in the first planet, as they were greeted by a group of Toads, including one with a headlight on his head. Mario got flashbacks of meeting this Captain Toad person.

Captain Toad: AAAAUGH! BEES!

...What?! Mario? Meggy? It's you two! We escaped from the Mushroom Kingdom attack too!

Mario: Quick question. When I first met you, how are you still alive when I sacrificed you so I could get back home from space?


Captain Toad: My other members in their spaceship found me floating through space and picked me up.

Mario (thoughts): Well, that checks out.

Captain Toad: Anyways, we escaped from the kingdom, but then we thought those two villains would get us, and then we got lost with Luigi...

Mario: Wait, Luigi escaped too?!

Captain Toad: Well, unfortunately we don't have him with us right now.

Mario: Son of a bitch.

Captain Toad: Oh! I just remembered! We found a Power Star! I'm sure you need this, so here, take it.

Captain Toad gave the Power Star to Mario and Meggy, as Mario wondered if he'll see his brother on this adventure.

Just as Mario and Meggy arrived back at the Observatory, Rosalina has something to tell them.

Rosalina: Mario, and... what is your name?

Meggy: Meggy.

Rosalina: Right. Meggy. This is what I heard from your friends who just arrived.

Meggy... it has such a nice ring.

Your friends are waiting for you in the Garage. I think they want to tell you something, so you'd best hurry on over there.

Mario and Meggy walked over to the garage and saw Captain Toad and his brigade alongside him.

Captain Toad: Guys. Somehow we made it too! We'll help you get the Power Stars and save the Mushroom Kingdom! You can count on us. We're all in this together.

Mario: Well, I hope Luigi joins us soon. Hearing that just makes me eager to meet a familiar face while in space.

Meggy: Let's hope he's doing okay. Maybe this journey won't be as long after all. We do have some help alongside us.

Mario: You're right. Soon we'll return home and save everyone in that stolen kingdom.

Meggy: That's the spirit.

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