《Her Calling》F O R T Y - S E V E N


ella henderson, empire.

I stood in front of the mirror and tightened the band around my hair, poking my hair with my wide tooth comb every so often.

"It's perfect, leave it alone." Asanté spoke, Danica walking in after her.

I turned towards the three of them, Amanda already seated on the bed and smiled meekly, "I know, I know. I'm just fussing." I sat beside Amanda and glanced at each gorgeous face surrounding me, "Thank you for being here. I know it's a bit odd because you won't be in there with me but it makes the worlds difference to me."

Danica places a hand on my shoulder, "We know and that's why we're here. We love you so much, Lerato and we only want the best for you. We only want you to be happy and we know for a fact that whatever you choose will be the right decision." She gives me a reassuring smile before tucking away under Asanté's arm again.

Asanté really just fit right into our group so perfectly, it was hard to remember the time before she joined in.

Amanda nods, "Exactly, you'll be perfectly fine. Think about yourself and think about the community. Nothing else."

She was right if I went too deep into it and thought of Motheo or the people within the City gates I'd stress myself out. Probably even decide upon something I never wanted and I couldn't afford that.

The public had been asked yesterday what it is they wanted, a poll was put up for twenty four hours whereby anyone who opened the link could vote.

a) be lead by a new ruler.

b) no new royal.

The results would be discussed behind closed doors before revealed to the public, as well as the Council's decision. To say I was nervous was an immense understatement.

A knock on the door draws our attention, "Come in," I say to the person behind the wood. Glistening black hair in wavy ringlets pop through the small opening before his chiselled jaw is seen. The slightest indication of dimples dipping in his smiling cheeks.


"Hey, I just wanted to see if you wanted any company but... I guess I should've known you'd be covered." He chuckles nervously.

A small smile appears on my face as I watch his boyish movements, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him extra attractive since his arrival. Adding to it the gentle smile his face holds accompanied by the throaty chuckle.

Amanda nudges me with her shoulder bringing my eyes to hers and they're wide. Obviously insinuating that I had been doing too much staring and too little talking.

My eyes meet his again before I nod slightly, "Yeah, I'm all good in here. Thanks, Raheem." He returns the nod before shutting the door.

All three girls burst into fits of laughter, their hands on their stomachs and tears pooling in their eyes.

"What's so funny?" I mutter even though I have my suspicion.

Danica, who's now sat on the couch, wipes an imaginary tear before saying, "You! Oh my goddess, you want to jump his bones so bad!"

I scoff, "I have absolutely positively no idea what you're on about."

Another knock sounds but this time it ends all the cheerful banter and brings back the somber feeling. I'm told that it is time to gather in with the Alpha's to find out the public's choice and give my decision.

I walk the halls of the palace a few steps behind the guard who had come to fetch me. Did they think I'd run off? I think I know these halls by now.

Arriving at the massive double doors I let out a huge sigh as I lift my shoulders as well as my chin. I push the doors open and walk into the room, all the Alpha's appearing to having just entered.

I walk up to the very spot I was at the previous time, however, this time there's a chair out there for me. Motheo and Raheem seated in their own chairs. I take my seat and Alpha Kade rises to his feet, "Good day, Alpha's, Lerato. As we all know today is the day the decision will be made."


There's slight murmurs, but he continues, "The public have decided that they would like a new ruler." The murmurs are louder and my eyes immediately travel to Motheo.

His head has fallen, his entire face unseen the way he has dropped his head. My stomach churns, I feel unbelievably bad for him. I brought this upon him, goddess he'd never forgive me.

I will my eyes to move away from him and focus back on Alpha Kade who clears his throat, "Now that that has been decided we will hear from Lerato. What have you decided?"

I rise from my seat and clear my throat, preparing myself for the words that are to be said, "I have decided to..." I feel his eyes on me and I hesitate, "To..." My eyes meet his, "I'm sorry," I glance out towards the Alpha's, "I've decided to step up to the position you have appointed. I have decided to rule."

The room is silent but I see a few smirks and impressed faces but there's the one face, the one pair of eyes that gnaw at my side I ignore at all costs. I couldn't dare look at him, I couldn't even imagine what emotions, what unspoken words his face would hold. The pain and undeniable hurt that would be swimming in those chocolate orbs, I couldn't do it.

"And have you chosen either of the Alpha's to lead with you?" Alpha Exodus questions, his voice holding out a glimmer of something.

Maybe excitement in having to teach two Royals and another Alpha the ways of his pack. His pack wouldn't be so looked down upon if I were to choose to ignore my bonds. If a Royal and former Royal could do it, the community would no longer see it as something that is despicable.

So, I suppose this is exactly what he would want.

"I have," I speak up.

I spent the vast majority of my day thinking about it yesterday. By the time Raheem had come over I had already made up my mind. I could never be sure if I was making the right decision until I made it and let it play out.

Being fearful and indecisive aren't traits I would assume a Queen should have.

Good goddess, a Queen.

This was her will, this is what I was called to do, to be and I'd be the greatest Queen the wolves have ever seen. The first appointed and certainly not the last Alpha Queen.

"And what is your decision, Alpha Queen?" My eyes immediately snap to Alpha Exodus, a small smirk playing at my lips at his address.

Motheo has been through quite a lot these last few weeks and although I am remorseful for having to keep him close just to get here. It had to be done, maybe the least I could do is somewhat give him his title back.

However, Raheem has been through much worse throughout the last couple of years. He didn't deserve anything he was dished out, he built an empire that he didn't completely get to enjoy. Maybe, I should bring him along so that he could enjoy an even greater empire that we could build together.

Or rule alone, waiting for someone to catch my eye down the line. Someone who would assist me in birthing a new line of Royals, the next generation of Zamo's. Best believe my pups will take my name, double barrel or not will be decided when I get to that bridge.

Three options, one decision, "I believe the Moon Goddess orchestrated this triangle on purpose. I believe she gave me Motheo so that I could meet and truly appreciate Raheem. I think she brought their paths together so that I could fit in the way I did, as painful as it was for us all. It was her plan and I believe her plan was not to have me rule alone.

"It was to have me rule with my second chance."

Ship names, anyone?

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