《Her Calling》F O R T Y - N I N E


harry styles, watermelon sugar.

The community has been far more peaceful than I had expected, the Alpha's haven't come back to me or the palace with any negative news. No riots, no fear, nothing. Life is moving on as usual and I couldn't be happier about it.

It's been four days so my heart is incredibly content with the way things are going. As it stands decisions are made by everyone and approved by me seeing as my coronation hasn't happened yet.

Although, there isn't much that needs to be done as of right now. My biggest worry currently is what will happen to the Royal City? Will I continue on the trend of being hidden? I haven't found any answers to either and I need them fast.

However, today wasn't the day for it today I was a full day set out for Raheem and I. Goodness knows we really need it, in full honesty I'm ready to burst at the seams. My excitement completely out of control.

I hadn't the slightest clue what he had planned but I couldn't give a damn, I'm spending the day with him and that's all that matters.

I curled the wig a little more as I sat in front of the mirror, I had finished my make-up a little while ago. I had on jean shorts and a tight white bralette, finishing off I raise from my seat and go start my exit.

I had gone back to my own home seeing as I haven't been appointed yet. So, that wasn't really my home yet and besides that I've got sentimental value with this house.

Walking through the passageway I hear the knock on the door and my face immediately welcomes a smile. My steps are a little more hurried as I move my Jordan covered feet faster. Opening the door without checking the peephole I'm welcomed by Raheem's radiant smile.

"Hey," I speak first and he closely follows with his own greeting. He brings his arms closer to my face and I realise he's carrying a bouquet of pink roses.


"Hey," He rubs the back of his neck, "These are for you," My smile brightens, "Thank you!" I take them from him and walk over to the kitchen, letting him know I'm just going to place them on the counter.

They came in a vase and I'm extremely grateful because I'm just about ready to be out of here. I turn and walk out the door he is now holding open, once the door is locked we walk up to a blue Lamborghini Aventador.

He holds the door open for me and I thank him as I slip in, I know for a fact this isn't his because it was matte blue. Not to mention, this is definitely not his home country so it can't possibly be here. Did he rent one to give me the same effect?

He finally climbs in and I voice my curiosity, "Did you tent this car to make it feel like we're back in Dubai?"

The car roars to life and I love the hum it makes as it awaits the push of the accelerator, "I did, I couldn't find a matte one. That does suck."

I laugh at the last sentence before responding, "Well, I think I like where this is headed."

I couldn't have possibly imagined where this was headed, even with the navigator on speaker. I was focused on the scenery and the music blaring out of the speaker. Thankfully he let me fully control the radio station selection this time, so there wasn't a single Maskhandi song in earshot.

As soon as he took that final turn my eyes widen in realisation, "The Durban Skydiving Centre!" I practically yell.

He just smirks as he pulls into a parking space, my heart is hammering in my chest but I can already feel the adrenaline beginning to pump. I only went skydiving in Dubai to see the Palm Island, there's no reason for me to skydive here in Durban.


Raheem opened the door for me and held my hand as I stepped out, he kept my hand in his. Lacing our fingers, he stood facing me and laced our other hands.

Kissing each hand he moved our laced hands to his chest, "I wanted to take it back to where it started, obviously it isn't the same but it's where it started. For me at least, I knew who you were from that very first day. I wanted to be with you from that very day, I checked on you not because I needed to. I know my centre is full proof, know my men are the best.

"It's simply because I needed to get a glimpse of this face again," His thumb strokes my cheek as the rest of the fingers are tucked under my chin, "And I'm so fucking happy I get to marvel at this wonderful sight for the rest of my existence."

My hands move to his face and pull him closer to me, he brings his head downwards moving along with my hands as our lips meet. This one is far more fierce and fast paced than the other, my hands move to his hair and that alone pulls a moan out of me.

His tongue slips into my mouth and I could combust from the feeling it brought. We stand there completely consumed in one another for only Goddess knows how long before we finally pull away. Our foreheads touching and eyes sparked with lust, our wolves wanting to jump right into the next step.

I peck him once, twice and move away. Slipping my hand into his and smiling like a school girl who just had her first kiss.

The experience is immensely different this time, obviously the centre is different and the drop isn't the same but it's just as magical.

Somehow Raheem got the team there to let him jump with me off the plane, "I'm trained, so you can trust me. They aren't just trusting me with your life. I showed them and everything." He reassures me as I grill him for the umpteenth time.

He shrugs, "Or... I mean, you can go with the oth —"

"No!" I quickly interject, I wanted to go with Raheem, I'd be far more comfortable and I know for a fact it would be a far better experience with him.

Pretty much a once in a lifetime because there's absolutely no way I was ever doing this again. Walking up to the plane I spot a few other people standing to the side, waiting for us I suppose so that we could all get inside.

As we got closer I realised who the people were, "No freaking way!" I scream as I turn to Raheem and he's just smiling coyly. Something takes over me and one moment I'm on the ground the next I'm jumping into his arms.

I bet he was surprised too but I couldn't even see his face with the speed I jumped. Once in his arms I hug him and pull back to kiss him again, "Thank you." I say between two pecks and he laughs, "Anything for you." He says before pecking me again.

He sets me down and I jog up to my friends, Amanda and Danica are standing there waiting for us, "Finally, someone won't hold it against me that I've gone skydiving and she hasn't." I roll my eyes.

Amanda rolls hers as Danica laughs at her reaction, "She's been chewing my ear for months about that." Dani says with a shake of her head.

I place my right arm around Danica and my left around Amanda, "Well, today's the end of that."

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