《Her Calling》F O R T Y - T W O


hozier, arsonist's lullabye.

His eyes were still trained on me, I could feel them boring into the side of my face as I looked at Kuhle, "I'm actually not so sure anymore," I sigh before my eyes meet his again, "But I thought he was."

"Let's take these stairs," I say as I gently pull Kuhle towards the other staircase seeing as Raheem has decided to become a statue right at the top of the other.

There's quite a lot that would need to be smoothed out between the two of us, we need an honest conversation. We both could have handled the situation far better than we did.

"So does my brother still have a chance?" He asks as we're halfway down and I chuckle, "Sheesh, you really decided on the hard questions today, huh?"

He lets out a chuckle this time, "I'm sorry —"

"There you are," Motheo approaches the both of us as soon as we make it to the bottom of the staircase, "We're about to start."

We were going to speak in front of all the Alpha's whilst the rest of the community would only hear us. Walking toward the large hall we'd be gathered in I couldn't help but feel my heart begin to pound in my chest, was I ready to do this?

For crying out loud I wasn't even sure if it was the smart move, why did the Goddess give me two mates? Now whatever I do, one will be permanently hurt and I'd have no way around it.

We all entered the hall and the Alpha's took their seats, there were so many of them. I have no idea how many Alpha's I thought there were but this is much more than I could've ever imagined.

I saw a few she-wolves and it made me smile a little, maybe my decision wouldn't be bad at all.

The entire Royal family was sat right in front with Motheo and I closest to the stairs. Kenneth took the stand, clearing his throat he looked off to the side where someone nodded and held up their thumb to signal that the microphone was indeed on and the public would be able to hear.


"Good Afternoon to you all, first I would like to thank all the Alpha's for coming down in such short notice and I would like to thank all of you for listening. As you know, Alpha King Motheo Micah Mbatha has committed a shameful act. One that no one here within the City condones.

"As hard as it is to believe, none of us knew, he had convinced us too that he hadn't met his mate and was ready to move forth with Madeline. He is the King, no one questioned him and our deep love for Madeline overshadowed any rational thought.

"Motheo and his rightful, true mate are here to address you all. We hope you can find it in your hearts — just as she has — to forgive him."

I nearly rolled my eyes, 'just as she had,' I'm moving on with my life. That doesn't mean my forgiveness means anything but then again, it's not like the Royals care. As long as they have an agenda and a web to spin, they'll spin it.

I can't believe I wanted to know more about them my whole life and now here I am, right in the middle of their lives and deeply entangled with them.

After his fathers final words, Motheo stood to his feet and held out a hand for me, I took it as I held up my floor length dress with the other. We walked up the little steps and towards the podium.

"I'll go first," he whispered in my ear before he stepped up and began to address the Alpha's and the public.

The Alpha's would get to speak and deliberate if they see Motheo fit enough to continue on as King. They would decide the next moves and by the looks on their faces they looked a little bored. I wouldn't know what to think if I were the Royals, their titles could be slipping away from them.

"Good Afternoon, I am the Alpha King Motheo Mbatha. I come before you all to humbly apologise for misleading you all, for giving you a Queen that wasn't true. Whilst I deeply care for Madeline, I have seen that choosing her whilst leaving my mate on the sidelines," his eyes meet mine briefly, "Wasn't the right thing to do."


"Madeline and I debound two days ago, I have come to my senses and I have asked my mate for her forgiveness. I ask that you too, please find it in you to forgive me. Many wolves do indeed write off their mates but as your King it was wrong to not speak up and announce that I had indeed met her, the Ball had served it's purpose but I will not be Bounding her.

"It was my duty to be open and honest and I failed you. I failed each and every Alpha in this room too and for that, I apologise. This is not the way a leader should be, although, this untruth aside I have done my hardest to work besides you all and to be your mediator, your ally, your friend. Please, I ask that you do not give up on me. My mate and your rightful Queen will address you now."

He stepped off and moved a little to the side, "Good Afternoon, Alpha's and you the entire werewolf community. My —" I turned to look to Motheo, not sure if I should give them my entire government name.

Meeting my eyes he whispers, "You can give your first name." I nod before looking out to the Alpha's again, my heart racing. I could've sworn they could hear it beating into the microphone.

"I apologise," I clear my throat, "My name is Lerato, I met Motheo the night of the Ball and since then my life has been quite the movie. I rejected Motheo the day before his Bounding to Madeline, it was the hardest thing I had ever had to do at the time but it was what was best for me. Now, I have to do what is best for you.

"Your King deceived me, tricked me and ridiculed me." I glance at him, "However, I will vouch and say for the most part he's not a bad wolf. I will go to point out though, that I don't plan on continuing my mateship with him."

He tried to block the mic so he could speak to me without anyone else speaking, "Lera —"

I shove his arm away, "I have been given a second chance, the Moon gave me another chance. Whilst I suppose I was destined to be your Queen, I still have the choice to not be. I do not know what your decision will be, I do not know what the Council's choice will be. I do hope that our Kingdom and you as its people will decide it's high time we had different leaders."

"And —" I glance down at the mic that isn't projecting my voice anymore. I tap it twice and rest assured it has been turned off.

"What have you done?" Motheo mutters as he glances at the Alpha's before us who are staring wide eyed at me. Some looking incredibly shocked whilst others looking somewhat impressed, no bored face in sight anymore.

Chatter begins and I can tell that I have swayed them, when Motheo had finished speaking they looked moved by his words. Ally, friend? Oh, whatever anyone could forge those relationships with them.

They had a spark in their eyes now, as if they had been turned on to the prospect of new leadership. As if they had been rejuvenated.

One Alpha raises her voice, "So this is how you treat the Queen? Shut her up and block out the public?"

Another Alpha speaks right after her too, "The public deserve to know and the Queen is right to speak up — did you expect to force her into Bounding?"

Kenneth sits quietly in his chair as he watches me, I don't know if he's furious or if he's impressed.

"Who's your second chance?" He asks and before I can answer him Raheem rises from his chair.

"I am."

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