《Her Calling》F O R T Y - T H R E E


kehlani ft. musiq soulchild, footsteps.

All eyes settled on Raheem as he made his way to the front, I hadn't expected him to stand up and assume the position. I don't know what I exactly expected to happen once I downright said 'let's overthrow the royals' but this was not it.

"Raheem..." Kenneth looked beyond shocked, the look in his eyes was nothing short of shock and... fear?

For quite some time I had forgotten that not only had they wronged him but he was a family friend for years. Him being my second chance would obviously be the biggest shock, I could see Keitumetse's widened eyes beside her mate.

"Alpha Raheem," Raheem has returned with a new aura, I wouldn't exactly call it cocky but it was quite close. He had a new wave of strength and power surrounding him, even the way he walked and spoke it was like he was in some training camp for the last month and a bit.

Not that he was a pushover before but he certainly did not have this aura surrounding him before he left.

"You always did see me as less than, didn't you Kenneth?" He moved his attention to Motheo, "Are you going to keep the public up in arms or are you going to let Lerato continue addressing them?"

I turned to him too, "Completely shutting them off like that will not help a single thing."

Kenneth cleared his throat but before he could speak the female Alpha who had spoken earlier raised her voice again, "Will you answer my question, King?" The way she had let out his title, you would swear she was spitting out old gum.

His eyes landed on hers before he spoke, "No, that is not the way I treat the Queen. Cutting the feed had to be done," he glances at me his eyes exposing the hurt for that short moment, "I wasn't expecting her to do that —"

"Not to follow your orders like a puppet?" She presses.

His head snaps to her and the hurt is immediately hidden, only showing rage, "You will remember who you're speaking to, Lulama. I did not order Lerato, I was blindsided! We can resume the address," He eyes Raheem, "You can take your seat now."


"What difference does it make? No one will see me anyway."

Kenneth glances my way, "You can't start a riot, Lerato. Say what you want — that is exactly what we told you to do. To say and decide whatever it is you wanted but starting an uprising is the last thing anyone needs. So, defuse the situation."

I take the stand once more and clear my throat once the thumbs up has been given, "Apologies, community. There were some... displeased members and the feed was temporarily stopped. Now that we've returned I would like to continue on what I was saying, it could be time for new leadership. The Royals have one too many secrets and what I've learned in my short time reunited with Motheo, I can't unlearn.

"With that being said, I know the Council will make the best decision possible. However, I think your say is just as important. The Council will make a decision whilst keeping a backup choice, the final say will be yours."

Kenneth raises a brow at me before turning to look at his son just as I had. Motheo was stoic, almost as if he were wishing he were hallucinating. Wishing it wasn't so, I glanced back at Kenneth only to find his eyes back on me. Keitumetse whispered something into her mates ear before he nodded.

I turned away before moving from the podium. Motheo walked up and closed up before the room was emptied, the Alpha's moving away into the next room to deliberate.

Raheem stayed seated as he watched me approach him, "I'm not with him." I completed the sentence that Motheo had interrupted.

He chuckled, "I should've known, I'm sorry for attacking you."

I narrow my eyes playfully, "You should be." He rose to his feet, straightening out his suit jacket, "You aren't joining us?"

I shook my head, "I think I've done enough." I laughed.

He tilts his head, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've got a couple fans. Maybe everything won't be in vain."

I knew what he was saying but his departure will always be in vain, all he did was take more time away from us. It caused an unnecessary rift, one I'd never be thankful for. No matter what's decided in that meeting.


"Nothing will be worth all of that." I voice my thoughts.

His eyes soften, "I guess the answer would've been yes if it hadn't happened, huh."

I can feel the tears well and I know my eyes have glossed over at his words — of course my answer to Lindokuhle would've been yes without this all.

"Alpha Raheem, your presence please." A young messenger says from the doorway, "What about the Queen's?" He responds.

The messenger stutters, unable to construct a sentence.

"He'll be right there, he knows I'm not the Queen." I smile at the man, he nods before scurrying off, "Don't embarrass the poor boy!" I lightly shove him as he laughs.

I don't attend the meeting, instead I take a walk through the City, stopping at my favourite bakery. I step inside and the bell jingles, the very same lady from those months ago smiles broadly at me even though I can see the slight worry in her eyes.

Dammit, I hadn't thought about the City dwellers, only thinking of the general public never once of the City public.

"You were listening to the address?" I ask, "My goddess, where are my manners. I'm sorry, hi how are you?" I offer her a small smile.

She nods her head, "Hi dear, yes I was. I don't know what Motheo is going to do, I thought his mate was on his side." She says a little too harshly.

"He left her, without even giving her a chance." I state.

She waves her hand dismissively, "Yes, yes but she said they'd reunited! She shouldn't want to see her mate suffer —"

"She has another, a better one."

Her eyes widen in shock, "Motheo is the King! There's no better than the King! Are you her friend? The mate, I haven't seen you here before."

I wanted to scream that I was her, 'the mate' the she-wolf who should roll over and play fetch with Motheo because he's the King.

"Doesn't matter who I am," I went ahead and ordered the pastries I wanted. I almost snatched the box but controlled my irritation.

Just as I turned to the door Amanda came barrelling in, "I knew I'd find you here," she says catching her breath, "Hi, Annie." She smiles at the lady.

"Amanda, hi, would you like your usual?" She asks but Amanda shakes her head, "No, that's alright I was just here to find —"

"Me," I interject before she says my name and Annie adds one plus one, "Thank you." I smile as I head out of the store, pastry already in hand.

Amanda dips her hand into my box before pulling out a pineapple tart, "Hey!" I hiss, "You said you didn't want any!"

"I said I didn't want my usual, a pineapple tart is not my usual." She shoved it into her mouth.

I roll my eyes, "How do you even have a 'usual,' you've hardly been here that long."

She scoffs, "Kuhle and I basically live in that shop." I just threw my head back and laughed. That was something so typical of Amanda.

"What do you think is going to happen?" I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, I couldn't take Kuhle's pacing anymore. You really pulled the towel from under them." She chuckles.

"You're not upset? I could've jeopardised everything for you."

She shakes her head, "I never would've ever imagined being mates with a Royal so this isn't even what I had imagined in the first place. So losing it all means nothing to me besides, Kuhle doesn't care for this either. He's Kenneth's double in that regard."

I let out an audible sigh at hearing that she wasn't upset with me, I'd hate to have drawn a wedge between us because it's the last thing I'd ever want.

"I doubt any of the City dwellers will share that sentiment." I mumble.

She throws a hand dismissively, "Ugh, whatever there aren't even that many. They'll honestly be okay." I couldn't help but laugh at how disinterested she sounded.

As soon as we step into the palace Kuhle's eyes are on me, "They're waiting for you."

"They?" Amanda and I say in unison.

He nods his head in the direction of the room, "The Council."




Also, this way, i can have a good estimate for the time to upload bc rn i just assume i should make it afternoon-ish in the US but if there's more people who aren't from there i can try make it afternoon-ish for the correct majority. 😊

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