《Her Calling》F I F T Y


billie eilish, listen before i go.

I was needed over at the palace today, as much as I wanted nothing more than to spend the day with Raheem again I knew I had duties. There were things that needed to be done before my coronation and unfortunately I would have to be around the Mbatha's for such matters.

Arriving at the palace I was escorted to Kenneth's office, to find him and his wife in a deep conversation. I clear my throat and both heads snap towards me, I give an awkward smile and wave.

"Lerato, hi," Keitumetse says in a hurried tone, "I'm so sorry, I forgot all about your visit." She whispers something to her husband before making her way towards me.

"Let's go to my office."

Once were there she explains several doings of a Queen to me and only once I've been in her office for around three hours to I realise. I'm getting lessons from the wrong person, I'm not going to be the co-pilot but the actual pilot.

I twist my lips to one side as I try to think of a way to say what I want to in a much kinder way, "Keitumetse?" She nods her head as she's shifting through files, "Should your husband not be the one giving me lessons?"

Her eyebrow raises, "It would be three hours too late for you to realise that. In fact, if I knew where he was Motheo should be the one assisting me but I thought I'd rather not. Kenneth has given me things from both a King and Queen's end of it. I thought you'd like to know." She shrugs.

Nodding slightly I speak, "I would, thank you so much. You said you have no idea where Motheo is?"

It wasn't much like him to disappear, let alone after the conversation we had. I thought he was more or else alright after it, so I'm not quite sure what would have him leave this way.

Maybe it isn't even anything horrible, perhaps he just didn't want to deal with my training. I wouldn't blame him and to be honest it's not as if I keep tabs with everyone. I hadn't even heard from Raheem either come to think of it and bringing him along would've been greatly beneficial.

Wow, I've surely been absolutely empty minded today.

"I should probably bring Raheem tomorrow, huh." Keitumetse lets out a chuckle, "That would be smart."

She puts a few files on the desk, she pulls in her lips before speaking, "Lerato, can I say something?"


"Yes, of course."

She takes a seat, "Why didn't you just explain everything to Motheo? I know what he did was unforgivable but was somewhat doing what he had done to you really necessary?"

It's me this time who purses my lips, "It wasn't necessary but it was the easiest way and to be fair, I hadn't completely made up my mind. Spending more time with all your children had really made it so easy to see my self accepting my role as Motheo's Queen. However, as you so greatly stated what he did was unacceptable and seeing Kuhle accept my best friend so easily didn't help his brothers case.

"Once I knew I could not remove what Motheo had done to me from his character I knew I could never continue the mateship." I shrug, "It wasn't just a blink of a decision."

Just as she was to respond an earth shattering scream ripped through the palace. Although it was clearly coming from the outside, we both got to our feet and bolted out the door and out the palace.

"Who was that!?" We yelled as we ran with more wolves towards the source.

Nobody seemed to know until we got out of the Royal City, running through the woods right opposite the City we attempted to follow scents but it still seemed as though we were too far.

"We should shift," I yell out and I heard bones beginning to break as the last words left my lips. I joined in as I finally shifted into my wolf.

I hadn't done this in months, I hardly ever paid any attention to my wolf. However, she didn't attempt to fight me as I called upon her to take shape. My auburn wolf landed swiftly continuing on my strides but far quicker.

The closer I got, the more there was an aching in my chest. That's when I knew that either Motheo or Raheem were in danger and it wasn't helping me or my wolf. It only agitated us and pushed her even harder, she needed to get there. We needed to get there in time.

Once I knew we were closer I could hear yelling, it was a female voice. I couldn't quite make it out just yet, all I knew was I could feel the anguish in it. On top of that she was furious. I finally got close enough and my eyes couldn't believe what I saw, Madeline screamed one last time, "You're supposed to love me!" Before she did the unthinkable.


My shift back into my human form wasn't fast enough but I still tried to get her attention.

"Madeline, stop!" My nakedness the furthest thought on my mind as I sprinted towards the two.

Why is it that every time I think I know heartache my whirlwind of a life throws something even bigger at me. To be fair and to give it all the props, this is definitely the biggest curve it has ever thrown me.

I watched as his lifeless body hit the ground, anything that was happening to my body at the moment I was no longer in control of. Not the screaming or the tears or the sudden shift back into my wolf form.

I had no control anymore as my wolf took over, throwing my useless emotion ridden human side to the back as she ran towards him even though she knew as well as I did that we had just lost a connection.

A piercing howl shook the floor as she charged towards Madeline. She had seen my wolf coming though and changed into her own wolf before taking off. Realising that he was still breathing I had to switch back, I had to take control again.

My shift back into myself wasn't graceful at all, due to the speed she was going I tumbled before landing on my back. I had no time to moan and groan, I crawled over to his quivering body.

Tears were still streaming down my cheeks, "Don't leave, please, you can't. You can't leave. Help is on its way."

He shook his head as he tried to give me a final smile but blood just leaked out his mouth. He choked on it and I immediately raised his head so he could spit it out.

"Come, please you have to hang on."

Having two mates was never ideal and it was never going to work out. However, losing one was far worse.

He stopped coughing out the blood and tried the smile again, this time it worked. I returned it, it had never been more genuine even though tears were falling on his cheeks.

"Stop crying, I don't want the last time I see you to be like this." I wish the sentence came out as clear as you read it.

My lip quivered, "I'm sorry." I said knowing I wouldn't be able to stop them.

"No, I'm sorry... for everyth —"

I could hear the sirens but they were too late, he was gone. I let out a scream before I left his body behind, his mother only reaching him now. Her scream was the worst one I had ever heard in my life but it didn't stop me as I raced after Madeline.

She was standing at the edge of a cliff, "What the fuck did you kill him for!?" I yell as my fists ball.

"I... I didn't mean to, my anger overtook me." She yelled as she cried, dropping to her knees, "I was yelling at him and hitting him but he wouldn't fight back. I just wanted to go away, start a new life with him but... I wasn't what he wanted anymore. He said he didn't love me, said he didn't want to go away with me. He... I..."

She cried into her hands and I couldn't find a drop of remorse for her, "So killing him was your way out? Madeline, is someone's death truly all you ever want from someone who crosses you?"

She had wanted Raheem dead but instead got his mate, now she wanted Motheo dead and got what she wanted.

"I didn't mean to kill him! He moved, I wanted to stab his stomach but he moved and I got his heart! I'd never intentionally kill him, I only wanted to harm him, leave a mark that belonged to me." My face contorted.

This poor girl, maybe I did feel something for her but it was only pity.

"I could have helped you before but I sure can't help you now. The Mbatha's will want your head, you've killed the King."

She stands to her feet, "I know. That's why I have to go." Before I can even open my mouth she turns towards the cliff and runs towards it at full speed, I pitifully try to reach her but I was way too far from her to ever reach her in time.

She jumps off the cliff and into her death. I drop to my knees and the intense feeling of losing a mate connection finally kicks in.

super somber. with the atmosphere right now i didn't really want to write about this. but, this is what i had planned for this chapter. sorry. ❤️

sorry also if the chapter isn't perfect it wasn't pre-written so i've been typing away before upload time. 😬

everyone who hated motheo... well, he's super out of the picture now.

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